TSA Handgun / Civil Penalty Question


New member
I made the COSTLY mistake of leaving my Glock 30 in my backpack while going through a TSA checkpoint. I wasn't arrested but have to return to TN to book myself and stand trial for the misdemeanor offense. Of course the handgun was confiscated. The magazine was loaded but a round was not chambered.

I spoke with a homeland security officer who informed me that I would be assessed a four figure civil penalty, in addition to the TN fine (Good thing I had a good weekend in Vegas last week). She stated that the fine would more than likely be reduced 50 percent if paid within 30 days.

Still don't believe I did this. Anyone else had a similar experience. The officers were really cool. I knew I was gonna to the clink. The officer said I would have to petition the airport to have the handgun returned.

Officers said it happens a few times a week. I have a FL Concealed Carry License. The officer said the judge would probably suspend my license for at least a year. Anyone know how this might work? Is there a possibility that FL would suspend it or does reciprocity mean that whatever the TN judge rules will apply in FL?

I tried doing a search but didn't find anything relevant. I did a google search but didn't find what I was looking for. ANY help or advice will be appreciated.
Please tell us you are getting a lawyer with experience in this kind of case to represent you.

You cannot afford to go to court without one.

You should immediately write down everything you went through on paper in the exact order that it happened and what the officers at the checkpoint said to you and if possible their names.

And you need to stop talking to them as they are not defending you in court.

They will be defending how they arrested you.

Do not be a smartass if they try to talk to you.

Just tell them,"I am very sorry,my lawyer said I could'nt talk about this anymore."

You need to stop calling everyone and posting on the internet about this and go get a lawyer as soon as possible.

Talk with this only to your lawyer only provide those details,(court date times) that you need too to anyone else.

You may be going back to jail so you might want to get your things in order.

You go to court without a lawyer,your chances of going back to jail go way up.

Don't let this misdemeanor charge fool you.

You need to get legal help on this issue.

Please take the previous posters advise, seek legal counsel tomorrow!!!

Do not listen to the TSA agent, she is just trying to insure her case. LE can use any trick to get you not to prepare for court. Take this VERY seriously, know do not think, close this line of conversation with everyone except your counsel.

Good Luck
The one place gun control makes sense...
Shut up and lawyer up, I wouldn't do any replying to this thread either.

I unfortunately worked for the TSA for a while the screeners at the airport don't know jack and the supervisors and managers know less. If it was a TSA lawyer she should be talking to your lawyer.

I'll refrain from lecturing you, but not only were you legally in the wrong, but that was a serious SA blunder.
Damn, and I thought I was in trouble when they found

a full bottle of Coca Cola (I almost wrote 'Coke') in my back pack in Amsterdam....

I better leave it alone...but I do have to ask.... just can't help it...

How in the world do you forget you have a Glock in your backpack when going to the airport?
Unless you like gambling with days, weeks, months, and possibly years of your life (in jail) better consult with an attorney now.

You have no "friends" in a court of law, unless you bring your own. And due to your unfortunate blunder, a well practiced (which also means: well paid) attorney could be your best friend at your trial.
The same thing happened to this guy:


A former cop, turned actor, also "forgot" about the pistol in his carry on bag. It was a costly mistake for him, as he was arrested.

Don't think for a minute that without a lawyer you are going to get only a slap on the wrist. A court is not going to have sympathy for someone who "forgot" he had a gun. A jury will not likely buy it either (your jury will not have any gun owners).

Be prepared to have to face this event not only now, but also to come back and haunt you later.
Well, since the poster had a good run in Vegas last weekend..

I guess they do like to gamble.

good luck, I hate to say it because I think most of our troubles in the world are the fault of lawyers... but you need one butt quick.

Guess I got lucky....the charge was dismissed and all I had to pay were court costs!!!! I had to surrender the weapon as a condition. My lawyer got her man and was on the J-O-B. It was all negotiated with the D.A. so I never had to appear before the judge. She was telling me that the big issue would have been "intent" had we gone to trial. The mouthpiece definitely helped as I probably would have been looking at a year of probation and a couple of hundred $'s in fines if it weren't for her.

Nevertheless, my CCL is safe and the entire incident is expungable. WHEW!!! Have not received the civil penalty as yet from the Feds but they were telling me to prepare for a four figure sum.

Just wanted to share my experience, no matter how boneheaded it, was with fellow owners and license carriers. I'm far from perfect. I'm still in awe at the lack of information there is out there other than the occasional article on a random celebrity caught going through TSA. (My mom asked me if I thought I was a hollywood actor or something) We are all capable of making a careless mistake. It's not the end of the world.

I'll never catch a "rushed" ride to the airport with my wife again. All I can hear is her yapping at me to "Come on, Come on. I've gotta be to work at 8:15." I even told her to go ahead and she refused since she had started waiting. My new life resolution is to listen to gut from here on out NO MATTER WHAT!!! Still wouldn't trade her for the world. Gonna make her replace my Glock 30 I surrendered with a Sig P250.
Glad things seem to have worked out for you. I recommend inquiring with the TSA about your ability to fly commercially again, certainly before any big plans have been made and importantly, paid for.
Definitely a lesson learned.

Erik, I have flown 6 times since without incident. I was kinda paranoid that I would get pulled from the line and be that guy getting the additional wand down. I was escorting my daughter through over the summer (she was flying as an unaccompanied minor) and left my ID at home. They let me through the checkpoint but put all my personal items through the sniff machine. It was actually more extensive than the firearm incident.
Nice to read it went o.k. :)

Blah-blah-blah-check all your guns locations before you leave the house-blah-blah-blah.;)

Contrary to popular belief, TSA will let you through the checkpoint without an ID. You just have to go through additional screening. Isn't it funny the preconceived notions and fears that the media has instilled in us. I was ready to sh*t a brick when I realized what I had done but started thinking what if I had lost my ID the night before?? That couldn't possibly prevent me from flying for a flight I paid for, unless I was on some suspected terrorist list or something.

I do alot of spur of the moment traveling coupled with a few pretty quick cars and what I feel to be "superior driving ability" that always have me pushing the limit (or clock) shall we say. So although it only happened once it didn't surprise me that I left my ID on that occassion. Funny thing is it was actually one of the few times that I wasn't rushing LOL.