Training Run - 50 Rounds


New member
Consider this a combination "what would you do?" and "workout routine."

So let's say you get to go to the range once a week for 30 mins. That's it. No more, no less.

AND you only get 50 rounds.

You're not preparing for some crazy competition, you're just want to master your gun for SD and fun.

This isn't really that strange, it's pretty much going to be my upcoming situation.

If you really want to make it more fun! I'll be using a six shot revolver.

So what's a good routine or set of routines to run through.
That's exactly what I do, I run 5 rds per mag, practice speed reload, malfunction clear, I have a three piece metal Target and do a little accuracy shooting. Then rapid fire and point shooting at a man size Target.

Since there are no classes nearby I ordered a video called dynamic handgun and use that as a training tool
-5rds per mag
-practice clean drawing, manipulating the safety, and getting one shot center mass.
-Load up a snap cap in with the 5rds mags and practice trigger control with no flinching. The snap caps will show you what you are doing to the gun when you fire.
-Practice strong hand only
-Practice weak hand only

For a revolver I would load up 5 rds and use the empty pipe as a "snap cap". Practice double action, especially weak handed.

There are things you can do at home for free, such as more practice drawing, getting a sight picture quickly, and reloading magazines. Obviously you gotta be sure to clear (and double check) all firearms and magazines :p If you find shooting weak handed hard, do some hand strengthening exercises. My hand strength training comes in the form of a 6 string guitar :p
I practice with a revolver at ten yards. I vary the revolver I use from a S&W J FRame to a S&W L Frame to a S&W N frame. Typically I start at a low ready. My targets are printed off (I print the Five Bullseye targets). I will shot one predecided target on the sheet, then return to low ready. I then repeat the practice with a different target.

After I shoot all five, I reload and repeat firing two shoots at two different targets. I return to the low ready and repeat until cylinder empty. I reload and repeat shooting at two of the targets(J Frame only gets to shoot at the five targets ... L and N Frames get a 2nd shot at the center target).

I then reload and shoot three of the targets. Go to low ready and repeat (J Frame only get five shots - L & N Frames get two to the center target). I repeat this two more times.

I have fired 30 rounds with a J Frame and 36 rounds with a L, and N FRame revolver. I repeat the practice with my weak hand. This results in more than your limit of 50 rounds in 30 minutes, but then you get to limit yourself anyway you wish. I do not place that particular limit on myself. Typically I spend an hour at the range and usually shoot two different revolvers each trip.

Good luck with your practice.
I usually find some ways to do some "work out" shooting when I get to the range, limiting my time and ammo count just as you mention. I do it largely because I'd rather go shoot more frequently with a box of ammo, than wait till I have a case and hammer away all day.

My routine is much the same as those already posted here. I tend to stick with my carry gun/s, which are 5, 6 ,6+1 or 7+1 capacity. I'll load anywhere from 2-max rounds, repending on what I am using, then mix up the mags if its an auto loader. I work on draw and fire, reloading w/ and w/o retention, and multi-target zones.

I generally hang a target w/ 5 small bullseyes, which give me small target-shift oppertunities. Not as much of a jump as using multiple full-sized targets, but enough to practice reacquisition and hitting decent groups. If I'm at my outdoor range, and no one else is there, I'll go ahead and hang a bunch of targets all over the place to save me from replacing them as I go. Range is typically a set distance for a session, but mix it up each time I go back.

To save range time/ammo, I do the bulk of my reload/draw practice at home w/ dummy rounds. Different days at the range I'll focus on strong, weak, 2 handed shooting methods. I guess I pick a skill set to work on each day, rather than running a mag through each way all in one trip.

Then there are times I will just go and plink or do some target practicing now and again; I don't strictly do the combat training type stuff.
I'll shoot some close, some far. Some fast, some slow. Some single shots from the holster. Some fast double action runs up close.

Usually start out slow and distant speeding up and moving closer I "get in the groove". I don't shoot the whole box if I need a loaded gun for the ride home though.
With 50 rounds of ammo, I'd probably practice mostly one thing - like one handed shooting. That's because I've been concentrating on one handed shooting lately.
Back when I started shooting in an Action Shooting league a practice partner and I came up with a dry-fire/practice scheme that worked OK. It was:

1) Clear everything- guns, magazines, put ammo in another room
2) 1911, hammer down in the leather
3) Draw and "press" twice in a safe direction
4) mag change
5) press twice again

Our thought was it incorporated most skills we needed work on: Draw, front sight focus, mag change, and back to the front sight. Since you could only dry fire once in series we elected to just leave the hammer down.

At one point we both were taping 3" x 5" cards to the wall in the same progression as our stages.
Torture Dot Drill:


50 rounds, strong, weak, from draw, engaging 2 targets etc. It is a good drill. Done around 3-5 yards.
derekb said:
You're not shooting your carry ammo, or carrying your range ammo, are you?

With my .45's, I don't worry so much about carrying range-ammo. At least I know it works well in the guns, and still makes an awfully big hole that works in a pinch.
I shoot 15yd Weaver to warm up. Usually 12 rounds depending on what I'm shooting.
If my eyes are working I move to 25yds and repeat. Then I shoot strong hand and then a few rounds weak hand.

I finish with Weaver.

If my eyes aren't working I stay at 15yds and Weaver and I shoot really slow.
How experienced are you???

Meaning, how good are you to begin with?

50 rounds isn't anything... for training for a new shooter. That's like saying to someone that is thinking of doing a marathon to run 1 mile.

Your not even warming up?

Do you realize that for a new shooter it's all about trigger time... quality and quantity.

As a benchmark: pro's shoot on average of 20,000 - 60,000 rounds a year. I'm not saying your a pro. But shooting 50 rounds ain't nothing....

I would say if you are new. Save your money. Set aside time and money... invest in a good instructor and lots of ammo. The instructor will get you off on the right foot to practice those lessons... otherwise... You are literally shooting in the dark, trying to figure out "how to shoot" on your own. You'll waste money, ammo and time and most likely develop "bad habits" while you are at it.

So, step back and put the money where you need to... $50-$150 for a good instructor with about $200-$500 in ammo (a case or two). The reason I say get a lot of ammo upfront is so you don't worry about the cost... piece by piece (box by box). Do make sure the ammo works for your gun.

As for practicing drills - what is your intended purpose? Marksmanship? Speed? Self Defense? Each has it's own drills...

Sidenote: visit my website and check out what we do in the so called "liberal" state of Washington, near Seattle.
I do some of these twice a month,, but I also still go to formal training twice a year. I feel doing these drills is good practice, but without formal training there is no way to tell if you are developing bad habits/tactics. I understand that money is tight and the cost of ammo is going up, but you shouldn't limit yourself to just practicing what you see on a video, book, or internet. A few years ago I decided to start a training budget which includes ammo and formal training classes, and my practice in my free time. I stick with handgun and shotgun training as these are what I like to shoot the most any way. I'm also an LEO firearms instructor and like to stay profficent and like to be able to do what I teach my fellow officers. I started reloading my ammo 12 years ago and that has helped me out with ammo cost. In my earlier link, I run my guys through some of those drill and I would not deter anyone from practicing those drills, but don't limit yourself to just doing this type of parctice/training. Look around in your area and see if there are any training facilities in your area. You might be surprised to find out that it's not as expensive as you think. If you can afford to shoot 50 rounds per week, then you should be able to afford a formal training class and the ammo to shoot at it. Just some thoughts on this subject.
The dot torture drill is really interesting, and one I'd not heard of before. I Googled it trying to find a printable version with clear instructions. No joy :(.

I did, however, find this video of it in action.

Do you have a link to a full-size copy one can print out and try?

Ditto, especially a file in .pdf format or something similar that can be saved and printed out in multiple copies.