Truck guns....

Ah, you didn't read the link I gave. (Don't blame you, it's painful reading.)

NY and NYC define shotguns as having smooth bores. Rifled-bore shotguns are not legally shotguns in these jurisdictions - in fact, they are not anything recognized by law. All prohibitions refer to rifles, shotguns, firearms, machineguns, or disguised guns - none of which are legally defined to cover "slug guns". I know it's a strange concept, but I've poured over the laws, and it's true - because NY & NYC do not define things the same way that normal people do.

That said, don't give cops any reason to take notice of it. Cops are tasked with apprehending anyone they THINK is breaking the law; it's not their job to understand the nuances and limitations of law. Sure the system will try to slam you; that's why you must know the law before you do anything. Know the law well, and don't give the authorities any reason to pay attention to you.
I debated this a lot, looking at my guns trying to pick the most expendable one for trunk duty. I love my 870, didn't want to put it in there and not look at it for months at a time, my rifles cost to much. So I went and bought an Ishipore .308 for under $100. When I'm feeling richer (ha!) I'll keep on the lookout for a used 870, or perhaps a new Defender or Mossberg. I've shot skeet with a NEF single shot, single shots just don't do it for me.
Ctdonath..I hope you have a good attorney! :)

I would think that a slug gun with rifled barrels would fall under the category of rifles, city Judges and DA's would probably also go this route. I would never trust the NYC justice system.

Street cops would never buy the rifled barrel explanation. Hope you never have to test your premise.

Geoff Ross

I am no expert but I DO have an opinion.
Nope. It's not a rifle either. By NYS/NYC definition, rifles fire metallic cartridges; shotguns fire shotgun shells. All the obvious, and not so obvious, details are analyzed here.

No, I don't expect any cop to buy it. The judge would have to, though. And I don't want to deal with it ever - just wanted to know what the law allows; what powerful idiots do with it is a different story.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>NY Penal Law § 265.00 Definitions.
As used in this article and in article four hundred, the following terms shall mean and include:
3. "Firearm" means (a) any pistol or revolver; or (b) a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length; or (c) a rifle having one or more barrels less than sixteen inches in length; or (d) any weapon made from a shotgun or rifle whether by alteration, modification, or otherwise if such weapon as altered, modified, or otherwise has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches. For the purpose of this subdivision the length of the barrel on a shotgun or rifle shall be determined by measuring the distance between the muzzle and the face of the bolt, breech, or breechlock when closed and when the shotgun or rifle is cocked; the overall length of a weapon made from a shotgun or rifle is the distance between the extreme ends of the weapon measured along a line parallel to the center line of the bore. Firearm does not include an antique firearm.[/B][/quote]

Isn't a barrel swap altering a shotgun and still considered a firearm?
A barrel swap IS an alteration.
A shotgun is NOT a "firearm" (per NY definition), unless the barrel is <18" or by modification has an overall length <26".

According to NYS/NYC, rifles and shotguns are NOT NECESSARILY firearms. They are only "firearms" if they're 'too short'. NY often does not define things the way you define them.

Hence, if you swap barrels on a shotgun, and the new barrel is >18" and overall length >26", it is not and never was a "firearm".

(Or did I misunderstand your question?)
Being a burbie, I don't carry one, but I have some questions. I'm planning on moving to the boonies of S/W Texas in a year and a half. I thought you almost =had= to have a couple of guns in the window rack of your pickup. Are there any country boys lurking out there? Someone on this thread mentioned cops taking a dim view of weapons in the car. Is that just the East? I was imagining that when you parked in town a new gun in your rack might draw almost as much admiration as a new truck. ;)

Being the subtle type. I'm going for a "ceiling" rack with my M-1 Carbine. It'll be a perfect defensive and close up varmint gun. Also, on the expendable bit, it was cheap. $220 for a "Winchester." Turns out the only thing Winchester about it is the receiver. My buddy got a plain Jane for $180 which was tighter, but by the time he got a good stock it cost more... but I'm long winded and I digress.

Out in the sticks I feel you always need a gun for something and sidearms are uncomfortable in a truck. I'm thinking it'll be a part of the equipment like shovel, fire extinguisher, emergency CB, etc.

I was watching a documentary on bush pilots and their planes. They showed the survival kit piece by piece. I was waiting to see a gun. Never showed. At the end, the guy mentioned a couple of niceties you might want to add and then said, "and of course Alaskan law =requires= you to carry a handgun." Gotta love Alaska. Too cold for me though. ;)
I have my truck gun, an SKS, in a box with a common padlock locked in the trigger guard behind the trigger preventing it's unauthorized use. The key is located with ammo/stripper clips in a remote location. So, I'm wondering what are some other good options here? I've heard of using a golf bag as a rifle case for discreet trunk carry, the idea being that when the trunk (or compartment area) is in open view what do you rather have visible?, a shotgun/rifle?, or a gun case/soft case?, or something totally inconspicuous?
Slip a golf club 'sock' thing on the buttstock and put it into the golf bag.

Wrap it up in a blanket, or a really big, thick flannel shirt. This won't work too well unless you're at least a L or XL.

In your trunk, inside a simple cardboard box. Yes, really. Or label it 'curtain rods' or something innane.

Many people have used soft or hard guitar cases for AK's, but a guitar may be vulnerable to theft.
Looking at what I perceive as current public opinion, going from greatest to least evil:

Revolvers (these two first due to HCI efforts)
Semiautomatic rifles with military backgrounds (dreaded assault rifles)
Rifles designed for hunting
Shotguns with extended magazines
Shotguns, pump action/semiauto
Shotguns, O/U

If this is even close to being true, I think the reaction of most LEOs and judges will mirror this list.

Anyone else have thoughts?
I would put the AR-15's and AK's over a .38 revolver or any revolver for that matter as far as Media induced insanity goes.
Benjamin - remember "The Getaway" with Steve McQueen? He gets on a bus and was carrying his 12Ga wrapped up in a coat. Nobody looked at him twice. Great movie.
Nope, never caught that one, but I do remember Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. When the Templars were chasing him thru the library, catacombs, then the city....they had a subgun under a folded up trench-coat. Looked pretty normal, till the whipped it out.
IF your in a rural area and like rifles pick up a millsurp Mosin-Nagant, Mauser, or enfield prices will start at +-

A good choice would be a Russin M-1891/59 carbine loaded by stripper clip with the either light ball or better yet light hand loads. total cost $120

If you want a shot gun hit a show and pick up any number of lowcost 16ga that abound for 75 to 150.
Well, I will have to qualify as a country boy.I have lived in the country most of my life except for a few years after I got married.We finally moved back to the farm and here I will stay until I die or get too old to have any control of my sences.unfortunutly I do have to work in town.Most everyone hunts in this area.And until just a couple of years ago nobody though a thing about bringing a gun into my office and storing it there for the day for any number of reasons from going hunting after work to just showing off their latest new gun they bought.You don't see guns in the back windows of trucks like you used to.But you still see a few.The farther you get from town the more you see.Most people keep them behind the seat any more.I still would guess that at least a third of the trucks at work will still have some kind of gun in them at least during the open hunting seasons and some year around.MY vote for the best truck gun ever made is the lever action 30/30.some carry a 22 of some kind in addition to a centerfire.and of course a few shotguns usualy an old single barrel or pump.If I lived in the big city parish the thought I would carry a handgun and hoped to he** i never needed it.I have herd of some truckers who carry cap and ball blackpowder pistols thinking they are clasified as a non gun in several places.Others carry the little snake charmer 410's.I read Jeff Cooper say that the 30/30 lever action was legal at least in your home in NYC is this not true?
Well, I will have to qualify as a country boy.I have lived in the country most of my life except for a few years after I got married.We finally moved back to the farm and here I will stay until I die or get too old to have any control of my sences.unfortunutly I do have to work in town.Most everyone hunts in this area.And until just a couple of years ago nobody though a thing about bringing a gun into my office and storing it there for the day for any number of reasons from going hunting after work to just showing off their latest new gun they bought.You don't see guns in the back windows of trucks like you used to.But you still see a few.The farther you get from town the more you see.Most people keep them behind the seat any more.I still would guess that at least a third of the trucks at work will still have some kind of gun in them at least during the open hunting seasons and some year around.MY vote for the best truck gun ever made is the lever action 30/30.some carry a 22 of some kind in addition to a centerfire.and of course a few shotguns usualy an old single barrel or pump.If I lived in the big city parish the thought I would carry a handgun and hoped to he** i never needed it.I have herd of some truckers who carry cap and ball blackpowder pistols thinking they are clasified as a non gun in several places.Others carry the little snake charmer 410's.I read Jeff Cooper say that the 30/30 lever action was legal at least in your home in NYC is this not true?
I read Jeff Cooper say that the 30/30 lever action was legal at least in your home in NYC is this not true?

For all practical purposes, all guns are wholly illegal in NYC. Permits, exceptions and loopholes do technically exist, but they are very hard to obtain or use if you're not rich or powerful.