Trauma Surgeon educates us about weapons

Multiple logical falacies: CHECK!
Erroneous/misleading facts: CHECK!
Appeal for discredited solution: CHECK!
Yep, it's an official ant-gun screed alright!

At least it's good to see that all of the responses to the article (at this writing) disagreed with the doctors.
Im a doctor...

and i think they're idiots. i agree with everyone else here. bad or careless doctors and kill also, lets ban them too ;)
Next month they will have a guest article by Clint Smith on new less invasive procedures for cardiac bypass surgery!
Yeah, what do urban emergency room docs know about gun violence?

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic and if you are how.

They know how to patch up bodies and only see the worst end results. That is all their position grants them.
I suspect their sentiment is reflective of many in this country and they are not all idiots.
One reason that law enforcement went to semi-auto pistols was because they were being outgunned.
When I was a kid most everybody carried a revolver. I still do. But, no self respecting hoodlum is going to carry a revolver anymore.
Firepower has increased , it is a fact.
It definitely raises my blood pressure to see such utter BS in print. To address just one of the many ridiculous claims in there:

In 1976, Washington became the first major American city to ban handguns. But since that day, handgun technology has changed dramatically. In fact, the editor of Shooting Sports Retailer, a gun industry magazine, observed in 1997: "Firepower is increasing. So is the killing potential as guns shrink in size and concealability."
Apart from improved materials and manufacturing/QC, handgun technology has not changed in about 100 years. Semi-auto handguns have been around for about that long.

I suppose that surgeon has never heard of an M1911? Could he perhaps figure out what the "1911" refers to in that designation?

Back during Prohibition nearly a century ago, you had rival gangs blasting away at each other with Tommy guns. Are guns today any worse?

I have a hard time believing a surgeon could be so stupid, so I suspect he's a liar. :mad:
Bonnie and Clyde made frequent use of the BAR. The Thompson SMG was used by criminals in the 30s. The 1911 and BHP are far from new designs and the criminals of the 30s made use of both.

MedicineBow, I see a trend in your posts... What restrictions do you favor on gun ownership and carrying?
Musketeer beat me to it. How are the firearms today more deadly then the firearms of the yester-years such as the 30's? Other than material, they are all pretty much based off the same design.

Oh and can someone please explain to me what an "assault pistol" is?....After all is must be true, a surgeon said so...and they are experts on everything. :rolleyes:
Yeah, what do urban emergency room docs know about gun violence?
My brother-n-law is an emergency room doctor. He works in Mississippi now but was in Memphis, TN. He saw tons and tons of bullet wounds.

My father-n-law has been a small town doctor for over forty-five years. He has seen more gunshot wounds that he can begin to count. He made a very astute statement the other day. He said "I have seen more people injured and killed with guns that I can count, but I have seen even more people killed on motorcycles, in car crashes, and wounded with knives. Why do people always blame the guns but not the motorcycles, cars, or knives?"
SteelCore said:
I suppose that surgeon has never heard of an M1911? Could he perhaps figure out what the "1911" refers to in that designation?

Well, duh, it means it's the 1911th revision of the venerable M gun design, 1895 revisions more advanced than the M16. All the killing power in a handgun-sized package. :D
I have a hard time believing a surgeon could be so stupid, so I suspect he's a liar.

Actually - he's not a surgeon - FWTW. He claims to be a "trauma specialist" - self designation - but he's really just an emergency room specialist and that attitude is widespread in that group. The other one is a "trauma care type surgeon" - a long ways from the general surgeons of my day who were trained to do everything from closing lacerations to open heart surgery, etc.

I graduated med school over half century ago and finished my surgical training at the county hospital in Detroit in 1960 - having served in WWII and knowing they couldn't win the Korean War without me ( couldn't with me as it turned out).

I've been a "gun nut" a lot longer - here I am in about 1934 with the 22 rifle I got several years before for my 6th birthday -


If you were a Marine in 1950 and were told this fresh faced kid was your Assistant Battalion Surgeon - would that inspire confidence - or just give you one more reason to try to avoid getting wounded ??? ;)


I'm long retired now and am glad to be out of medicine - for many reasons. The med societies (who function much as the NRA does - being most interested in the financial support of the full time staff and, if the members benefit - good coincidence) are long on condemning guns and there are other embarrassments in the way the practice of medicine has changed.

However, they are having their problems also - I'd guess the general public doesn't know Medicare has reduced physician fees across the board between 4 - 6% each year the past 8 years and, if a new bill isn't passed, the reduction across the board will be 10.6% come July 1, 2008 - while rent and all other expenses go up and I don't think anybody gets malpractice insurance now for under $100,000 per year.

Making things worse, I continued my BC/BS to avoid Medicare for me and my wife but find out, if you are getting SS - the insurance companies only have to pay the Medicare level fee - thus, for the same service - one fee is paid for my wife (not on SS yet) and a lower fee for me!

I remain a dedicated gun lover - as most of my surviving colleagues are - and, as can be seen - haven't changed appearance - much ;)


