Truck Gun, Trunk Gun questions???

Old John

New member
Hi Y'all,
I couldn't figure which Forum to put this in.
Here it is..............

In addition to the gun you wear on your person.....
Do you have a Truck-gun, behind the seat in your Truck, or SUV?
Or, do you have a Trunk-gun in the trunk of your car?
Is it a hand gun or long gun?
Is it an old "Beater" or a good gun?
Heavy caliber or light?
Is it always loaded, at least the magazine?
Do you take it in the house each evening? Or, is it always there,
all year around?
Is it behind the seat when you go "cross-country", state to state?

Now, I've changed mine out, over the years.
For awhile years ago, I carried an old .22 Marlin, in the trunk,
or behind the seat in the truck.
I've also had an old single barrel 12ga. and an old 12ga pump,
at times.
I've about always had some kinda "Truck-gun" or Trunk-gun.
DSW has an old 9mm FN in her truck.

I've never felt real comfortable with a gunrack in the window of the truck.
Seems like advertizing, to me.
I just wouldn't want some folks to get hold of even an old Beater,
you know.
But, just knowing it's with me just makes me feel more calm & comfortable.
Take care.
.30 M1 carbine

with 30 round clip at the side and another 15 round clip inside but nothing in the chamber.
seems apropriate to me :)
and its in the trunk at ALL times
trunk gun

I carried my SKS behind the seat of my truck for a year or two. I don't anymore unless I'm traveling state to state. I figure it's better to have it and not need it.
I carry an extra six shooter (44) behind the seat of the truck always. It is in a locked box that is fastened to the truck so it can't be easily taken out, but it gives me a spare if needed. Also there are times I leave home without a carry gun, like to work and church, but I still like to have one on board.
Considering this...

Interesting question(s)... in this area, probably 25-50% of the trucks have a handgun in the glovebox/console... more during hunting season...

My 9mm lately has been in a case, under the rear seat... magazine full, not usually in the gun. I've been thinking it might end up in the console... or maybe something smaller might end up in the console...

Big concerns are:

others in the truck... stumbling onto it. Probably a little too concerned about that, but I do carry relative strangers occasionally... most don't open the glove box. LOL

the security of the gun and the idea of it falling into the wrong hands... (in an area where locking one's vehicle is not the norm...)

Sometimes I think that carrying it on the person is the best of all worlds.
Given the number of vehicles broken into and/or stolen, I don't feel any degree of comfort in leaving a firearm in my vehicle and possibly arming some lowlife scum. Therefore, I don't. If I had a well-hidden lockbox and a hidden ignition disconnect, I might feel differently about storing a firearm for a short period of time.
i have a locking rifle rack got from gall's they also have pistols boxes. they open by key or hidden release button and work great
Given the number of vehicles broken into and/or stolen, I don't feel any degree of comfort in leaving a firearm in my vehicle and possibly arming some lowlife scum. Therefore, I don't.

Since most workplace rules frown on CCW, everyone must decide to:
(a) carry anyway and risk unemployment (possibly legal action)
(b) carry to work and leave the gun locked in the vehicle for 8+ hrs a day
(c) not carry at all and risk not having a way to defend yourself if needed

These same conditions apply for a "truck/trunk gun".

(b) is my choice

Usually a handgun and rifle in my vehicle during any given day. If not at work or going somewhere CCW is prohibited(court house) the handgun will be on my body and the long gun in my vehicle.
I don't carry a trunk gun around town. However, one trip I frequently take involves driving through 100 miles of "no man's land"; very desolate. This route is used by smugglers of all types of contraband. On those occassions I travel with a 12 ga. pump w/20" barrel, loaded with 00 buckshot (8 round capacity), in my trunk or on my backseat.

BTW, I have a CHL and carry two handguns on those trips, too. I've never had a problem, but when you need a gun, it's better to have two.
I either carry a .45 on my person or stick my revolver SP101 in the glove box. The gun is removed when I leave the vehicle. Either way I don't carry a gun that I can't access quickly. When I put the revolver in the glove box I leave it unlocked. If I am stuck in traffic the revolver in in my lap. To many car jackings in Houston, TX due to our GUESTS from LA.
Last summer, I carried an SKS around in my truck's toolbox. Unfortunately, I now clutter up the toolbox with all sorts of other crap. :) I would like to eventually go back to having one, maybe one of those Kel-Tec carbines in 9mm with a 33 round Glock mag.
There ought to be a lot of threads on this kind of topic in the archives. I carry a levergun behind the seat of my truck, and a levergun in the trunk of my car, pretty much all the time. They're unloaded in accordance with WA state law, but have 9 rounds in a buttcuff and a box or two (i.e., 50 or 100) packed handy with them. One is a .357 mag, one a .41 mag.

Here are the 81 threads that come up on a title search for 'truck gun':
Lock box


I carry everyday here in Los Angeles.:eek: I had a "gangsta friend" (think MTV's Pimp my Ride show) convert my vehicle.:) I can carry a sbr or a pistol w/mag & rounds locked under the minivan passenger seat.::cool:

It is bad A**!: It locks using an Impala trunk lock. Only access is via a custom 9 volt zapper that hits a copper penny that then triggers the release...:confused: When locked it is invisible.;) Period. No carpet rips, no metal exposed, no sound, etc. Its the only way to roll in "Kommie Kali" w/my Glock or 30cal carbine.:p

Peace, S Tzu

Master Sun would never leave his house in the SFV w/out his instruments of ill omen by his side!!!
I will only Carry if on long trips But i drive a 1 ton suburban with Ruenell Bumbers This has a Better I Hit stop than any gun;) but when i do carry its the Beretta 92FS in the center consol
not usually, because i am now sharing cars with my kids, who have to go to school all summer anyway for weights and off season practice.

If i am going anywhere out side of the usual, i will load something, Any trip the in laws farm requires a long arm, for you never know what you will need to shoot there. . . road trips often include a shotgun or an AR, in a discrete case. I carry everywhere i go otherwise, at least a handgun, but up north or west, yeah there is something else with/
Russian SKS in the trunk of my car. Its in a silicone gun sack then tucked inside a hard case. The reason for the case is I carry other stuff in the trunk and I dont want my gun beat to hell. Inside the case there is the gun (of course and 1 stripper clip loaded with FMJ.

There are also another 120 rounds on stripper clips in a magazine carrier that I modified with a shoulder strap.

Here in Florida, you don't even need a CCW to carry a gun under the seat of your car as long as it's in a snapped holster. I bought a cheap Uncle Mike's snap closed holster and sewed it into a great drawing position underneath the seat, into the seat itself. When I go anywhere over long distances, my CCW holster kind of hurts after a while with the gun butt sticking into my back (I carry in a pancake @ 5:00), so I was always leery of carrying on long trips. Now, I just put it in the car holster every time and now I know exactly where it is and it doesn't hurt me anymore. I never really go outside of FL, but if I did, most of the southern states have pretty good car-gun laws (except SC), and so I don't forsee a reason to change this.
I slightly modified a window gun rack and bolted it behind the back seat of my crewcab truck. It's out of sight, but easy to access if I need it.

My 12g pump rides there 24/7. In Colorado you can have rounds in the tube as long as there isn't one in the chamber. Good to go.
It is said that you should use your handgun to fight your way to your long gun (which will be in the vehicle).

What is a good inexpensive (used) rifle in a readily available caliber, suitable to the purpose? I have thought about a SKS, but can't tell a good one from a junker. And didn't I hear the ammo is getting scarcer? I'd prefer .223 for compatibility with other weapons, but an AK is expensive in the caliber I believe. Certainly the Ruger Mini 14 is pricey too.

