TV show rant....because I'm sick!!

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So, I'm down with Strep Throat and have been on the couch for three days. Normally because I work, have honey do's, kids, and enjoy the outdoors, I can occasionally catch a hunting show or two. I have viewed many in the last few days and I'm not impressed. Maybe it's cabin fever......maybe it's the real fever but my gosh do these guys make hunters look like blood thirsty killers that only care about getting the "trophy". I mean the anti's can just take snipits of some of these shows with the first pumping after shots and some of the verbage and use the crap out of it.

I'm 46 years old and can remember when the only way to watching hunting shows was public TV or videos and both were educational. Now, it's entertainment and product pimping. Good lord, how did we ever hunt without Thermacells, Ozonics, and Apple Crush (or whatever they call it)?

Don't get me wrong, I think there are a few that still try to do it right but, does it have to feel so much like a business? As much as Uncle Ted is sort of "out there", I feel he is an ambassador for hunting and the outdoors. Some still promote the family aspect and educating our youth which is a true positive.

I know that I am free to make the choice not to watch and that's true but again, I worry about the anti hunting groups getting ammo from the very people they wish to I just wish it was toned down a bit.

I welcome all opinions but I am not trying to incite a riot here......not my intent!! I am a firm believer when the hunting community fights amongst ourselves....well that's what the anti's want.
I have a different outlook on TV hunting shows. I tend to watch more of them simply because most other TV is just junk and isn't worth watching.

I see that hunting show put a good light on hunters for the most part. They seem to be gearing toward Family and youngsters, and of late there are several honoring our vets, offering them hunting activities they other wise wouldn't get.

They seem to push ethical hunting and fair chase.

They tend to represent middle America's love for God, Country, and Family.

A far cry from the other shows.
Well said Kraig.

First and foremost, I am in total agreement regarding your opinion of most other offerings on the tube..........crap. As I read your response, I decided to watch a few more shows this time a bit more open minded. Also, I did acknowledge that there are some shows with the values you mentioned. I do feel my cabin fever/strep throat did fuel my rant a bit but, I still think the hunters are a bit over the top at times and I wish I had the means to hunt all those ranches. I did see a few shows where the hunters were on public land. I like that.

I would still like to hear from others and by the way, where are they finding all these lady hunters who look like models? What's that all about?
I tend to agree with you 284 most these guys on TV just care about horns. There are two shows however I have my recorder set for so I get them even when im gone.

1) The Meat Eater. First rate TV here with a great message that needs to be sent to people. Plus I just love how hard he hunts.

2) Fresh Tracks with Randy Newberg. I love how he hunts only public land.

I think canned hunts should be outlawed. I believe they are unethical and send a bad image of hunting. Anyone that hunts fenced in animals should not call him/herself a hunter. But thats just my own opinion.

Finally whats wrong with a beautiful woman hunting? I think its awsome. Putting the message out that everyone can hunt not just men is a great thing. And it shows the younger women they can hunt and wear camo and still be beautiful. I dont see how thats a bad thing.
I take the hunting shows with a grain of salt. At times they are interesting but mostly they are infomercials. That being said, some are still well done and worth the time.

I am turned off by the trophy mentality on most every show. Granted everyone would like to have a B&C on the wall but to me, that really isn't what hunting is about.
I personally hate hunting shows and I do so for many reasons.

1. they always end with a kill.

2. they always edit out all the hard miserable parts of hunting like blizzards and steep mountainsides.

3. they always feel the need to whisper a narrative to the camera instead of just adding one later.

4. since it's essentially a long commercial they make it seem like every piece of gear that they take is essential for any hunter that actually wants to get something.

5. they complicate or overexplain even the most basic aspects of hunting and shooting.

6. they are obsessed with the kill, that big one.

7. they always feel the need to have an orgasm on camera right after a kill, I'm sorry but I have never panted, whooped, and shrieked after a kill and nobody I have ever been hunting with has ever felt the need to whisper how beautiful it is after they found it.

I completely agree, hunting shows paint hunters in a very poor light. I would sooner be proud of inspiring jeff foxworthy's latest work than I would of being on a hunting show.
With all due respect, I do not dislike televised videos of trophy hunting free range animals. High fenced shooting is truly disgusting. I am lucky to have access to unfenced private land for whitetail hunting about 40 miles from my home so I "trophy hunt." I do not object to anyone hunting just to get a deer or get the meat. However, I much prefer high quality beef and pork at a dramatically lower cost per pound from a good grocery store a few blocks away.:) I do not like all hunting shows and do not record any of them. I do not object to the use of sponsors' firearms and other gear in hunting shows -they are paying for the programs and the advertising. Such advertising does not dictate my purchasing decisions. Some of the better hunting shows often show the hunter(s) failed to get a shot. Some show rugged weather and tough climbing - weather like I experienced at the Hole in the Wall and climbing like I experienced in the Bob Marshall and Scapegoat.
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the only time ive seen a tv hunting show that wasnt in a game preserve or fenced in game ranch was a show that went to hawaii and new zealand.
I enjoy watching many of them, I guess I simply "discard ", the parts I find boring and focus on the entertainment value. I also tend to not watch thoe who hunt white-tailed deer as I see plenty of them critters myself, but put a moose hunt, or bear hunt or something I don't get to do and I am watching it.
the only time ive seen a tv hunting show that wasnt in a game preserve or fenced in game ranch was a show that went to hawaii and new zealand.

You either don't watch any hunting shows or you make a lot of assumptions. First, what is your definition of "game preserve", second, I'd love to know which hunting shows are in "fenced in game ranches". Some of them are on huge ranches that are carefully managed for ridiculous numbers of deer and I have no interest in watching those shows but I know of NO show that is filmed on high-fence properties with "planted" animals.

I have to say I really don't understand the sentiment from a lot of you guys.

They're hunting for trophy animals. Of course they are. While a great many of us are happy to shoot a fat doe/cow/whatever, do you really want to watch a TV show about it? They do occasionally show it but you can't make TV about it.

They "always" end in a kill. Well, not always as it turns out but usually. Again, it's TV. How long will the show last when it's a bunch of guys wandering around the wilderness?

The celebration? Really, has the thrill of the chase and the excitement of getting a big animal really become so distant that you not only can't celebrate but can't even tolerate it from others? That might be a sign of serious burnout or disinterest. Folks I hunt with are thrilled to get a nice buck. A fist pump wouldn't be unheard of. It's called happiness and excitement. If getting your game doesn't give you either, I don't know what to say.

I also don't know anybody who doesn't closely look over a nice buck, turning it this way and that, saying things like "Wow! What beauty! Isn't that awesome!" Sometimes in hushed tones, sometimes in excitement. Depends on the situation.

Sounds like there's an awful lot of "I don't do it so you're an unethical slob that gives us all a bad name if you do." sort of attitude in this thread.

Ironically, the rejection of any kind of emotional reaction/celebration sounds like the kind of attitude a high-fence, guaranteed result, high-dollar paid trip for the 1000th time hunter would have. No reaction. Walk over, poke the animal, sniff derisively and say "Yes, cheerio, get the trackers to drag that thing out now, will you old boy? I do believe it's time for some tea."
The celebration? Really, has the thrill of the chase and the excitement of getting a big animal really become so distant that you not only can't celebrate but can't even tolerate it from others? That might be a sign of serious burnout or disinterest. Folks I hunt with are thrilled to get a nice buck. A fist pump wouldn't be unheard of. It's called happiness and excitement. If getting your game doesn't give you either, I don't know what to say.
it was never so close to begin with. a simple "good job", "nice shot" or "it's a nice one" will do and as stated I've never seen anyone with the need to look over it for more than a couple seconds no less poke and prodding it. perhaps it's something that I've subconsciously put foremost in my mind because of being given animals which were not field dressed immediately which ended up being horrible eating but within 30 seconds of locating my animals my knife is in my hands and I'm looking for the best way to field dress it and I'm not alone. all my hunting buddies are the same with the exception of a farmer friend who likes to load them up on the 4 wheeler and haul them to a place where the guts can be packaged and hauled far from his fields for disposal.

I don't claim that anything on hunting shows is unethical I just think that most of it is stupid, scripted, and overzealous in the dept of enthusiasm about a kill.
I seldom watch hunting shows. Most are not hunting anyway. Few of the participants know anything about hunting.
it was never so close to begin with. a simple "good job", "nice shot" or "it's a nice one" will do and as stated I've never seen anyone with the need to look over it for more than a couple seconds no less poke and prodding it. perhaps it's something that I've subconsciously put foremost in my mind because of being given animals which were not field dressed immediately which ended up being horrible eating but within 30 seconds of locating my animals my knife is in my hands and I'm looking for the best way to field dress it and I'm not alone. all my hunting buddies are the same with the exception of a farmer friend who likes to load them up on the 4 wheeler and haul them to a place where the guts can be packaged and hauled far from his fields for disposal.

I don't claim that anything on hunting shows is unethical I just think that most of it is stupid, scripted, and overzealous in the dept of enthusiasm about a kill.

I guess we hunt with different attitudes and for different reasons. The guys I hunt with take pictures of big bucks and use them for their Facebook page. They get pictures with them and the deer, sometimes the weapon of choice too. I've never hunted with anyone who wasn't pretty darn excited about shooting a nice buck.

Field dressing the animal in a reasonable time seems completely unrelated to me. I mean, there's several minutes difference in recovery time if the animal went 150 yards and out of sight instead of 50 and in sight. Lots of times, an animal might be shot 30 minutes before dark and we don't even look until dark, we've got more tags to fill. Sometimes we shoot 2 at the same time so the one waits a few minutes before we get to it.

I've never met anyone in such a rush to field dress that they couldn't take a few moments to admire the animal.

As it relates to the hunting shows, I haven't seen many that made me think the celebration was "scripted", certainly not stupid or over-zealous. I'd say I see the opposite more often. Especially shows from those Texas ranches where they sit and watch 75 deer, 50 of them bucks before they decide what to shoot.

Those shows are of no interest to me because there is no challenge and typically NO EXCITEMENT. I always thought "real" hunters (real, as in ordinary people) were excited by getting a big animal. The shows wherein the hunters actually seem to care (excitement, fist pumps, woo hoo) seem genuine to me, not fake.
A solo hunter might not be all noisy when he kills a buck, but I guarantee you that when he gets it to camp, he's grinning like crazy at the other guys. And they, in turn, are congratulatory.

Heck, look at the pictures that folks post right here in this forum and in other hunting forums. Grins, lots of them.
Simmer down guys........

Again, if you read my original post, I was trying to create a discussion not a riot.

I don't want to debate when a deer should be field dressed........really guys?

I guess what was bothering me was if some (I stress SOME) of these shows are putting hunters in a bad light. Many of you made some great points for and against. Kraig, Brian, and Art mentioned enthusiasm and we should all enjoy and celebrate the hunt as well as the kill. Yes the kill, it's part of the deal. Personally, I try to show respect and reverence for the animal that I've just shot and killed. My excitement is derived from relief that I did it as cleanly and quickly as possible. That happens for me only when I put my hands on that deer. Up till then it's all nerves until I know the job is done and I'll bet it's that way for all of you. I don't know a hunter worth his salt that didn't get upset when he screw up and lost an animal.

Tahunua well........see his reason #7! That's what was over cooking my oatmeal in the first place. Also, I think Kimbercommander makes a great point, the horns the horns the horns. But hey, it's like any other TV show where they need to get the ratings.

Oh that (ratings) reminds me Kimber, about the good looking women hunters.....did i say that was a bad thing? ;)

I guess as I have thought more about this it comes down to being reality TV nothing more nothing less.
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Interesting reading, thus far and the level of feelings.

I have only watched one or two hunting shows and did not find them to my liking, and I vote with the remote.

Each person should do what makes them happy and let others do as they wish, seems fair.
with all due respect .284. you can't open a discussion and expect there to be no sub topics or slight branches and detours here and there. as brian pointed out there is quite a bit of difference between times which an animal is field dressed depending on how long you have to look for it but I'm still not going to keep my fresh kill any warmer and full of unnecessary bacteria any longer than possible.

now moving away from that I am not claiming that I have no feelings whatsoever when I kill an animal. of course there is excitement but in my opinion someone is going a little overboard by whooping, cheering, and instantly bragging about it and then taking 5-10 minutes inspecting and reveling over a kill. there is a big difference between that at taking a picture to share with friends.

With all the time and effort I've got invested in bagging the buck I've been hunting for the last couple years, if I get him you'll know. You'll hear me in Idaho. :D
And yes, he has a massive bone collection sitting on top of his head. Along with a massive body with hooves that sink well into the soil that splay well beyond the length of a shotgun shell.

He's massive, I've passed up several bucks for him(Ohio is one buck per year) and I don't apologize one bit for hunting him.

Sooo...if ya hear something that sounds like a bigfoot mating call coming from Ohio way in the morning, don't fret, its just lil ole me turning cartwheels up and down these hills. :o

I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that but I would again say that it's TV. No one wants to watch a show where they walk over to the animal, flip it over and start gutting it. I mean, that's real life most of the time but consider that "reality shows" can't even show reality because no one wants to see "real".

I guess, if you want the most real hunting show, it would be Tred Barta. I like him, he's a tough guy, hunts tough, happy with every animal (which we all should be), celebrates a lot too though, if you don't like that, but he puts a lot of effort into it and is excited when he gets an animal.

His show is still a whole lot of entertainment though, more than hunting. 30 minutes show, 10 minutes of hunting, maybe, where it really took them hours or more likely days to get the animal.

No body wants to watch "real" hunting.

The whole season would be show after show of some guy sleeping in a tree or tromping across the prairie, or however they hunt where they're hunting. :D
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