Trying something new- The .462 Hammer

I'd love to see those put to use as "turtle busters".

No kiddin, talk about some hydrostatic shock !!

Thing is his neighbors who like that soup, ain't gonna like him using them one bit.:eek: Of course if he aims to hit about a foot under them it will blow them out on the bank, and make them easier to retrieve. :D
Very true about ruining the soup, Mike. I bet "overpressurizing the chamber" on a turtle would really lower the soup-meat yield!:eek:
I still get the giggles everytime Beagle talks about hunting Turtles. For some reason I get visions of being charged by a rabid turtle.:p

I know I'm weird.

Nice boolits

You can't take those thing lightly ya know.

If one ever gets hold of ya, it ain't lettin go till it lightnings, :eek: and in some areas right now that might be a while.....Just sayin, be careful out there ya can't underestimate em..:D
They're brutal, when they decide they don't like you.

I had an alligator snapper and, later, a common snapper living in my backyard in Florida.
If you irritated either one, and it decided it didn't like you... it would chase you with its neck fully extended and mouth open. It's quite surprising, how fast turtles can run. And almost more surprising, how fast a grown man will run when a 50 lb alligator snapper is trying to clamp onto his achilles.
My foreman caught a big alligator snapper out on the Trinity river one year while camping. They decided to see how thick a stick it could snap into. When they got up to around an inch and a half, they said he was pretty miffed by it all to say the least, and when it slammed down on that one it hung on. They tied the stick up so that the turtle was just off the ground by an inch or so and went on a beer run. When they came back an hour or so later the thing was still hangin in there. They went on and went fishing and when they got back he had let loose and slithered back in the water.

He said it put a whole new dimension into the respect he had for them.
lol....the cat hair made me laugh, my kitten loves to play with bullets. they all have a piece of hair sticking out of the necks. maybe the lil' @#$%^&* will get lead poisioning......jk, i love my cat......