TV Guide slams Tom Selleck & praises Rosie O'Donnell.

From the outset, I'm not a media kinda guy. But it seems to me pro-2's, miscellaneous conservatives and in short anyone who finds themselves at odds with the media establishment are missing a golden opportunity to make a point and stick a thumb in the eye of the media elites.

It was clear to me Selleck was blindsided. He was told one thing about the nature of the interview and it was actually something different. Would it have been possible for Selleck to simply stop the interview and reherse his understanding of what he was there to do THEN ask why the change. In other words, put the media elite on the defensive. Lapierre did this when he was on Russert's show talking about Clinton accepting a level of killing due to his enforcement policies. The effect was electrifying. For once pro-2's dominated the discussion and the agenda for a good two weeks.

Am I off base?????

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964