Trailing Big Game using a Blood Light.

I am not sure what it is about the lanterns, the propane ones don't seem to work as well. It may just be the fact that it is a fairly bright white light with wide coverage so you don't just have that one little spot to look at. I've shown a couple folks who didn't believe me, they asked the same thing, why does it work, I still don't know the technical reasons.
First off. If hunter doesn't have a perfect shot he/she should never shoot. That's why I make all head shots. I don't like to track.
And for friends are whoever. If deer runs what's the matter with a good ole dog. Had a black lab that would take you right to them. He died and now we got a chiwawhua that will do the same. I don't have to track deer but do put my dog on alot of wounded hogs. I may shoot the first hog in the head then others are getting shot in butt, legs whenever I can just as fast as I can.
I think Panfisher has it right. They aren't any brighter but they throw a nice white light evenly all around making it closer to true daylight. With a flashlight, you are constantanly having to work a cone of light where you want to look. I would imagine you would want a good shade on top so that light from the lantern doesn't go up hindering your vision.
I'll throw my eperience in here. All the older guys at deer camp, especially my grandpa, always insisted the best tracking light is a colman lantern with foil stuck to the side near you for a shield. They actually wait for darkness to track if it's an evening hunt. Say they can see the blood better using this method than in daylight. I've been along for many of these tracks and it definitely works great. Don't know about better than daylight, but it's definitely better than most lights. I say most because it seems to me that these led lights we have now do as good a job as the old lantern and foil. Much easier to haul around too.
First off. If hunter doesn't have a perfect shot he/she should never shoot.

I may shoot the first hog in the head then others are getting shot in butt, legs whenever I can just as fast as I can.

A bit contradictory.

In my experience, there aren't many perfect shots under real-world hunting situations. Tracking is a good skill to have. Sooner or later you'll need it.
A bit contradictory.

That has to be the understatement of the year! :p

As for the Coleman Lanterns, when turned up high, they probably produced a whiter light than most flashlights of the day and with a lot more lumens. Nowadays, you can likely do better with a flashlight, as misterE indicated.
Lots of interesting observations here. Its not just a matter of how much light a unit throws out, but what color that light is. I haven't had to do any after dark tracking in ages, but I was always a big fan of the Coleman liquid fuel double mantle lantern, or the 6v square battery flashlight but I have really wondered about how well LED lights work to show blood since they have a different color light, and how that compares to an incandescent bulbed flashlight. Somebody also mentioned a blue lens working well. I lave long ago replaced my "walking out" flashlight with an LED one as its tiny and puts out more light, and needs less battery, but I am very interested in people's observations about what light colors will better show blood. Sounds like these tracking lights do seem to help a little bit, just not $60 worth of help so if they sold for a realistic price of an LED flashlight with differenet color LEDs, they might be worthwhile.
IF I ever shoot a deer, I'll try to answer that question at least to a degree. My new headlight has a very, very bright white LED and a blue-ish less bright light along with red.

Red doesn't work for bloodtracking, BTW, in case anyone wonders.:D
I think after reading here a bit. I'm going to look around for a secondhand coleman gas light just to have on hand up at the cabin.{I'm always on the scout to try something better.} I seen a coleman once with the handle a few years back on EBay. As I recall unusal look'in light having a steel reflector & handle both. I doubt I'll see another like that one though.
As far as the young mans Primos HD blood light. Jury is still out on that. Lots of if's and and's but not quite: yes I own one and its Great!! or it Stinks!! Well see how it goes here a bit longer._:)

BTW: Say Doyle: I'd be more concerned about getting worn-out from {short stroke pumping} a Coleman all night than warming my hands over one.:D
I've tracked deer with a lantern before. I can't say as it was any better than any other light I've used and it's a whole lot LESS convenient and one more thing to get in the way. If it's not attached to my head, I'm not interested.
Deer / hogs Understatement ? Deer I kill and don't track. Hogs, I try to kill if I'm shooting at them but if there's multiples then I'm just trying to get a bullet in them. I could care less if they die instantly, run off and die or get hit and leave the country. Round here there's plenty that do tons of damage and multiy like rabbits.
Nothing changed my mind yesterday. No new comments were made after BuckRub. So it was time to Ring the young fellow up and give him some advice. In light conversation I was told his family did OK deer hunting this year. Things were slow and filling out tags one at a time was the usual. But they all managed to fill out over two weeks & three weekends. (all 12 of them) Nothing of great size was harvested. Just one lone 8-point is all. I told the young fellow what was primarily said here concerning his new toy. (the HD Blood Light) We both agreed He should return the light. "So the young fellow is going to send the unused flashlight thingy back for a Refund." {I know where the young man bought his light from and the web store is pretty good about refunding one's money} So He's good with his decision and said to thank y'all for your comment's. Me too._:)
No home Depots up that way Shortwave. Maybe a Lowes I think?~? I'll have to go check the light out. We have to head over towards H/D tomorrow anyway for the wife's new license tabs. I suppose I could pick up a light for him and send it up to the young man as a Christmas present. {why not. I think I would like to do that for him.} Thanks shortwave
The new light I just got at WalMart is the best hunting light I've ever had. I don't remember the brand but it's red/maroon and has 2 buttons. One is for the red light, the other runs 3 stages of white. The spotlight setting is almost unbelievably bright, then there's a low setting and a bluish flood setting. It was about $19.95