Trying something new- The .462 Hammer


New member
'Just got this yesterday.... and I think my problems understanding gas checks has been answered by you guys. Thanks a million!

These are dropping at .4625 with 50/50 and 2% tin. I heated it up on my hot plate and started out with the pot at 700 degrees and slowly worked up until I was getting good fill-out and sharp corners, and it wasn't until I hit 805 that it began looking good, and my best ones came somewhere in between 810 and 850. I know that is pretty hot, and I had to keep some wax handy and occasionally stir the tin back down in the mix, but for some reason, I just can't cast at 725 like everybody else. Either that, or my rotometals thermometer is off. I haven't tested it in any way. I am building a PID, but right now it's still just a box of parts from Auberin's, as I still have to collect some stuff from Radio Shack.
Anyway... as I said, they are dropping at .462+, which is great, and the GC shank is at .428 and the Gator check is just making a little snapping noise as it pops perfectly onto the base. So I'm hoping that when I size em, all will be just smooth for my first time using those. I gotta hone my .457 sizer out to .460, so these haven't been through a sizer yet.
I got all of the pins with it, but I just used the deep and shallow HP ones today. I didn't have any problem at any temp with them sticking to either mold or pins. I guess the heavy ones just pull themselves off, even the cold ones at the start.




Closer view.....

Now to dust off the .45-70 and learn to load for rifles. :) So far, I have only cast/loaded for the .357/.38 lineup. I'm hoping the straight wall cases work just about the same way, only bigger.
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AAA HaHaHaHa man oh man are you fixin to have some fun....

Those are sure some purty boolits ya poured up there, what ya gonna lube them up with? Tell me your not going to slather'em down with tumble lube huh?:eek:

Those would look plum sexy dressed up in some Carnube Red or some LBT Blue.:D
Those would look plum sexy dressed up in some Carnube Red or some LBT Blue.
That's very true! But my high speed lube is only the green TAC#1 from RandyRat. It is great lube..... but not as good looking as the bright red or blue. I should perhaps get a little of that stuff, just for the pics, if nothing else. ;) I'm sure this lube is fine for a .45-70, since it is really a high speed rifle lube. That big ol' bullet isn't going to be moving all that fast in the Marlin.

Yep ol Randy has it down pretty good as well. I haven't yet joined in on his line yet, but have plenty of reviews of how well it works. I have half a drawer full of different components I got form him back when i got started like Beeswax, carnuba, such and so forth, and probably enough lanolin to last us a lifetime of chapped hands...
i see some big 45-70 bullets with a huge HP....beagle, youve stolen my idea!

looking very nice though, are those 350grainers?

Cant wait for my 515gr .460 HP mould to get here.
Lubed and ready! :D I dip lubed these, so I used a paper towel to wipe off the gas check after punching them out. (notice the paper towel lint visible.)
I s'pose I coulda used an old T-shirt.
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I wouldn't sweat the fuzz, unless it's carrying a badge....:D

We have three cats, had 4 but my sweet little Baby Girl Abby got smacked by a car a couple weeks back and we had to put her down. Of the other two ones name is Tig, mainly because he reminded us of Winnie tha Poo's bud since he jumped all around and up onto everything. He's about as crazy as well. He likes nothing more than to go across one of my loading tables where I keep freshly lubed bullets sitting in open boxes ready to load. His brother Rascal, is the spittin image of Sylvester from the cartoons, and so much like him now we figure we should have named him that.

Trust me I have plenty of loaded bullets with whiskers on them. Not literal whiskers but there is enough hair around here that few don't have to be plucked as I load them.

Them cats are the wife's littleuns, I don't talk ugly about them, and she don't get ugly about my loading junk. It just works out that way. I do however miss that Baby Girl somethin fierce. She was a mess, and had a thing for being around me for sure. Always had to come get a paw in the middle of me sorting brass, or anything else I was doing. Half the weight of the two grown tom cats, but could get the best of either of them. She kept them on their toes, and I loved to watch them try and get one up on her.
I got two cats, you can see the hair stuck to the boolit in the middle in post #4. Lube is a wonderful magnet to cat hair!!! And with the megapixels in every photo these days.... there's a cat hair in every picture somewhere if you look close enough. :)
I do however miss that Baby Girl somethin fierce. She was a mess, and had a thing for being around me for sure. Always had to come get a paw in the middle of me sorting brass, or anything else I was doing. Half the weight of the two grown tom cats, but could get the best of either of them. She kept them on their toes, and I loved to watch them try and get one up on her.
I have the same problem with cat hair. A little fuzz on some bullets is normal.
And, I have the same problem with "the one that's gone".
My wife had 4 cats. One was put down, just because she was too old and broken (it was her time). Two are worthless lumps that just sleep all day, trip anyone trying to walk anywhere, and just generally annoy the crap out of everyone around. The last was named "Crazy", because she was psychotic, even for a cat.
Crazy was my arch enemy. If there was a way to get me mad, she would find it... and exploit it to the fullest extent. But, I returned the favor. I got her so angry once, that she bit clean through my thumb with her canines. It was a tit-for-tat kind of relationship - we had an understanding.

But when she wasn't being a pain in the butt, and I wasn't tormenting her, she was the sweetest thing around (because she was gathering intel to plot her next attack, of course). She always wanted to be around me, but rarely got in the way. AND, she was the best mouser I've ever seen.

She had to be put down, but I'd trade the two that are left to get her back an instant. I'd even consider giving up my dog for that cat. That dog gave me up to live with my brother's kids, anyway. :rolleyes: The traitor....
Liquid allox, and cat hair make a great combonation. We have 4 cats here. Two have a place they like to snooze on my loading bench when I am not loading.
I hear ya on the hair. There has always been a cat around even when I was a kid I had a couple that were somethin else. One I had I swear had a black lab as a pop. He loved everything about water would swim in the lake or pond every chance he got. He would also retrieve doves with me while I was hunting.

The ones we have left now, one is pushing 17 hard. We thought several times this year and last she was about gone, and back to health she would come. She don't get around quite as good as she once did but still makes it to the food bowl on time.

The other two toms, one is knocking on 13# and the other right at 15 and both are solid as a rock. It was SO funny to watch that little one, bout 7 or 8# maybe, jump on them and then haul it somewhere to hide and wait for them to try and find her. She was fast as fast can be, and those toms couldn't hold a candle to her.

Trust me when I say, we all are missin her pretty bad, even the dog.
We have 4 cats here. Two have a place they like to snooze on my loading bench when I am not loading.
I had a very strict "no pets" rule in my reloading room(s), to keep the hair somewhat under control. And women and children were allowed by invitation only.;)

I hear ya on the hair. There has always been a cat around even when I was a kid I had a couple that were somethin else. One I had I swear had a black lab as a pop. He loved everything about water would swim in the lake or pond every chance he got. He would also retrieve doves with me while I was hunting.

Yea. I've had a few that were freaks (as a kid, and recently).
The one currently trying to steal my wife's pizza thinks it's a dog. He plays fetch, barks, and hates all cats.
Crazy (the one I miss), thought she was a ferret. She was abandoned as a kitten and fostered by a ferret. The ferret mother nursed her and brought her up in the litter of ferrets. A cat that thinks it is a ferret is something else. She threw all 6 lbs of her body weight around like a pro, and would harass the bigger cats (7 lbs, 11 lbs, 18 lbs) to no end - in a very ferret-like fashion.

Sorry Beagle. We're dragging your thread pretty far off topic. :rolleyes:
I don't mind... it had pretty much peaked anyway with the lubed photos.
When I get around to shooting 'em, I'll just start a new one for the target/results thread. :)
Me too. But my brass is backordered from Starline. They say it should ship October 18. :(

.45-70 brass is hard to come by, and the venders want the same as new, for questionable quality brass.

But one of these days..... the big brown Santa truck will run!!!!!!!! :D
I dunno. :confused: It was the first pour for the new mold and I wanted to get to it! So I had the pot still loaded with whatever boolit alloy that came in that old junker 10# pot that I was rebuilding and I tossed some COWW and some pure and a pewter ingot in there with it to make 20#. :rolleyes: It probably won't mushroom well, but I was more interested in what they'd look like. I only made a hundred of em. Next time I'm going pretty soft, since they are checked.
My best guess on these is 50/50 with somewhere around 2% tin.
But it might be 60/40 or the other way around.
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