Toronto Mayor David Miller is asking Ottawa to ban all privately owned handguns. Do y

The Canuck

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Something ain't kosher here. It's not changed ALL DAY. Maybe you folks could do me a favour and wander in and cast your vote?

Much appreciated.
Question of the Day
Toronto Mayor David Miller is asking Ottawa to ban all privately owned handguns. Do you agree with his proposal?

40220 responces

were losing :eek:

I thought it was allready hard to get a hand gun in Canada?
Toronto Mayor David Miller is asking Ottawa to ban all privately owned handguns. Do you agree with his proposal?
72229 responses, not scientifically valid, results updated every minute.
I hope you folks up there will throw him out on the curb for this. And I think the poll is gone...must not have gone their way.
Why does anyone care what another country does with their firearms?
Domino theory, and also the belief that gun ownership is a human right, and humans everywhere have the same rights and should be respected as such. Further down the line there's the possibility with the globalists trying to push the NAU that Canada's laws would be pushed on the US rather than the US remaining with its freedoms we have now.
Domino theory, and also the belief that gun ownership is a human right, and humans everywhere have the same rights and should be respected as such. Further down the line there's the possibility with the globalists trying to push the NAU that Canada's laws would be pushed on the US rather than the US remaining with its freedoms we have now

Well I don't believe that the domino theory holds any weight. Canada isn't similar to the US at all either socially, culturally, or in its form of government. Nor is the NAU a plausible outcome either.

I think that most would agree that the right to life supercedes all else. Because of this I always find it funny that the people who think we should "leave things alone" in other places such as africa asia and the middle east always get so riled up about other nations gun laws.

Seems to me if you are a supporter of inalienable human rights, your first stop should be preventing indiscriminate killing rather than whether someone can purchase a beretta.
Agreed, and personally I correlate one's ability and inclination to purchase a Beretta (to use your example) with one's ability to resist being indiscriminately killed. The situation in Africa is indeed horrid and represents a clear case for the need to be armed to resist oppression--and the situation in neocommunist controlled cities in the US and/or Canada is no different. Heck I even have a hard time with my inlaws in a firearm friendly state trying to get them to protect themselves! Asymmetry of force is a problem everywhere it occurs regardless of whether you're talking about the people of Israel vs. Philistines who captured, enslaved, and disarmed them around 2000 B.C., Incas and Aztecs vs. the Spanish in the 1500's, one variety of people in Africa versus another, or sheep being preyed upon by thugs in the US.
STAGE 2 said:
Well I don't believe that the domino theory holds any weight....
And yet the hoplophobes are continually pointing to the common sense(?) regulation [banning] of guns by Great Britain, Australia, etc., as examples for us to follow. And while such arguments are specious, they do seem to resonate with people who don't think critically but make judgments based on emotions, and who vote. I'd rather that the antis were denied yet another example.
stage 2 said:
Why does anyone care what another country does with their firearms?

Usually it's because if one country tries gun control, no matter whether it succeeds or fails (it always fails), a horde of well-funded people starts clamoring for the spread of the policy.

You don't think that there are people who think -- and opine in newspaper editorials -- that WE should be doing what the BRITS did?

We care because we know someone will try to import the idiotic gun control schemes here.
"Seems to me if you are a supporter of inalienable human rights, your first stop should be preventing indiscriminate killing rather than whether someone can purchase a beretta."

Results of CCW laws in the US suggest that having more honest, law-abiding people packing Berettas can go a long way toward preventing indiscriminate killing. Propose such a thing in Britain, and people will think you're from another planet.

Well I don't believe that the domino theory holds any weight. Canada isn't similar to the US at all either socially, culturally, or in its form of government.

I know for a fact that this isn't so; much of Canada, especially anywhere west of Ontario, would feel right at home in much of the north-central US. Unfortunately, Toronto happens to be the single largest population centre in Canada, and can almost deliver a majority government all by itself (imagine if the US was run on a strictly rep-by-pop basis, with no senate to balance things; California and NY would be passing the laws that every other state would have to follow).