Trump won - Is there a Gun Glut?

but you can get a S&W mp15 for about $575.

I keep hearing stuff like this, but I never find it that cheap anymore. Now it's closer to the $700 mark. Here's a link that was posted on a different thread back in early October saying that they can be had for $600. Now the same link shows it at nearly $700. I chalk that up to the run-up to the election. Now that the election is over, I'm hoping the price will go into a free-fall. Oh yeah, here's that link:
I know a guy that purchased parts for 25 AR's, with the hope that he could build them for $ sell them for $1,000.....or maybe $2,000.

He blew $15,000...... and will be lucky to get his money back.

With the pressure off (temporarily), is there anyone out there who thinks pre-owned/used gun prices, magazines, parts, and accessories will drop in price?
No, unless a store is looking to move some dusty inventory for some cash flow
After an initial burp, the stock market seems okay with the election. However, Ruger and S&W stocks have dropped reportedly about 20% since the election. Kind of tells you something....
After an initial burp, the stock market seems okay with the election. However, Ruger and S&W stocks have dropped reportedly about 20% since the election. Kind of tells you something....

Yes, it does. Best 3 days in the stock market in a long time with many stocks at an all time high. If you guessed right, you are smiling, and I am. RGR is off 20% but SHC is only off about 5%. I made sure I was balanced for an R win going in and then rebalanced today and (unrealized since they are in an IRA) made more money this week than the last 2 years combined in the stock market. There are some great deals and if you buy on good fundamentals, trim the stocks that were high due to Obama and fatten up the stocks based on Trumps plans, you might do real well.

BUT, yes, the market is soft and there is a glut. The pipeline was full going into election day. High end, competition and rimfire is still strong and will get stronger in 2017, but CCW, HD and M4gery products are headed into the bargain realm soon. At least that is what I am hearing from those inside the larger companies where I have contacts.
Do US manufacturers decide to reduce production rates on semi-auto rifles at times like this? Maybe there is no previous situation which can be compared.

If so, wouldn't it be quite a while for steady demand to visibly buy up much of the surplus components?
Do US manufacturers decide to reduce production rates on semi-auto rifles at times like this? Maybe there is no previous situation which can be compared.

If so, wouldn't it be quite a while for steady demand to visibly buy up much of the surplus components?

The market is flooded with small gun makers right now. Due to trade barriers that isolate the US AR rifle market from the world a small maker could compete when demand was very high. Many did quite well. A number have staked their livelihood on a single product line.

They can't cut back or they will have nothing else to sell.
And to stay out of jail, if he did this without an FFL..

80% lowers and now he's manufacturing having to finish them = jail. If he purchased finished lowers then the 4473 had to be filled out, shouldn't be a problem if done smartly, BUT from this,
I know a guy that purchased parts for 25 AR's, with the hope that he could build them for $ sell them for $1,000.....or maybe $2,000.

He blew $15,000..
He's not to bright, maybe a 7 watt night light bulb
Do US manufacturers decide to reduce production rates on semi-auto rifles at times like this? Maybe there is no previous situation which can be compared.

If so, wouldn't it be quite a while for steady demand to visibly buy up much of the surplus components?

They can't cut back or they will have nothing else to sell.

LOL, gun companies do not operate in a vacuum. Many of their execs come from other industries where markets are volatile. They have had ECON 101 and have a vague understanding of supply and demand.

They will have to back off on production. A company cannot continue to produce product at rates significantly higher than sales for very long or they end up with large piles of inventory that are costly to keep and kill the economy of scale they got from the higher level of production. Maintaining production at rates higher than sales means going upside down where costs will be higher than sales = negative profits (AKA: losses). With enough losses, companies go belly up. So to prevent this, they have to scale back production, reduce the work force, or engage in other expense reduction strategies.

I wonder how this will affect NRA membership - the mailings predicting the apocalypse will fall on deaf ears now.

This is an easy one, Glenn. The mailings will continue, explaining how the we may have won the battle for now, but the larger war still goes on and that pledges are still needed to continue the fight. The apocalypse is no further away than the next election...

However, you are right. Many recipients of such mailings will regard any future mailings as nothing more than paranoid alarmist attempts at money grabbing and blow off the NRA.
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It will be interesting to see if minority and Democrat firearm ownership rates climb as a result of the election. You think some will finally grasp the concept of the citizens being the final check on government over-step?

A lot of ugliness going on right now. A lot of people who worked really hard to come to this country legally and follow all the laws or were born here being accosted in the street with promises of deportation or worse. May be only a very small percentage of people carrying out these acts, but they seem to be quite busy. I've noticed some moderator activity on the forum, but I'm willing to bet they are as busy as ever cleaning up posts right now.
I wonder how this will affect NRA membership - the mailings predicting the apocalypse will fall on deaf ears now.

Gun control legislative efforts will continue. I just suspect they will move to the individual states verus nationally for the time being. There is always a battle to be fought for gun rights. It is a continuim. All you have to do is look at the Gun Control movement since 1968.
A lot of people who worked really hard to come to this country legally and follow all the laws or were born here being accosted in the street with promises of deportation or worse. May be only a very small percentage of people carrying out these acts, but they seem to be quite busy.

I would not believe everything you hear. As it turns out, many of these cases are lies, hoaxes and fabrications. The same media that gave one candidate a free pass while digging into the other is simply reporting such stories as fact without any fact checking at all. It plays into a fantasy narrative.
As for the NRA, I was gratified to see several TV ads from NRA getting a lot of local air here in Ohio this election...and my renewal is in the mail.
A lot of people who worked really hard to come to this country legally and follow all the laws or were born here being accosted in the street with promises of deportation or worse. May be only a very small percentage of people carrying out these acts, but they seem to be quite busy.

Everything that happens at the Federal level between now and January 20th is due to the current administration...not Trump. Let's not chicken little too much. :eek:
Everything that happens at the Federal level between now and January 20th is due to the current administration...not Trump. Let's not chicken little too much.
How does that help people on the street? These vents have nothing to do with the federal government.
Old Bill, despite what that article says, the NC branch of the KKK is planning a march for Dec. 3rd. There is some speculation it will be the largest public Klan meeting in my lifetime. I feel much better now knowing it will be half FBI agents and informants though.
Everything that happens at the Federal level between now and January 20th is due to the current administration...not Trump. Let's not chicken little too much.

Even after January 20th, much of what happens will be what has been set in motion by the previous administration(s).
Even after January 20th, much of what happens will be what has been set in motion by the previous administration(s).

Wait a minute... now it is going to Bush AND Obama's fault? Woah.

johnwilliamson062: All I can tell you is that ugly people are going to do ugly things. Doesn't matter whose side they claim to be on. Been that way since since as long as I can remember. Be nice if they quit. Won't happen.

We have gone pretty far afield of the topic.

Yes there is a gun glut. If Clinton had been elected there likely would not be.