Tunnel Vision and Tunnel Hearing

In crimes - it's called weapons focus effect. Witnesses or victims focus and remember more details of the weapons than attackers.

Argued is due to the weapon being uniquely focused on or just being something unusual in the scene.
As Glenn said Selective Perceptions. Like one time I had a phenomena where I was just casually walking at night and my visualitory facuialties just narrowed to a say roughly 15% acuity in my front gaze so very selective. Also when my eyes were looking forward they also sorta trance locked forward. I had hardly any control to seem to migrate their solid stare. I don't remember why my senses were so Raw to my psyche but it was definately a Style of Stress I was experiencing it's stress that had to have caused it but yes its hard even though my visual memory is very very good to remember this but. I can remember things when I was 5 mabey I could be unknowlingly fabricating this assumed fact that I remember so well. But it seems very solidly so. Sensory-Overloaded oreinted visual and audio experiences I guess the two are tied in. :cool:
"You can and should train to break tunnel vision, that is partially why you should train for the 360 scan." Quote from Nanuk

This is excellent advice, while tunnel vision can help to eliminate a threat, you should immediately after scan your surroundings for additional threats.
In a shoot fast and slow motion are in play and your hearing shuts down. Adrenaline! IT takes a trained and skilled LEO to keep his/her senses clean and stay aware of tunnel vision to eliminate it. Always stay in high ready and check your back after a shoot! This is how we train on the range and the way you train is the way you react in a real engagement.

ON the range,,,shoot on the move, check over your right and left shoulder, check yoru partners. Never stand in one place and shoot. Do your tactical reloads and keep the pistol or rifle at full capacity. Always reload in the high ready, never down near your mag pouches. Be ready to punch out and fire again!!! Then check your back again. Use cover if available. Always train real life!!!!! Always practice fast draw, dry fire, and mag changes. Tac reloads are important. Muscle memory!!!!
Like one time I had a phenomena where I was just casually walking at night and my visualitory facuialties just narrowed to a say roughly 15% acuity in my front gaze so very selective. Also when my eyes were looking forward they also sorta trance locked forward. I had hardly any control to seem to migrate their solid stare.

This happens to me fairly often. Generally it happens when I'm extremely focused on something, such as working on something small or intricate, driving for long periods, or looking at something intently (trying to determine a buck's antler size, beautiful woman:D, etc.)

I have also experienced it in high stress situations and have experienced auditory suppression as well, though nothing I would describe as "tunnel hearing".

In crimes - it's called weapons focus effect. Witnesses or victims focus and remember more details of the weapons than attackers.

Argued is due to the weapon being uniquely focused on or just being something unusual in the scene.

I have read about this. There are reports of witnesses describing a pistol as huge and when recovered it being a tiny .25 or .22 mouse gun. Apparently there are also a surprising number of hand/weapon hits in gunfights due to the phenomenon.

Excellent thread.