Training base

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Sounds like Mall Ninja 101!

The lion does not warn the zebra he is coming to kill him. There is a great deal of importance as to how one sets his perspective on things...about how one gets their mind right. We need more predators and far fewer prey.

Which one are you?

I am the level headed survivor. Willing and able to do what is necessary to end the threat. Whether the assailant survives or not is irrelevant. Only that the threat is ended.

This Mall Ninja sounds like he is training cold blooded killers to go looking for trouble just to ply their newly learned "skills".
Cheapshooter said:

I am the level headed survivor. Willing and able to do what is necessary to end the threat. Whether the assailant survives or not is irrelevant. Only that the threat is ended.

wisdom to remember.

Hunting zebra is expensive and hard. Shooting a zebra out of season and without a license and harvest tag is going to put someone in a world of hurt, especially if that zebra turns out to be an unarmed fawn who only had a replica star wars blaster.
This article was really, really weird to me. Smacks of "it's getting late, and I really have to write a blog article that will sound edgy." Reacting cooly under stress is one thing -- relishing the opportunity to kill is something else entirely.

Really, really not sure where he was going with that.

But I do like his videos on using red dot sights.
He sees a zebra armed with a CZ (what else would a zebra use?) and is expressing his joy.

It's generally known among zoologists that only Eastern European zebras carry CZs. Lions live in Africa, and the two are unlikely to meet. Now, the TRUE animal to emulate is the All 'Murican Bison, which is typically seen carrying an 8" barreled Colt six-shooter out on the plains. The super cool ones wear Stetsons. They have no fear. They revel in the opportunity to be what they are.

<Good/Bad/Ugly Theme plays quietly in the background...>

I mistakenly reread the article. Wow.
It's generally known among zoologists that only Eastern European zebras carry CZs. Lions live in Africa, and the two are unlikely to meet. Now, the TRUE animal to emulate is the All 'Murican Bison, which is typically seen carrying an 8" barreled Colt six-shooter out on the plains. The super cool ones wear Stetsons. They have no fear. They revel in the opportunity to be what they are.

You just made me laugh.

So... just a thought. Do bison choose buffalo bore?
When you get past petty likes or dislikes of an individual you could learn more about the positive or negative impact emotions can have on your training.

I don't know who this guy is, so I have no predispositions, petty or otherwise.

However, when I read someone promoting ideas like:

* Law enforcement should be "demon hunters" (i.e. judge/jury/executioner) rather than community helpers (you know, their actual job)

* Veterans should be happy enough with memories of violence and its glorification and not seek counseling

* The right solution is always to run headlong into violence

...and then try to rationalize these arguments with some poorly thought-out analogy about armed zebras of all things... well, he's giving me a pretty objective reason not to like him.

I get that this article is probably just clickbait trying to get views for advertisers, but as we have seen, there are impressionable people who will buy into this dangerous BS.

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Unfortunately, thats the way Gabe is.

His stint in Law Enforcement was that exact way. Looking for gunfights. His conversations at lunch during his time at Front Sight were full of bravado, much like this article. He narrowly missed becoming a felon after his Medical retirement from Santa Monica PD. Pleaded to misdemeanor charges over the ins fraud. Kinda sad.

He developed a good following of students after he started his own training bussiness, lots of good force on force classes. Reasonable techniques.

I would not want him called as a witnesses in my defense following a shooting.
Unfortunately, that's the way Gabe is.

I believe you. That's exactly the problem. Like I said before my impression is that he was really talking from the heart, speaking his core beliefs about crime, violence, justice and social issues. IMO, based on several things that I read in other places, this is consistent. It's disturbing that the wingnuts used to hang out at the bars, now they are on the web, and some of them have millions of followers.

IF he was given a mental health assessment, I deeply suspect that many examiners would have his weapons taken away from him through legal channels. I am not sure if a detailed and deeper examination would do so, the examiner would need to find solid evidence that he is a danger to himself or others because he is in possession of firearms, and that taking those firearms would prevent that danger.

He's an "authority" so it's hard for people to throw him under the bus, call him out for the things that he passes to the public like an evangelist passes the word of God.

I am wondering what happened during the possibly thousands of man hours of discussion that led to a plea bargain down from a felony. That seems to be a little unusual given the seriousness of that offense. That's a big one. But the felony would have denied him the opportunity to "move on with his life" and keep his job as a trainer, and continue his business as a dealer of combat weapons. That was probably a long series of tough negotiations.

What sort of doctor declared him unfit for employment anyway?
Like I said before my impression is that he was really talking from the heart, speaking his core beliefs about crime, violence, justice and social issues.
Or even more troubling, and irresponsible, talking from the pocket book. Selling books, videos, and even training sessions to truly disturbed people. Setting up the potential for a disaster, and more bad press for 2A proponents.
That is also possible. chimp screaming to bring fringers into his club.

so, he owns and operates a school, does he really load it down with these crazy ideas, or does he just teach hardcore lethal force tactics? does his store have page after page of shouting, comic book descriptions of the new sight, or just facts?

Blog posts in this age are damaging. Hopefully his staff does not indoctrinate students into these ideas.
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