TSA Handgun / Civil Penalty Question

Sounds to me like you better slow down and get your sh*t together. You forgot you had a gun in your backpack when going through airport security, forgot your ID when going through airport security, admit to speeding on a regular basis but it's okay because of your "superior driving ability". You need to grow up and start behaving more responsibly. Your luck isn't going to hold out forever and considering the "mistakes" you're making I'm willing to bet that when it does run out it'll be alot more costly than a Glock and a few grand.
Glad to hear your flying the friendly skies. Best of luck... and check that luggage. ;)

On a serious note: folks DO go to prison when the powers at be deem they where trying to make a run through security, which is as it should be.
jtdominate,I have one last question for you.

Including lost time from work,lawyers fees,gas burned,food bought,firearms permanently confiscated,cost of an airline ticket not used and all the extra expenses you incurred-

starting at the time you were arrested to the time court was closed and you finally paid the fines,court costs and the lawyer.

How much money did this cost you?
Hey, we all make mistakes !!! Most of them are not very interesting to read about. Your's, however, are incredible. I'm glad everything worked out for you. I'm also glad to see that the system is working.......;)