Turn in your guns

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JB Books

This is a serious question, I am not trolling.

If a law were passed requiring you to turn in your firearms for a fair market value, and you were allowed to retain hunting rifles, hunting shotguns, target pistols, and a pistol for self defense, would you do so?

Let me qualify this and say, in this scenario, you are allowed to have a carry concealed permit, and have a handgun for self defense and hunting. You would, however, be limited on magazine capacity (to ten rounds).
I realize it's a serious question, but think about it:
If you were planning on not turning in your guns, would *you* proclaim your intention on the internet? :)

Of course I will turn in my guns.
I'd sure love to, but...




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I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, and that I will truly and honestly demean myself in the practice of my profession to the best of my skill and abilities, so help me God.
"you were allowed to retain hunting rifles, hunting shotguns, target pistols, and a pistol for self defense"

There are other kinds of guns?

Not owning any weapons of any kind myself I wouldn't know, but I thought I'd ask.
What's a gun?

I thought we all were here only for the witty repartee and to see what WildAlaska puts in his name at the end of his posts. :confused:
YEAH! That;d be GREAT! I can 't WAIT to surrender my private property! Wweeeeo!

-seriously what kinda answers do you expect?? Like asking gamers if they'd surrender their Xboxes, or fat people their taco bell....

read a little more of the posts, despite being "serious" it is an assinine question on its face.

In other words, I was screwing around.....
If Charlton Heston were here to answer this question (God rest his soul), I believe his answer would be more direct.....

"from my cold dead hands"
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