TV and Handgun advice...

Just my opinion but a .357 should be fine for a black bear

I agree. Black bears are not that big and tough and generally are much quicker to run away than be aggressive. I spend a fair amount of time in a fairly remote part of Colorado that has a lot of problem bears. It is one of the places problem bears are relocated. I have only come close to having to shoot one once. They are generally not that hard to scare off. The ones that were the biggest problems, over the years, were a couple that a local lady felt sorry for and fed. All she really did was sign their death warrant.
It would be interesting to know how many of those responding have 1) even seen a black bear, 2) own and use the kind of gun they recommend and 3) ever shot a bear of any kind with anything.

1. I have seen a black bear.
2. I do own a 375 H&H and a semiautomatic shotgun.
3. Have even said a harsh word to a bear.

I've seen bears at a campground in New Mexico, in Yellowstone, and here and there from a vehicle. I've never shot one.

However, as in the original post, I'd imagine a can of bear spray would be best for a woman who has never fired a pistol before. Pistols are particularly difficult for new shooters. Especially magnum pistols for those of slight build, and especially in an emergency.

No pistol experience whatsoever doesn't bode well for longarm skills either
It would be interesting to know how many of those responding have 1) even seen a black bear, 2) own and use the kind of gun they recommend and 3) ever shot a bear of any kind with anything.
1) I’ve seen plenty of black bears here in Oregon. Been up close and personal with 2 of them. Because if that I went out and got... (see #2)
2) I own and use a 10mm and recommend it.... as a last resort (see #3)
3) I've killed a black bear with a 3030 rifle. My first shot wasn’t so great and wounded it.... I can tell you I no longer recommend any pistol as a first line of bear defense.

bear spray is the best first line of bear defense.
I've seen a black bear.

I own a 357 mag and regularly shoot 158 and 180 hard cast through it accurately.

I've never shot a bear, but I've never had a need. I have shot a lot of deer with the bullets mentioned, and have no doubt of their ability to penetrate and kill.

**** Footnote ******* My post specifically said "I suspect" the round would be adequate for black bear, not "It will".
Buffalo bore 180gr runs an honest 1400fps from a 6" revolver. I have little doubt that I could back a black bear down with this...but I have a LOT of experience shooting my GP-100 under stress. A woman with zero experience...not so much. She should stick to bear spray...but then that doesn't sell air time like an oh-so-controversial handgun does.
It would be interesting to know how many of those responding have 1) even seen a black bear, 2) own and use the kind of gun they recommend and 3) ever shot a bear of any kind with anything.

Mr. K, you just don't understand how the internet works. ;)

I was staying out of it, for lack of first hand experience (1-yes, 2-N/A, and 3-no), and apparently thinking the same things you were. Your post was just too good not to acknowledge.
The woman had never fired a handgun and the guy recommended the .357mag wheel gun with a 4in barrel.

My first thought is how stupid it is to recommend a handgun in this case. It took me a lot of shooting time to become proficient enough to hunt with a handgun, let alone take out a charging bear.
I saw a black bear up in North Jersey a few years ago, it was gallumphing through someone's front yard.
A 357 even in an N-frame is too much for an absolute beginner.
IMHO Ye Olde Aggresive Dog Treatment of ammonia in a squirt gun or spray bottle would be effective. Get that in the eyes and.....
Some sort of heavy spear, perhaps an assegai on 6-7 foot shaft would work nicely. Stab the bear in the when African Pygmies hunted gorillas, they carried spears, when the gorilla attacked they would go down on one knee, let the gorilla impale itself.
Some sort of heavy spear, perhaps an assegai on 6-7 foot shaft would work nicely. Stab the bear in the when African Pygmies hunted gorillas, they carried spears, when the gorilla attacked they would go down on one knee, let the gorilla impale itself.

:) A boar spear would be a much more logical choice, preferably one with the extended lugs or wings to help prevent the animal from running "up" the spear to get to the wielder. ;)

/See we can debate anything here
During the English Civil Wars when the foot soldiers were divided between pikemen and musketeers, it was the duty of the pikemen to repel cavalry. Part of the drill was called "Charge Against Horse". The front rank would go down on their right knees, jam the end of their pike into the ground. Later when the bayonet replaced the pike it was "Defend Against Cavlary!" Cf the British square at Waterloo.
I have seen bears several times outside of a zoo - both black bears and brown bears. Most sightings were on vacations but a few were on hunts, including one when I had a black bear hunting license. That was a guided hunt for elk and black bear in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. I took a 5 X 5 bull elk at about 25 yards and a 130 lb. black bear with a .300 Win Mag at about 400 yards. For self-defense against a black bear I would recommend a shotgun such as a Remington 870 12 ga. Home Defense shotgun or and 870 12 ga. deer hunting shotgun with slugs. If a handgun is the choice I would suggest a double-action .44 mag such as a S&W 629 or Ruger Redhawk, either with at least a 5" barrel (for sighting accuracy - not velocity.) Either handgun would require practice shooting (and not just one trip to the range.) I have a 629 with the 8 3/8ths barrel and a Ruger Original Vaquero. Both are accurate and fun to shoot (except the recoil part.)
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I normally carry a woman but now living with grizzlies, i carry a 12 guage with slugs. Black bears aren't as big, but shooting a charging one with a handgun would definitely get your blood pressure up