Trigger finger where?

craigintx said:
on the f'n trigger
it takes a conscious effort to PULL THE TRIGGER

its a GLOCK... not a `1911
You're the only one in this room professional enough to handle the "glock .40" right?

I only ask because I've seen people say that just before they shot themselves in the foot with it - maybe you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I highly doubt that person was making a conscious effort to that effect.

XLT said:
Uhh...are we talking about the same Galveston here? Sexy and Galveston don't belong in the same sentence without a superlative negation.
Unless you have a thing for the Portuguese Man-of-war. Then it's a utopia.
shep854 said:
Massad Ayoob's contention is that rigger so pressed gives more leverage against twisting a gun away than a straight finger.
Which is true, as far as it goes. I've seen & participated in the demonstration, and he convinced me -- if someone is trying to grab your gun, you've probably got a lot more leverage to retain the gun if your finger is bent than if it is straight. And getting it grabbed that way hurts less, too.

However. If my gun is out and someone is reaching to grab it, you know where I want my trigger finger to be? I'll give you a hint: it ain't on the frame no more.

in the eye

Poke your trigger finger straight and hard into your opponents eye and the day is yours! ;)

So much for serious comments.
There are reasions for not placing it in front of the trigger guard

The main one is that when you pull with your trigger finger some people can not stop pulling with there other finger and if its on the front of the trigger guard it will pull the gun of aim.
I forget what the term used for this is but its somthing like "Memory trigger" somthing like that. For some this is a problem for others its not.
The best thing is to choose what feels best and what works best.
For me the weak hand index is always on the front of the guard.
I use a positive index

Like the end of the slide stop lever...for instance

I have seen straight finger afficianados swing their finger into the guard during malf drills