TV show rant....because I'm sick!!

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I think canned hunts should be outlawed. I believe they are unethical and send a bad image of hunting. Anyone that hunts fenced in animals should not call him/herself a hunter. But thats just my own opinion.
There seems to be an overlooking of reality here. Canned hunts are "unethical"? If so, do you think slaughter houses are unethical as well? After all, they do not turn the steers, pigs and chickens loose in unfenced areas and then go find them and shoot them do they? They just use the "brain poker" on the confined steer and stick the knife in the pig's throat and cut his aorta, with zero percent escaping their is that not "unethical". Whereas, in a canned hunt (fenced in), the animal is "semi" wild. It seems to be all a matter of perception, not necessarily reality. Unless somehow only non-domestic animals deserve fair chase.
Let's stay off the "canned hunt" thing. Too many different definitions, which causes a bunch more squabble than we need.

As far as the TV shows, my guess is that the hunts happen where there is a fairly large population of deer, and a good percentage of decent bucks. No need for "canning". And, in many areas, no need for high fences, either.

I guess my gripe is with all the whispering, as though they're actually doing that in the box blind. I'm not sure I believe that; I may be wrong, but I think it's phony voice-over in the studio during editing.
shortwave said:
You been filming me Brian???

Nope, just figured I couldn't be the only one.:D

Art said:
I guess my gripe is with all the whispering, as though they're actually doing that in the box blind. I'm not sure I believe that; I may be wrong, but I think it's phony voice-over in the studio during editing.

I'm trying to recall the show but I don't remember at the moment... in any case, they actually did a "making of..." type episode. They showed how the cut scenes and talking were all done after the hunt or sometimes not even the same day. For instance, they'd do a morning hunt and then do some talking before they got down for the day then in the actual show they'd insert that talking before their EVENING hunt so it looked like they climbed the tree and were talking but it had been filmed hours before.

Same thing with showing them point at an incoming buck or reach for their bow. All for show. They'd film it all after the shot.
I've gotten away from watching the Outdoor Channel hunting shows. I does seem like there are too many gadgets that satisfy the sponsor's advertising. I was watching some time back when a guy was trying to sell a $19.95 deluxe "stick" to hold up your game camera! LOL

BUT my favorite hunting show was the old "American Sportsman" with host Kurt Gowdy. I've tried to find them on DVD but they are unavailable for some reason. IIRC, the show was taken off the air because some viewers complained that it was too "graphic". Compared to today's shows it was extremely tame!

Meh, I'm that ******* that watches the majority of hunting shows for my own reasons and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. I also get uber stoked over any game I take as I do hunt public and private land and it's not a "gimmie". I've hunted "fenced areas" out of state, had fun, and will go back. I'm sorry that doesn't tickle some of your fancies but then again I don't care either.
I will continue watching my shows and doing my hunts as I see fit and getting excited when I take the game that I'm after. Btw, my Facebook page is filled with animals taken by me as well as motorcycles and boats I've built/raced. FOR SHAME!!!! *Rolls eyes*
Some of you guys really need to get over yourself.
I suppose the guy who doesn't judge where or what you hunt or choose to watch on tv does need to do so. My bad.
The internet is full of people way better than the next guy. Sometimes I forget that as I'm celebrating too hard over the deer I kill every season. Maybe the correct term is harvest? Can you tell me the correct term so I don't make another mistake? Tell me, because I bow hunt as well am I in the wrong, or what method of hunting is best since you seem to have the answers. can lighten up on what others do as long as it falls into eithical hunting and follows dnr guidelines.
alright I am incredibly confused so far I've only seen a single person actually call a certain practice unethical and it has nothing to do with bowhunting or anything you're talking about so you should seriously take a step back and a deep breath before getting all defensive and picking fights with other members.

this thread started with a bit of a rant, normally rants invite other rants. if you can't handle someone else' rant then perhaps you should avoid clicking on them in the first place.
Not at all, my point being just because it isn't your cup of tea doesn't mean it's wrong. Perhaps you could produce a show with some other board members on how these shows should go? You did have quite a few things that were wrong with most of them.
It sounds like you have great opportunity out there to make a great product, I know I would watch. :)
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