Tumbling soap ?

I have went back to dry tumbling lately with my Frankford rotary. I am using the old standby lizard litter along with about a half teaspoon of Johnson's paste wax ( carnauba + micro crystalline wax + paraffin ) tossed in every few tumblings. I clean primer pockets with a pocket cleaner chucked into a cordless drill. It only took about 5 minutes to clean the pockets on 75 rifle cases. Note- if you decide to try the Johnsons put it in the media without any cases and let it run for 20 minutes or so before adding cases to let it mix in.

The reasons I switched back was #1 it's fast and simple with no rinsing or drying and media is easier to get out of the cases, #2 the wax seems to retard oxidation better, #3 I found a stainless pin in the back of my SUV when cleaning it. There is a chance it it got there from another piece of equipment but I just do not know. I put my fired brass in a small net bag and I am pretty sure it cam from a fired piece of brass. #4 a little carbon stays in the neck, don't know if it helps accuracy but seating seems smoother and no graphite mess on my hands

If I were cleaning pickup range brass I would definitely use the wet method with pins and citric but my rifle brass gets picked up immediately and most lands on my shooting mat anyway. No deep cleaning required. Both methods clean really well and each has it's warts. It's nice to have a choice, I will always use a rotary for that reason. Just my 2 cents worth.