Truly sickening Full auto pics

The link below the picture of Thompsons will bring you a whole list of disgusting pictures. The source is apparently some British (UK) organization that gets its jolleys destroying firearms. The Thompsons were probably ones we sold or "Lend Leased" in WWII. They never returned any. Alot were dumped in the channel. They had to get them out of the hands of Her Majesties "Subjects" lest they revolt. Thats why they were caught with their knickers down in the beginning of WWII.
So you're saying if I go diving in the channel I might find some old rusted goodies? I wonder if I could keep them if call them "treasure" I found.....
THats about as bad

A seeing a parking lot of 1970 Boss 302 Mustands being crushed becouse they dont have catalic converters (calaforinina)
I try to not let thing lik that bother me.

just think that it will rust into the groung and bcome dirt in time and people will get the metals out of th ground and make more guns and so forth. at least we know there is plenty of guns in the world. it is sad though. they should have sold them to the people as memory of WW2 or something along those lines. :( :( :(