Twin Cities a hotbed of full autos?

Well, here's some more info about the fully auto situation in the Twin Cities, Minnesota.

The Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) told the City Council that people have been killed by fully automatic weapons in Minneapolis.

“There have been people that have been shot or even killed with automatic gunfire,” an analyst confirmed to the Minneapolis City Council during a meeting Thursday. “It’s a relatively new phenomenon that we haven’t seen in Minneapolis until the end of August and September,” the analyst added. “This is very, very recent.”

He said that the number of people shot or killed in the city by fully-automatic weapons this year is “10 or less.”

Excluding the recently disclosed killings in Minneapolis, fully automatic weapons have only been used in four documented incidents that resulted in death over the last 86 years.

Reading the article I came away with the idea that they believe it is fully auto fire because the ShotSpotter technology says it is. The article did NOT mention any full auto guns recovered.

Posters on this forum have pointed up problems with ShotSpotter technology but it appears our police department is doubling down on the claim that there are machine guns in the Twin Cities.

The November 2, 2021 article can be found here:
Reading the article I came away with the idea that they believe it is fully auto fire because the ShotSpotter technology says it is. The article did NOT mention any full auto guns recovered.

Even if a gun was not recovered, there should be plenty of brass on the ground
ShotSpotter is ridiculous.
There have been multiple articles about its ineffectiveness over the last few months.
Basically red herring generator and a waste of LE time and resources.

It was also recently featured in another article, where charges filed against a man were based on ShotSpotter data that was wrong. So, the department manipulated the data to more closely align with the location of the suspect (whom was later proven innocent, based on security camera footage).
It is a tool that makes things worse, rather than better, especially when misused.

I wonder if they're smuggled in by the Chinese? Decades ago right after the CA semi-auto ban, SFPD Officer Issac Espinoza was killed by a gangbanger armed with a selective fire, military grade AKM and not some recently banned semi-auto lookalike.

They would love for us to have our own civil war/strife.
While I find the overall tone of the recent articles about this subject to blow things grossly out of proportion and hyper inflate everything...

There are several 3D printed options today, that are exceptionally easy to obtain files for, print, and install - particularly for Glocks and AR-15s.

And while the average forum scroller might believe it to be highly improbable for whatever reasons they choose, the parts have gotten a lot of attention in the illegal gun market. This has been a hot topic in the 3D printing world, as of late, as well as in firearms law circles (both of which, I frequent). So, we have dug up as much data as possible, analyzed it to death, and found that it is actually true -- just not as rampant as the articles portray, unless a whole bunch of cases are buried or hidden.

The motivation is simple:
If you're going to be selling illegal firearms, why not church them up a bit with a $0.23 part that triples the value of the gun?

Many of us view dealers of stolen and illegal firearms to be idiotic, uneducated 'thugs' or 'trailer trash' that couldn't spell "3D printer" let alone use one. But that seems to be far from reality. They know what they're doing, and their customers love the product.

But, of course, China makes it really easy, too.
Like "fuel filter" suppressor kits, 'giggle switches' are now being advertised on major websites and shipped to your door. Absolutely illegal. But it is being done.
For example:

A friend of mine said this same part showed up in the '3rd party' listings with a search. :rolleyes:


  • giggler.png
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, 'giggle switches' are now being advertised on major websites and shipped to your door. Absolutely illegal. But it is being done.

It may not be as illegal as you think. Right now. Obviously installing on on the gun would be manufacturing a full auto firearm. Doing that is not a crime, doing that WITHOUT proper ATF registration and paying the tax, IS A CRIME.

Possessing the switch alone, by itself, not installed on anything might not be a crime, or it might be, depending on circumstances and the interpretation of the applicable laws.

The ATF is very fond of the concepts of constructive possession and intent. There are cases in firearm (and other) laws where simply having all the components physically accessible to you (but NOT assembled into a functional device) is committing a crime. There are cases where an assembled device does NOT WORK but since your intent was to create a working device, you have committed a crime. And there are cases where just having the parts or having the information how to make the device and SOME of the parts is considered a crime.

And then, on top of that there are other nuances of law and the interpretation of law that could be determining factors.

For example, an item can be legal in a foreign country but not in the US (or in a specific part of the US) As a US citizen it may not be illegal for you to buy such an item, from a foreign source. BUT it MAY be illegal for you to take possession of that item within the legal jurisdiction of the United States.

SO, TECHNICALLY, selling them on the internet may not be a crime. Buying one on the internet MAY not be a crime. Having it shipped to your door in the US may not be a crime, but you receiving the item MAY BE a crime. It all depends on specific details.

here's an example of what principles might apply. Child pornography is not illegal in some countries. Downloading a file from there with child porn to your computer in the US, MIGHT be a crime (depending on specific circumstances). KEEPING that file once you know it has child porn in it, IS A CRIME in the US. The details matter to the law, and often it requires a court case to establish what is and isn't a "correct" interpretation of the law.

What irritates me most about this kind of thing, isn't the problem itself, or even the crime being committed, its the way the press, and certain public officials act about it. As the hue and cry goes up to do something about the problem, whether its giggle switches, ghost guns, 3d printers, or the world trade center terrorist attacks, the pattern is consistent.

First they have to tell us the problem exists. Essentially I'm fine with that.
Then, they explain WHAT the problem is. I understand that,
But then, without fail, they go on and tell the entire world HOW TO DO IT!!!
And that is, to me not just wrong, but barking stupid. One could make the argument that they are encouraging the problem by doing that.

Even though they claim its not their intent, it is often the result. One example that really irked me, and likely some others as well because it got pulled after only a few days, was the week after the 9/11 attacks, a major network news was showing people where to put explosives on a bridge to destroy it. And I mean with PICTUREs of the bridge, boxes for the bombs and arrows pointing to them.
Now, their claim was they were showing people where to look for suspicious objects that might be bombs, so they could report them and make us all safer...HOWEVER no matter what their intentions what they also did was TEACH thousands, possibly tens of thousands if not more, people who never before knew, where to plant demo charges on a bridge.

Same applies to full auto weapons conversions, and other things that are already crimes and have been crimes since 1934, by pointing out (repeatedly in national media) specifically HOW TO DO IT, I don't think they are helping the situation. I just can't get past the mental image of some unstable individual who MSN/NBC/ABC/CBS or whomever has just taught them that all they need to do is go to a certain website and order it, or download a program for their 3d printer or where to find instructions on how to make a bomb AND where to put it for maximum effect, now realizing how easy it could be, and deciding to actually do it, because the news told him how.

Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely against restricting the public's access to information. ANY and ALL information. I'm just not in favor of them freely giving out information that can be easily used to cause harm, unasked for, ON THE NEWS!

I know a bit about full auto weapons, and I know some about demolitions, but it is information I had to do research to find, and that I got official, legal training to use. I think some anarchist should have to work at least as hard as I did to learn these things, and not have it given to them by the news media.
of course, that's just my opinion....:rolleyes:
FYI Minneapolis REJECTED the proposal to 'remove the Police Department and replace it with a Department of Public Safety ' by about a 56% to 44% margin so we will keep the existing police department.

The 'strong mayor' bill passed taking some power away from the city council and giving it to the mayor. Because of rank-choice-voting and the fact that the existing mayor did not receive over 50% of the vote we do not know who the mayor is right now but the results may be determined later today. I leave the rank-choice-voting debate to some other web site.

Meanwhile there are a LOT of shootings going on in the Twin Cities and a LOT of carjackings involving guns too.

Just doing a Google search I ran across the Violence Prevention Center's list of 'Concealed Carry Killers' (nothing biased about that title) in Minnesota. There was an article, and unfortunately I don't have a link to it, that opined concealed carry holders are getting tougher sentences for an unjustified shooting than regular criminals because the courts think the concealed carry folk should know better. Left as a discussion for the class.
Not anymore

I have worked in and around the Twin Cities for over 20 years. It’s truly sad to see what has become of it. Heartbreaking is the term that comes to mind.

I had a layover after a business trip in the early 2000s. I explored the skyways and tunnels between buildings downtown. I could tell I wasn’t getting the full effect because a lot of things were closed. It was still amazing! Some of those skyscraper lobbies were Gothamesque! And what a Godsend the whole system was in the winter I imagined. I often thought about doing it right on vacation some day.

Not anymore.

I can sympathize brother. I’m from Detroit.
I used to work security at night and I checked a building every night that bordered on the worst part of town and I used to hear full auto gunfire a lot. From what the local PD told me back then, in the late '90's, Mac 10's were common to find, and the dinged up cases they spit out were all over the place.