Training base

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"Does the lion weep over killing the zebra?"

No he doesn't. He also doesn't bother with these self righteous blog posts that present himself as the prevailing authority in an industry from which he generates his income.

"Even if the lion was outnumbered by armed and belligerent zebras."

I have to say this presented me with one of the best mental images I've had in some time. It was appreciated.

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Sorry, not impressed, only made it half way through, had to stop as my BS meter went off. Sounds like someone read Jeff Cooper's "Principals of Personal Defense", and decided to rewrite it, casting themself as Cooper. Too many self proclaimed experts out there already, and yet, another arises.
another arises.

Gabe is not new to the training game. He taught at Front Sight when it opened in Bakersfield Ca. After that fell apart for him he opened his own training company and has been going after it since then.
What a load of self-indulgent and self-aggrandizing drivel.

Somehow, I made it to the end where he lamented law enforcement as "community helpers" versus "demon hunters."

Sorry dude, this mentality is exactly what is wrong with policing in this country today, and a sign of a greater societal illness.

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One of my close friends served in FORECON in Afghanistan, and loved combat. He truly enjoyed it and is not afraid to share that it was fun for him.

And he's also open that having someone to talk to afterwards was critical for him and many others, whether you loved combat or not.

This shaming of the need for counseling after combat is frankly a bit sickening.

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"But consider the lion. When the zebra presents himself to the lion, the lion is not afraid. Even if the lion was outnumbered by armed and belligerent zebras. The lion smiles inwardly, pleased at the opportunity to manifest his existence and being as a lion. So he is happy when he chases, catches, and kills the zebra."

I think that's a bad analogy.

The zebra doesn't "present" itself to anyone. It eats grass and bushes. We're talking self defense, here. Of course the lion has no remorse. It has to eat.

If the zebra pulled out a gun and shot it, that's more aligned with the proper analogy.

That was just silly....
I think that's a bad analogy.

The zebra doesn't "present" itself to anyone. It eats grass and bushes. We're talking self defense, here. Of course the lion has no remorse. It has to eat.

If the zebra pulled out a gun and shot it, that's more aligned with the proper analogy.

That was just silly....
Remember, they are in fact armed and belligerent zebras. Do you think they hold their weapons in their mouths, or would such a zebra walk on his hind legs?

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Could not read the whole thing, 21 years in the Army taught me one thing fear kept me alive and it goes hand in hand with bravery, has nothing to do with being cool.
It has been interesting to watch Mr. Suarez transition from “firearms trainer” to “controversial outsider” to “Is he still around?” Looks like he is in the early stages of transitioning to “Who?” and is trying to stave it off with clickbait.
Fear is a powerful motivator.
It can act as a force multiplier or vacuum depending on the man.
It's understandably hard to discuss.
my take on this. i read and re-read it and tried to fully understand it. i'm going to suggest the possibility that this man is developing schizoid thinking.

the utter conviction of how he speaks endorses this, almost nobody could write an essay like that without leaving clues of parody. instead, his zebra attack scenario appears to be meant seriously.
my take on this. i read and re-read it and tried to fully understand it. i'm going to suggest the possibility that this man is developing schizoid thinking.

the utter conviction of how he speaks endorses this, almost nobody could write an essay like that without leaving clues of parody. instead, his zebra attack scenario appears to be meant seriously.
The sad thing is that there will be inexperienced shooters young and old that will drink the "Kool-Aid" and this type of opinionated talk will be taken as fact.
the utter conviction of how he speaks endorses this, almost nobody could write an essay like that without leaving clues of parody. instead, his zebra attack scenario appears to be meant seriously.

Oh my impressions is he absolutely believes every word of it.
Yes. He is spreading a dangerous heresy that everyone of us should fear. To go out and fearlessly stalk the wild zebra, and when a threat presents itself, use the inner predator and get the job done without remorse or fear or hesitation?

He's talking about being the western gunfighter. he even refers to a gunfighter in the page.

A lion takes no joy in killing a gazelle. It yells "woo hoo, kids, it's food"! An hour later, a gazelle could pee on the lion's feet and he won't even swish his tail.

Hunter of demons?

This is all that I need. He posted this on a publicly accessible forum, advising people to emulate him. He is a predator, a hunter of demons, and he makes no attempt to remind people that killing isn't the goal, and that it had better be a last choice, or a time of extreme danger.

Hunter of demons isn't a job. It's a mental disorder.
When you get past petty likes or dislikes of an individual you could learn more about the positive or negative impact emotions can have on your training.
Labeling a target may actually benefit but I doubt that subject can continue on a forum.
You must not be reading my posts clearly, that isn't an issue of like or dislike. I take issue with the fact that what he is saying, step by step and over and over is identical to what a person with some undifferentiated psychosis would be saying. There is not a single line or sentence that presents a truly rational way of thinking.

What he very clearly espoused was completely inappropriate for personal defense, and barely appropriate for wartime with the possibility of civilian casualties.

The only thing that he said that made sense was that if a zebra attacks you it's a bad thing.

The suggestion that our police should stop mediating domestic disputes and fixing tires, and completely forego "serve and protect" and become the guy from Doom is absolutely insane. I don't know what kind of person he is to be able to say that.

This has nothing to do with dislike. The issue that a well balanced individual should have against his post is that it is all wrong.
Gabe said:

He is happy at the opportunity to express his “lionhood”.

He sees a zebra armed with a CZ (what else would a zebra use?) and is expressing his joy.



My wife has done something incredibly cruel to me. She just sang a parody of the rocky theme.

It's the eye of the zebra , it's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the zebra.

I'm never going to get that song out of my head now.
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