Two with one shot?

Your 'right' decision is the one a responsible hunter will take every time. Kudo's to you.

In Ohio, intentionally shooting two with one shot is illegal. Don't care how many tags you possess.

Alas...Accidents happen.

Over 40+ yrs of hunting, I've been guilty of doing this twice.:o Both many years ago when most of my hunting was done by still hunting.
Once early m/l season shooting a doe that was on a hillside nibbling some honey-suckle. Her late season fawn was standing directly behind about feeling bad.

The second time was turkey hunting. Second bird directly behind first coming over a little knoll. I posted of this on a thread here on TFL(names changed to protect the innocent:D) not to long ago.

After that thread, I called ODNR and was talking to them about what to do if this happens as I just wouldn't (and didn't) feel comfortable leaving a game animal I shot in the field to rot.
Surprisingly this happens more than we think. DNR handles this on a case-by-case basis and if called when it happens, will usually write the shooter a permit to keep the second animal. Our county officer understands the 'ill-feeling' a hunter would have when forced to leavea game animal in the field to rot.
But, if you get caught dragging two animals out without both being tagged, good luck on getting the DNR to believe your 'accident' story.;)

Bottom-line, from the horses mouth, here in this county, ...if the accident happens, call ODNR prior to animal removal and more than likely, you'll get both animals.
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I've seen two instances with 12ga slugs, both accidental, one resulting in an instant kill, the other in a wounded animal.

My father, in his younger years, was the best natural shooter I have ever seen. We were walking up a trail near deer camp when a large doe broke out of the edge of the woods on a dead run. My dad unshouldered his gun and shot before I even reacted. Two deer went head over heals. He shot the doe through the shoulder and her doe fawn on the other side through the head. We never saw the fawn until it was dead.

The other time, I had a small heard of doe and fawns in front of me. I thought I was being careful to not take a shot that might hit two deer. The intended target dropped where she stood and the rest ran away. When I went over I could immediately see a blood trail leading away (being snow on the ground). When followed it an jumped the deer about 100 yards away but she promptly went to posted land we can not enter. Obviously, we never found her. I still can not fathom how I could have hit that second deer.

I've seen videos of 2-1 shots with compounds bows, crossbows and rifles. I can foresee certain situations where I might be confident of a "2-fer" but I'd say the odds of that shot materializing that I would be comfortable taking are about like the Powerball Lottery odds.
I have done this before on hogs...308..150 grain accident.....These were smaller pigs tho....
Got 3 quail one shot in flight once. Got 2 pheasants in flight once one shot. Cant duplicate them but they did happen and folks were with me :)

Got a limit on pheas one day without shooting one shot. :)
FrankenMauser, Illegal or not, that wasn't the point of me posting the vid. The point was to show its very possible. Im not sure I would try it with anything smaller than a good 30 cal rifle
Some years ago while living in So. Dak. my wife and I were hunting the Missouri river breaks. We had sat for a while over looking some draws with no success. There was about a foot and a half of snow on the ground but we had to cross a picked corn field which had knee high snow. As were walking a 3X3 buck stands up about 150 yards from us so I told her to take him. When she shot the buck went straight down next thing we see is the buck back on its feet. I told her to to pop him again which she did, and down he went. When we got over to her buck there were two laying there, side by side they must have been brothers as they were idenitical. It wasn't a bad day as I had shot a nice muley on the Indian res. in the AM.
if you read the comments, you'll note that that was illegal. The shooter took 2 deer with a limit of 1.


First, where in the comments? I went back two years in the comments and didn't see anything regarding its legality, or that he took two deer with a limit of 1?

Why do you think the limit is 1? For all I could tell looking at the video it could be here in Virginia (where we have no daily limit for does). From the sound of it, they were certainly in the Southeastern US.

And I know of no law that says you can't take 2 with 1 shot. I've done it twice with a .280 Remington. Heck, its not deer, but the Ruffed Grouse Society actually has a special pin you can get if you have a witness to your taking two birds with a single shot. How is this any different?
It's definitely not something I would intentionally try to pull off, but I've had hunting partners who've had it happen while shotgun hunting. Generally happens when hunting in thick cover with not much visibility.

I shot a doe at semi-close range with a slug once, didn't see the deer directly behind her until it took off after the shot. The slug exited the first deer and I never could determine if it hit the second one. Never found any blood and the deer wasn't limping or anything when it ran away, still had me worried though.
I think you made the right decision on waiting for an open clean shot on one animal,just too many variables with shot placement,bullet construction,and "hunting ethics" to chance such a unpredictable shot....jmo