Trying to Warm Up to a Striker for CC

I mostly carry striker guns but they have safeties. To carry a handgun without a safety I'd want a double action first pull to feel safe, whether it's a revolver or semi-auto. As another poster stated, there are plenty of different options available so I say pick something you're comfortable with rather than forcing yourself to get comfortable with something you're not.
It seems that a lot of the trouble with striker fired
pistols is tied to clothing getting in the way of the

It's a great argument in favor of the nudist life
It seems that a lot of the trouble with striker fired
pistols is tied to clothing getting in the way of the

It's a great argument in favor of the nudist life
Agreed, but then, concealment becomes extremely uncomfortable.
Ah the training argument. I spent years and tens of thousands of rounds shooting DA/SA, whether it was a SIG P228/P229 or an HK P2000, including a number of training events at SIG Sauer Academy. I felt very confident with them. But now I use a Glock. Why? Because that first shot accuracy wasn't as consistently good as I wanted for myself. I found I could also maintain proficiency with less shooting time (I still shoot multiple times a month) and that does matter for me. I also found the safety differences to not be what I had assumed originally. Yes there is less required movement of the trigger. If you're going to point to physics, then we can't ignore that less travel and less weight on a trigger leaves less time and less tendency to screw up the sight pixture. If your argument is more training can reduce the effect that has, I agree, but then would also say more training in safe gun handling reduces the negligent behavior as well.

I've also, and I've mentioned this before a number of times on this forum, had a negligent discharge with a S&W 5903. That was a pistol that had a manual safety, a magazine disconnect, and a DA first pull. How then did all these safeties not stop me? Because I had made the decision to press the trigger on what I thought was an empty chamber and that chamber wasn't empty. Many, if not most, of the cases of negligence I read both locally and online when it comes to firearms have more to do with that then people momentarily placing fingers on triggers. And once you've made that decision those safeties or double action pull aren't going to stop you.

As for your friend. You point to physics. I point to mechanics. A Glock pistol not acted on by an external force and in good mechanical working condition (not altered and well maintained) can't magically shoot itself. I'm sorry but you'd have to have a catastrophic failure of multiple internal parts for that to even start to be a possibility. So if we want to go with logic and I'm left with believing your friend's story, or your internet repetition of that story, or what I know mechanically, I'm more inclined to believe the mechanics.

As for my cave dwelling, while I like spelunking I do get out and I have read the cases of negligence. In many of them I'm not convinced another type of pistol would have completely stopped the problem. Striker fired pistols have been sold in the millions and are one of the most, if not the most, popular pistol type today. Even if 0.01% of people that own them are negligent to the point of causing an incident that leaves thousands of potential incidents. My guess is more people end up in car accidents and die in a year than people that die from firearms negligence. Does that mean because of that I shouldn't drive my car?

All risk is relative. If someone says, "I don't care, I don't want to take that risk", fair enough. But if that person then goes around predicting my imminent demise, or in this case of this thread your assertion that we'll all shoot ourselves in the leg, then I take issue.

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Lol, You and I can pick sides on this all day long. But when It comes down to it, you get the light striker fired gun and I will choose the smooth double action. And for me, I do train on a regular basis, and I can shoot a DAO every bit as well or better than a light trigger. In fact, have trained with a DAO for so long, actually do worse shooting a Light Trigger.

You make all kinds of debate that your trigger is as safe as a DAO, sorry not only the Physics but the mechanics say NO it is not.

But the bottom line is this. Better your Leg or Life than mine. Go for it, get the light Striker fired trigger. I will heed the caution. Most especially when to go with the light trigger gives me no benefit at all.
Lol, You and I can pick sides on this all day long. But when It comes down to it, you get the light striker fired gun and I will choose the smooth double action. And for me, I do train on a regular basis, and I can shoot a DAO every bit as well or better than a light trigger. In fact, have trained with a DAO for so long, actually do worse shooting a Light Trigger.

You make all kinds of debate that your trigger is as safe as a DAO, sorry not only the Physics but the mechanics say NO it is not.

But the bottom line is this. Better your Leg or Life than mine. Go for it, get the light Striker fired trigger. I will heed the caution. Most especially when to go with the light trigger gives me no benefit at all.
I apologize if you already stated above, but what model(s) of DAO pistols do you specifically prefer for carry? What small (say, single stack) do you recommend? I haven't shot many DAO triggers really, but those I have shot -- Kahr, Beretta Pico which I own, Sig P250 were actually quite smooth and not nearly as heavy as the first pull on many DA/SA guns.

I feel confident carrying my Walther PPS most of the time, and that exposed striker pin does give some margin (or the illusion of it at least!) of safety when holstering. It's also the only model currently offered with a red dot, and I'm a red dot geek so it all works out.
Lol, You and I can pick sides on this all day long. But when It comes down to it, you get the light striker fired gun and I will choose the smooth double action. And for me, I do train on a regular basis, and I can shoot a DAO every bit as well or better than a light trigger. In fact, have trained with a DAO for so long, actually do worse shooting a Light Trigger.

You make all kinds of debate that your trigger is as safe as a DAO, sorry not only the Physics but the mechanics say NO it is not.

But the bottom line is this. Better your Leg or Life than mine. Go for it, get the light Striker fired trigger. I will heed the caution. Most especially when to go with the light trigger gives me no benefit at all.

Again, I don't care what you choose. I only care about people spreading misinformation. The mechanics I mentioned which you then allude to are those as they relate to a striker fired pistol unmodified and at rest. I'm not sure if you missed that part or chose to conveniently ignore it. If your argument is one trigger requires more force or travel to go off, sure. My point is that alone doesn't guarantee safety. Your constant anticipation of harm for members of this forum is really endearing. I guess you're just the Cassandra of our time.

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TunnelVision I mean TunnelRat (just kidding) I think we just need to agree to disagree and move on. I will be at the range as usual and having a great time, and I wish you the same.
Yeah this discussion really has no impact on my time at the range, and I wouldn't expect different for you. I'll try not to shoot myself in the leg, even if it does get in the way of your prophecy.

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