Training Run - 50 Rounds


I uploaded this on to one of my hosts and it's about as large as I can get it here....

Hope this is good enough. If not, I'll dig around to see if I can't upload as PDF

Re: How Experienced Are You?

"Meaning, how good are you to begin with?

50 rounds isn't anything... for training for a new shooter. That's like saying to someone that is thinking of doing a marathon to run 1 mile.

Your not even warming up?

Do you realize that for a new shooter it's all about trigger time... quality and quantity."

For me personally (the OP), I've been shooting since I was 4 years old. I'm comfortable with safely handling just about any firearm. I'm not looking to establish a foundation, I think I've got that. And I'm not really looking to spend a lot.

I'm by no means an expert marksmen, but I've shot with people I consider pros (CCW instructors and private security folks) many time, and I while I don't stun them with my crazy skills, I do keep up.

I'd rather shoot once a week than once every two months, and with my budget and time constraints, that means I get a box a week or so.

I do agree that for someone new to shooting, establishing a good foundation is really important.

In terms of training goals, I'm aiming to master a specific weapon. I want to be able to bullseye every shot at 50 feet and shoot 2 inch groups rapid fire at 7 yards. I want it all. LOL
These are some great drills. Dot torture looks like torture. I found a printable version of it doing a google image search. It is printed and in the range bag.

Quick question: Why are so many people spending so much time shooting one-handed and, especially, weak-handed?

I'm not trying to argue against the practice, I'm really curious. I just can't imagine too many scenarios where that would be necessary.

Is it because in a quick draw situation you might not have time to get both hands on the gun? Do you practice weak-hand just in case you get shot in the strong-arm?

I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I'm He-Man enough to take a hit like that keep going.
Quick question: Why are so many people spending so much time shooting one-handed and, especially, weak-handed?

I'm not trying to argue against the practice, I'm really curious. I just can't imagine too many scenarios where that would be necessary.

One previous reply suggested that you spend some of that ammo budget on training. His suggestion is a good one -- for you or for anyone.

A lot of people shrug this off, saying, "I've been shooting all my life." In most cases this is a poor rationalization, because far too many of them have been shooting the wrong (inefficient) way, probably based on what they see in the movies or on TV.

There are excellent classes available to almost anyone. I'm not referring to a concealed handgun class, or to a two hour lesson, but rather to a two day or three day "immersion level" defensive handgun class. In virtually every case, assuming you avail yourself of the training offered by one of the top-tier instructors, you will understand how little you knew prior to the class -- and how much you still have to learn.

A poor analogy is the situation when someone gets his first pair of glasses, and suddenly realizes how poorly he was able to see before getting the corrective lenses.

After taking such a class, you won't ask why you should learn to shoot one-handed, or why you need to be able to manipulate a flashlight while you shoot, or why you need to be able to shoot while moving, or why you need to be able to effectively engage multiple moving targets.

One more comment. In your OP you referred to wanting to "master your gun for SD and for fun." I would suggest leaving the "fun" part out of it if you are limited to 50 rounds per week. You have a massive chore in front of you, under the conditions you have described, just dealing with the "mastering for SD" part.

Practice is essentially simply a repetition of whatever techniques you are using. Keep in mind that if your technique is poor, or inefficient or ineffective, you are reinforcing bad habits.
a box per week?.. = 10$ or ~ 40 per month

range hour? 10$ or so 40 per mont

total = 80$ plus targets

if you want to get some decent SD training you need to pay good some training.

or what I would suggest is... join any IDPA matches...maybe it is not a "formal" training but you can learn many stuff there from people who already know and have experience...

here in FL, miami I pay 20$(25 if not member) per match and spend less than 2 box.. 3 stages and 30 rounds per stage... = 120rounds but usually we spend 80 -90...

I usually spend at IDPA 80$ per month(20 each match and 4 ammo box)

the matches are twice a month and it would be A WAYY better than range.

in idpa you can:

shoot while moving
shoot multiple targets.
fast shooting
draw from holster
shooting from cover
emergency or tactical/ fast reload

usually you can not do this things at any range....

you can go to any other game. but I talk about idpa because it is what I now..

uspsa is good too but it is like go a shooting like crazy, usually no cover, just shoot as fast and accurate as you can...

Good luck
IDPA is good for testing your speed and accuracy, but it is not a substitute for personal practice.

Good practice requires repetition.
IDPA is good for testing your speed and accuracy, but it is not a substitute for personal practice.

Good practice requires repetition

yeah. But it is hard to find a place where you can practice the more real possible... at range is all static... at least IDPA you can shoot while moving, fast reload...

maybe if you are a LEO or from the army/navy.. you can get that training but for people not leo/army it is hard to find.

and of course, any SD at home is different from idpa or any other game...

and suppose anyone can have a training like "real situation".. where can you practice that again and again? with fire of course...

actually, here in a local range indoor, they did a idpa match pretty good, with bed, doors, you had to get up, move and go to another room.. I couldnt go, but I would like to any other similar.

and it is hard to afford paying 300/400+ $ for a course every two months, "to practice"...
Dollar to dollar, shot to shot, match shooting (IDPA/USPSA) is probably a better skill builder than just about anything. The very fact that the results matter, that how you do gets posted, that you make it into "B Class' this year makes a difference.
Generally shoot about 75 rounds minimum, rarely more than 150. Practice with revolvers and semi-autos, with either hand. 25 acp, 32 acp, 32 cal, Tokarev, 380, Makarov, 9mm, 357, 44 mag, 45 acp.

Always shoot multiple silhouette targets, up to 5 at a time. Distance from 3 yards to 50 yards, most shooting done at 3, 7 and 10 yards. All shooting is rapid fire.

Practice quick draw and rescue shooting the most. Also shoot balloons tied on 3 foot string lengths so that wind makes moving targets.

Do not practice clearing jams, if a gun ever jams it gets retired, no point in carrying a dangerous liability.
Do not practice Jams

I strongly disagree. Even the vaunted Glock does and will jam. Be prepared to tap rack and get back on target. All weapons are mechanical, which can and may fail.
I respect your disagreement with my criterion for a reliable defensive handgun, your assessment is supported by many tactical experts.

Tho I have shot the 'vaunted Glock' in different flavors I do not own or carry one.

"All weapons are mechanical, which can and may fail. " [KChen986]


Which is why I would draw my next carry, a revolver, and should that fail, my boot gun, and if that fail, I can only opine that it was my time, and hopefully my children will not exaggerate my demise with too great a gusto.