Trump won - Is there a Gun Glut?


New member
With the pressure off (temporarily), is there anyone out there who thinks pre-owned/used gun prices, magazines, parts, and accessories will drop in price? Are we going to see a sell-off in .22lr, and possibly other ammo?:eek:
I doubt it. I imagine a few folks are stuck with supplies that they were hoping to turn a big profit on. But I see prices remaining about the same.

I am glad Mr Trump won now we have to see if he will do anything for the country. I do have high hopes, he has both the houses in Republican control. But my hopes are tempered with the history that is Washington.
I would look for a buyer's market for guns and ammo for sure. Should go back to the way things were before the election of the greatest guns/ammo salesman in history, Obama.
If early in the Administration we see a pro-2A justice added to the Supreme Court, I think that will give a sense of stability and optimism to those in the shooting sports and gun industry. I would expect that most gun owners will feel a lessening of pressure to build up huge stockpiles of ammunition and arms, and we will see both greater supply and lower prices of both guns and ammo. On the other hand, if Trump is unable to get this accomplished, or if the Justice finally approved is more neutral on gun rights, then the fear of future limitations and restrictions by the never-sleeping-never-stopping opponents of gun rights will keep the current "panic" mode going for a bit longer.
I don't know. I think a lot of the firearms purchases over the last couple of years was due to personal safety fears by people of riots, gangs, and certain criminal elements of our society.

I do not think there is going to be a mass sell off of firearms by people who purchased them for home and/or personal defensive purposes. The treat did not dissipate with the election of a new President. We can only hope over time we see a change.

Most of the changes do not come from the President. Most of the changes in laws and direction of the Nation come from Congress.
Don't think there's a gun glut. If HRC had won there almost certainly would have been panic buying of guns and ammo, but I haven't seen evidence of it before the election.
I think it way too early to conclude that the pressure on sales, and pricing of guns and ammo is going change much with Trump's election. Once a peaceful transfer of power has happened, maybe. Trump remains a mystery in many ways. He has promised many things, some of which will not happen. It is the way of politics. I think a wait and see approach is the only real option.
Skans said: there anyone out there who thinks pre-owned/used gun prices, magazines, parts, and accessories will drop in price?
It depends. All IMHO...

Prices on high-end collectible guns (Pythons, Lugers, etc.) will continue to rise, just maybe a bit more slowly, depending on what the economy does.

More-common and thus lower-end collectible guns (S&W M15, common older Colt 1911s, etc.) will hold their ground.

The bottom will fall out of the AR/AK magazine and new-parts market (I argued the same thing in the Anti-Panic thread I just started). We were almost in a glut BEFORE the election. This will have repercussions on lower-end, newer, and therefore non-collectible AR/AK rifles.

Similarly, we are about to witness a large-scale fire sale of new 9mm/.40 full-size tactical plastic pistols, and this will drag the prices of similar used guns down with it. As I posted in several other recent threads, seemingly everyone who wants one of these already has three of them, and they're gathering dust at every LGS near me.

Other parts and accessories will more or less hold steady. Same goes for popular subcompact pistols and low to mid-range bolt rifles.
I was going to start a thread like this myself, but I guess there's no need anymore.

I was one of those who figured there would be a lot of panic buying for the 2 months following the election (if Hillary won), seeing it as a 2 month "grace period" between the election and the first opportunity for her to implement some kind of ban. Now that Trump won, along with the Republicans having both houses of Congress, I expect a big slump in gun sales now, along with decreasing prices.

Think about it: Gun sales were way up and prices were increasing because of the expectation that HRC would win. It's just like after the Sandy Hook school shooting when people were expecting a ban and went on a buying spree. When the ban attempt failed, people stopped buying and prices crashed. Why wouldn't that happen now? People were buying now because they didn't think they'd have a chance later. Plus, anything bought before a ban would go up in price due to no longer being available, so it was an investment opportunity.

But now? No threats of a ban, and none on the horizon for the next 2-4 years, plus the promise of a gun-friendly SCOTUS to keep things that way for possibly the rest of our lives.
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California and my state of Colorado both have the governments they elected and our getting what they have elected. That is why I am doing my best to get out of this State sooner than later. That aside, what a welcome and unexpected outcome this has turned out to be. Congrats to President Trump and to us is the way I see it.
Continue to watch ballot initiatives across the country spring up around the country. Now they don't have a general election to fund, billionaire philanthropists from all over will turn their attention to gun control ballot measures.

I don't look to the Supreme Court to intervene much either. Haven't helped CA, WA, or OR.
Agree with Targa. We saw what Colorado could do with their votes and political push to get certain State politician removed from office.

I see where three States including California voted in marijuana. I have not seen the vote results, but I think California had one proposition for background checks on the purchase of ammunition.
And GIH, please will you idiots... please stop buying up every flipping box of .22lr at Walmart? It's stupid and keeps new shooters from shooting.
Rickyrick, could you please expound on this statement so I can know what you're talking about?
Haven't helped CA, WA, or OR.
Not a challenge; I just live in Oregon and maybe ought to know something about it.
I'm hoping that some of the harder to find reloading supplies and .22 rimfire ammo become more available.

Tony in Willamina, OR
There has been an AR glut for a while now following the post sandy hook production ramp up. I bought a brand new Ruger SR 556 20" stainless steel bull barrel Varmint for $800 in September, it used to retail for $1600. Stripped lowers, $49.99 at my LGS in Mississippi, but you can get a S&W mp15 for about $575. Look around and AR's are cheap and easy to find.

Where the bottom is going to fall out is on AK's. Some of Obama's EO's restricting imports are going to go away. So I think $400 basic SAIGA rifles will be back soon. And VEPRs converted back down around $600 again.

Ammo is about back to normal where I live, I just wish those Remington golden tip .22lr $20/525 would come back but $19.99/300 CCI mini mags isn't bad..
It's going to be like it was under Bush for the most part I think. And if trump appointments up to 3-4 justices which may happen, then it is unlikely I will need to worry much in my lifetime
Although I have two SKS, a Maadi (ARM) AK, Mak 90 and two Saiga rifles, is the addition of another similar gun necessary? VEPRS are reportedly an excellent value, but mil. configurations are very cool.

If our hopes are somehow answered in the mid-term, maybe Atlantic Firearms' access to Polish AKs might continue and prices could come down? Rob Ski covered this rifle on a video at "AK Oper. Union". Very limited internal wear after 5,000 rds., much better than his RAS.

Good points up there. The .22LR price inflation might finally see more deflation.
But most of these wishes could be cancelled by another 'Terrible Event'.
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