Torn Rotator Cuff

I had a buddy that had his ACL replaced (from a cadaver). That wouldn’t work for me unfortunately because the knee doc had told me years ago that he couldn’t even tell where my ACL had even been, so replacement would be a problem.

So yes, I still teach tennis and sometimes hit with the better kids on the team, but that doesn’t mean the knee is 100%. It’ll puff up sometimes and I’ll have to ice it, and I wear a knee brace. I just choose to deal with a little pain and inconvenience to keep doing what I love - teaching tennis to jr high and high school kids.

I should probably mention that my knee was in bad shape about 5 years ago. I went to Dr Bramhall at College Station. He was highly recommended. He said my problem was mostly that “my leg muscles weren’t firing in the right order”, whatever that means. So he put me in PT to get the muscles working right. Electrical stimulation and specific exercises and some odd things. Such as standing on a small trampoline while balanced on my bad leg and tossing and catching a small medicine ball. Weird, but in a month or so the knee was much better. I can climb ladders like a monkey now (an old monkey), where before I could not. Go see Dr Bramhall. I had been expecting to get cut on, so I was thrilled to get fixed without it. He did say that my jogging days were over, as were any serious tournament tennis.
Wiping your backside with the off hand really can be a problem.

I found that to be a problem when after I had my surgery. I would suggest practice prior to the surgery. I followed the doctor's orders exactly and it is 1005 now.

Don't put it off because the longer you wait, the harder it is to heal as you get older.