True Lies

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No airsoft pistol will replicate the recoil of a real gun.

Well, I knew that I didn't phrase that just right. I know that you can't duplicate recoil with an airsoft. I guess I was asking about a level of airsoft with the most recoil for that platform.

Get a .22 handgun that is a match or a close copy of your main gun,,,
I often carry a S&W Model 36 chambered in .38 Special,,,
My understudy to that is a S&W Model 34 in .22 LR.

I'm guessing my neighbors would complain and that's not taking into account the damage it would do to my walls.:D
Yet another nod towards the Airsoft...

While it has already been said a bunch of times, practice makes perfect. More accurately, perfect practice makes perfect. Practice developes the muscle memory which then becomes second nature. Airsoft is cheap and safe way to practice. I used to practice on a 6"x6" sticky target from across the room. I started from low ready and brought the gun up to the target quickly. Make sure the airsoft you get is a close replica to your gun so the grip angle will be similar. While the weight, trigger pull, and recoil will obviously be different, the main thing is getting lead on target QUICKLY!!!

I would not be taking wild shots at a hostage if they were holding a loved one. Now if I in the middle of a divorce... :eek:;)
I think I read somewhere that some SEALs and other "real operator" types can shoot up to 50,000 rounds per year...and that is after they have acquired the skill. It may take that much practice to maintain it.

When you think about it, that is "only" 1000 rounds per week. Either 200 rounds per day for five days a week, or one day and 1000 rounds...not hard to imagine (as long as someone else is paying for the ammo).

And even so, I'm not sure that the first hole in Osama was right between the eyes. So even the guys who should be capable of that "movie-type" shot did not necessarily get it right...I guess that's why they practice double taps...and it sounds as if two guys may have fired at the same time(?)

To actually make a shot like that is pure luck or total BS.

Bottom line...Hollywood is total BS, and hypocritical BS at that. They donate large sums of money to anti-2A candidates, but make money hand-over-fist making ultra-violent movies.

I cut Hollywood out of my habit pattern a long time ago...for a number of reasons. And when I say that, I mean it in every way. I don't watch movies on TV, not on cable, not on NetFlix, not on HuLu, nothing. Last movie I saw was Forrest Gump.

I will likely go to see Dinesh D'Souza's "2016--Obama's America"...but that is not Hollywood BS.

Sorry for the drift into "nobody asked me" land... :)
All I remember is the dance.

Airsofts are not weapons and are not guns. The NRA has spent a great deal of money keeping it that way.
In Dick Marcinko's first book he described how Seal Team Six practiced with handguns using a 3" X 5" index card for a target and all shots had to be kept on the index card and how if you failed you would get every lousy detail he could think up for a long time. He also claimed that Seal Team Six used more small arms ammunition in one year than the entire Untied States Marine Corps. Once the accountants figured out what was going on they were cut off from unlimited ammunition requests. With practice almost anything is possible.
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Putting Marchinko in a thread with Schartzenager and fantasy is perfect.

I stopped believing anything he said before chapter two.
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