Triple 7 FFFG vs pyro des P vs GOEX FFFg

Toilet paper for filler?
That's all I used in small loads for big cases to keep the powder from wandering around, which supposedly can cause odd happenings.
It always seemed to work well.

Black powder might be authentic, but it smells awful and is filthy as compared to 777.
Betcha' if the old timers had the choice in the olden days, they just might have gotten real fond of that new fangled stuff, too.
I fear I might get a reputation for the less than occasional rant here, but this topic has just got me going lately....
G Willikers, I hear your point about the smelly black powder and the "what if they had triple7 available" etc. but it is not a logical argument.
first off, strangely, I love the smell of black powder so that isn't a minus for me.
Second, if you want to argue that they would have used substitute powders if they were available, then you might as well carry that forward and say that they also would have used a Colt model 1911 or even further that they would have used a Glock.
We are not in the single action hobby for it's ease and point and shoot. We are in it because it is wonderful to do a bit of living history and it is a challenge.
At least, that's why I do it.
End of second rant.

I love the idea of toilet roll as a filler. Might have to try it.
Might make the missus wonder where all the TP has gone...
I like the smell as well. I prefer it over T7.

I also prefer the smell of Pyrodex over T7. But then I dislike everything else about it...
Speaking of odors.....

I hate the smell of Bore Butter. Of all of its miserable qualities, the smell is the worst.
Further Off Topic...

Many hate the way Ballistol smells. I've been looking for ways to get it into my deodorant and toothpaste! Love it!
I think I owe it to you guys to explain why I don't like the substitutes, other than the historical accuracy (although I believe that is a valid argument..)

In 1994 I arrived in north Texas and joined a muzzleloader club. I did not know where to find real black powder, so I bought Pyrodex P and then turned up at a muzzleloader skeet shoot. I had my side x side 12 gauge ML shotgun, and hit absolutely nothing. I usually hit at least something with this gun. Since I was new, another member asked to watch me load since he thought something sounded amiss. After watching me load, and being satisfied that I knew what I was doing, he asked me what powder I was using. I sheepishly responded that it was the dreaded "P" word and a smile crossed his face. He said, use my powder, please. I loaded the gun with real black, and shot. Two hits, and more importantly, I could hear the difference in ignition time. Since then, I will not go back.
As for the smell of sulfur, I am binary. Hate the smell of hard boiled eggs, which to me is sulfur, love the smell of black powder and my barrel afterwards. Also love the smell of bore butter, but will not ever use it. Hate the smell of Ballistol.
Aren't we weird???