TV and Movie Cops and Guns

Most movies are, to me, just entertainment but once in a while, I notice the things that aren't right. Guns, especially. All of the above, of course. One of the worst ones was in a movie where they were shooting a full-auto, large caliber military weapon but NO brass was falling to the ground around their feet.


In another, they showed the brass falling to the ground in slow motion but it was obviously brass blanks that still had the crimps on the mouths of the casings.

Probably one of the worst was recently, I was watching a T.V. show where there were eight or eight hundred bad guys shooting at two cops. The two cops were running down a fairly narrow hallway in order to jump out the window at the other end. The bad guys were laying down a ton of fire and

1. Not shooting each other in the backs of the heads
2. Not hitting the two cops

Made me laugh.

Even the most serious movie will elicit a chuckle when they make these kinds of mistakes. I'm sure I don't even catch all the errors, either.

I cringe when a guy swings open the cylinder on a revolver to check if it is loaded and then quickly flips his hand slamming the cylinder back into place.

Mel Gibson is real bad about it but other actors do it also, they blink every time they pull the trigger.

The bad guy using a full auto submachine gun shoots 10 rounds or more at the good guy missing him but the good guy shoots the bad guy with a pistol at distances way beyond where good marksmen are capable of getting a hit.
I saw a movie scene the other day where a gangsta girl held a pistol to a guy's head, and she had two fingers on the trigger! Index and middle fingers both inside the trigger guard. Yeah, she was skinny.

at distances way beyond where good marksmen are capable of getting a hit.

There is no distance beyond where a GOOD marksman is capable of getting a hit. :D:rolleyes:

if you can see it, you can hit it. If you can't, then you just aren't a good (enough) marksman. ;)

Good guys make impossible shots the same way Superheroes do super things, its in the script!

I liked how officer Riggs made the smiley face with his Beretta.

I liked that, too, until I noticed that the "holes" that make the face don't go through the paper...
I liked how officer Riggs Head Butted some mutt in one of the Police movies. Good snap from the neck. That strike in Liverpool is called a Liverpool kiss! in Glasgow, a Glasgow Handshake. A broken nose is a normal result.

One way to give power to the hit, grab the jacket, by the lapels. Till fish hooks were placed in the lapels! End of that game.

After the second World War, razors were leaving shocking disfiguring facial wounds.

A Judge (I think in Glasgow) said next conviction, he would give Life, with hard labour!
All the hard men laughed! Till he did. Razors were turning up everywhere, dumped.