Trump to speak at NRA Convention

The media oughtta have a ball with that. Should be some most interesting comments on the networks and in the news.
Interesting point Spats. Wonder if they'd lock down all the gun displays while he's there? Would be interesting if he decided he wanted to go look at and handle some of the merchandise on display..
To Spats' question, the answer is no.
The SS has the authority to ban guns at the speech.
Has happened before.
I was planning to go with some classmates of mine, but probably won't end up going. Combination of time and finances. Not particularly interested in being a part of the speech or associated crowd, so I think that skipping it this year will be OK.

Will be interesting to see if he does go to different manufacturer displays.

It seems that the last president to speak at the address is also the president who gave us machine gun bans, supported assault weapons bans and carry restrictions, and wrote that an AK-47 is not a necessary firearm to own. Hopefully this one turns to a more positive view.
He's probably going to get up in front of the crowd, read a puff piece speech about repealing the NFA, national reciprocity, Hughes Amendments, etc. and if/when the time comes, flip flop.

Sorry, that's just how I see it and I supported him the minute he rode down the escalator in Trump Tower in Summer 2015.

But, this is the first time in 34 years that a President has spoke at the NRA convention, so this is not a common thing. Would definitely be memorable to those who go, but I won't go out of my way to get to Atlanta.

Will def watch on Youtube or live TV when it airs.
TXAZ said:
To Spats' question, the answer is no.
The SS has the authority to ban guns at the speech.
Has happened before.
Oh, I figured it has authority to ban guns at the speech. I was actually thinking about all of the guns on display. Somebody at the SS has got to be thinking about how easily most of those could be made to fire. (If I recall, when I went in 2013, all display firearms had to have firing pins removed.)
I'd be overjoyed if they just killed FOPA (1986)... ok time to wake up

Yeah, better wake up, because FOPA was a GOOD THING!!!

Kill the Hughes Amendment to FOPA, absolutely, kill FOPA entirely? No, NO! NO!!!

The whole point of the Hughes amendment was to make FOPA so objectionable to gun owners that it would not be passed and signed into law. A "poison pill" I believe they call it.

You can say Reagan sold us out by signing FOPA into law with the Hughes Amendment in place, but I believe he did it to provide needed protection to innocent people, the greatest good for the greatest number, etc.

And I think every gun owner who avoided conviction and serious jail time in a restrictive state they were only passing through, because of FOPA, would agree it is a good thing.

The Hughes Amendment is, I believe an infringement of our rights, and should be repealed, but we should NOT get rid of the entire FOPA in order to do that. Doing that would give the anti gun bigots what they wanted in the first place.

If you're going to argue for repeal of the Hughes Amendment, PLEASE separate it from the rest of the FOPA law.
44 AMP said:
And I think every gun owner who avoided conviction and serious jail time in a restrictive state they were only passing through, because of FOPA, would agree it is a good thing.
Along with anyone who deals in firearms and ammunition, any collector, any non-licensee who sells firearms privately more than a handful of times, anyone who enjoys buying long guns out-of-state, anyone who's uncomfortable with potentially being put into a federal database for buying a firearm OR ammunition, and anyone who's able to buy firearms after having a felony conviction pardoned or expunged. :)

A few examples: before the FOPA, the ATF could seize a dealer's entire inventory AND sales records on mere suspicion of wrongdoing, with no definitive timetable for their return. Private collectors could be charged with dealing without a license after a mere handful of private sales to other collectors. Some definitions of "prohibited person" were vague. Minor record-keeping violations by dealers could result in FELONY charges, and even if a dealer was found not guilty, this was no guarantee that he could get his inventory back, and his license was still subject to permanent revocation! :eek: More here.

The FOPA was an unequivocal win for gun owners and particularly dealers in almost every respect EXCEPT for the Hughes Amendment. Do NOT conflate the two.
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I read on the interwebz that,,,

I read on the interwebz that,,,
Bloomberg will be financing protests at the convention.

Would it be too much to hope for that his minions,,,
Somehow runs afoul of the Secret Service.

I don't mean head-busting of protestors,,,
But them doing something that can be blamed on him personally.

The Secret Service may or may not like a president,,,
But they will do what is required to keep him safe.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if one of the Bloomie's minions,,,
Did something that could make him personally subject to arrest.

Inciting to riot comes to my layman mind.


Call me silly, but with recent events going on surrounding North Korea and the entire senate is going to be meeting at the White House later today, I have a feeling the President is not going to be able to attend the convention.
The question is whether anything actually gets done for the RKBA with this presidency.

I'm guessing neither the SCOTUS or Congress will do much. Speeches mean little.
I’ve never really been a big fan of Mr. Trump and voted for him only because I saw him as the better of two bad choices. As for whether he does anything to advance the RKBA I guess that remains to be seen. I think the recent SCOTUS appointment could be seen as a positive move, but then again only time will tell. However, I have no doubt that if his opponent had won there would have been a major attack on Second Amendment freedoms. Sadly, we may be at a point where holding ground is the best we can hope for.

Also, it is very important that everyone realize that our opponents have shifted strategies and are focusing more on State and local battles. Whether they’re pushing for more actual gun control laws or supporting candidates who will support their efforts down the road they are hard at work. So, don’t think your State is safe, pay attention and vote.
Exactly, the strategies on the state level are in part.

1. Weapons type bans to negate the ownership of common guns.
2. Increased location bans to negate the utility of concealed carry.

Unfortunately, SCOTUS seems not to want to deal with #! and many gun rights supporters get all hot and bothered about businesses being private property and buying into Bloomberg's plan to make concealed carry useless in the most common of locations.
I've heard Florida's governor Scott will be there too.
During the Florida Constitution Revision commission meetings. Nothing positive ever comes from the politicians rewriting their favorite parts of the state's constitution. Many of the past "A" rated state senators and representatives are going for anti-gun legislation or blocking pro gun bills. These folks are also on the commission.
Nice to see Trump at the NRA.

Now can someone post a photo of Trump actually shooting a firearm? I can't find one...I must be looking in the wrong place. :confused:
Did anyone watch Trump’s speech? No policy announcements he did remind everyone that he promised to appoint Justices potentially friendly to the Second Amendment and that he fulfilled that promise. The rest was basic Trump-speak focused primarily on law and order issues. I thought the best line was something like, “ I was here last year and I’m back today, but if they had one the podium would be empty”.
can someone post a photo of Trump actually shooting a firearm?

Does that really matter? There were pictures of the last guy shooting and I can't say he was our friend. I believe Second Amendment freedoms are a philosophical issue and that you can support them and never shoot. The reality is you can and should support the freedom of others even if you choose not to engage in the same activities.