Trigger Protocol

Kind of a long winded story, but makes a point:

I used to do a lot of archery 3D.
One of the regulars who often squaded with us had a very goofy looking way to shoot his compound bow.
Not at all like what you're "supposed" to do.
It was quite funny to see folks trying to correct his technique - until they noticed where his arrows were hitting.
Really good shots most every time.

But then he decided he wanted to try to win every match.
That's when his way of shooting his bow kind of let him down.
So he found a genuine coach who perfected his technique.
After those changes and improvements, he did indeed, begin to win, or come very close to winning, just about every match we attended.

Probably the best part was nobody criticized his shooting style after that.
It was picture perfect with results to match.
Thanks for listening. :)
I recall the time I did a static line jump..

I recall the thing that stuck with me the most about a static line jump was a question asked by one of the trainees, as we hooked up.

"Sgt, if my static line doesn't open my main chute, how long do I have to open my reserve chute???"

The answer was..
"son, the rest of your life."


Speaking of driving.....10 and 2 is the "ideal" position for hands on the wheel.

I hear they aren't recommending that any more. Something about air bags. Now they say 9 and 3 position.

pretty soon it will probably be recommended to keep your hands off the wheel, and let the car do it...;)
keep your hands off the wheel, and let the car do it...

Yep. And with the upcoming drone technology and the really smart guns I won't even have to get out of bed to investigate the 'bump in the night' noise.
I got the message. Will take an advanced class on self defense and take it from there. It's been one of the best posts since I joined IMHO. Thanks.:cool:

PS: All my posts had certain information that I needed for what I was doing at the time. For all the answers, I appreciate the responses. They all were learning
lessons and that's why I joined up. There are too many of us who do not understand the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE & WHY! This forum provides these answers.
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I used to do a lot of archery 3D.
One of the regulars who often squaded with us had a very goofy looking way to shoot his compound bow.
Not at all like what you're "supposed" to do.
It was quite funny to see folks trying to correct his technique - until they noticed where his arrows were hitting.
Really good shots most every time.
Ironic you should mention something like that!
One of the reasons I quit shooting "for groups" was an article I read about Ishi.
Saxton Pope described him as a horrid shot, shooting at targets, but, deadly accurate when it came to actually taking game.
Ishi also used a very unconventional style of shooting a bow.

From that time on, I quit trying to "shoot a tight group" & instead focused on trying to hit a particular point on the target & the actual distance from that point where my shots were hitting.

I also quit worrying about "style" and just went with what worked for me.

It's a very subtle change sometimes and a very dramatic one at others.
"...on the slide/barrel..." You don't want your finger there when firing a live round. Left handed or not the slide will bite you.
"...Jack Ruby used that method..." Ruby was also less than 10 feet from Oswald. And Ruby used a revolver.
Sorry. I keep my finger below the slide on the frame. It figured that one out but incorrectly stated it in my original post.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
Doc, don't get hung up on the this named style, or that named style. Any of which are only important to the self appointed gun expert that think it is the only proper way to shoot. Try what ever feels right to you. The "experts"aren't shooting your gun with your hand
Good points, Cheap. I concur. Rod
I think mostly we shoot with the "trigger finger" because it's usually the strongest and most sensitive finger for this type work (try shooting a wheelgun fast with the "up yours" middle finger and see how quickly it goes wrong). Also we've been building guns, long and short, to use the index finger for a long time.

It's the alternate name for the index finger. There is a medical condition, an inflammation of the tendons that's called "trigger finger". Etc.

But try it and see how ya do.

Maybe one day you'll accidentally shoot half your index finger off and have to use the "up yours" finger (I believe that's it's actual medical name for the middle finger isn't it, maybe in Latin though?). So let us know how you do.
