Top Break hand ejector 38 :)


I was referring to Magnum Wheel Man's gun.

In order to get the best answers regarding yours, you should start a separate thread.
As you open the pistol it raises the cylinder up and then it's sitting on a spring. Just a little push down it lifts them out. Instead of, like yours, having to push the front pin to push out spent cartridges.

Thanks again for the info. I'm not at home or I would get it out of the safe and take some real close ups. The owl deal is kewl and I'll look further into that. Neat'O man!
I now have two similar guns. I inherited a Smith & Wesson .32 S&W Double Action, which is technically a single action only in that you cannot cock the hammer to single action, and also an Iver Johnson Firearm & Cycle Works .32 Safety Hammerless in .32 S&W.

Both are five-shot, and the cylinders are practically identical. Both are almost the same size, have Gutta Percha grips, and 3.5" barrels.

I'll get photos up here in a day or so.

There is a new collectors impetus in these guns due to a new segment of Cowboy Action Shooting using them. They still work, and current .32 ammo is made low pressure just because there are so many .32 S&W guns out there.

One thing Psychobilly and MagnumWheelMan photos do not show is just how tiny these guns are.

The Doc is out now. :cool:
I am not sure what to call that type of ejection since the term "hand ejector" is usually associated with S&W, who used it to describe their swing out cylinder revolvers. Iver Johnson called it just manual ejection, which is about as good a term as any.

There were two reasons for it. The first is that it is simply cheaper, eliminating several parts and the associated fitting. The second is that the conventional cam type ejector used on top break revolvers has its limits due to limits on the length of the cam. If the cartridge is short, it works OK, but at some case length the cam won't fully extract, one of the reasons top break revolvers are not made for long cartridges (strength, or lack of it, of the top break frame is the other).

There are ways around that in a topbreak. The old S&W Russian and Baby Russian used a cogwheel system that was more complex than necessary but they soon went to a cam system.

I found another... a match to the 1st one I posted only in 32 S&W long... it appears to be in good shape, ( same grips & everything ) unfortunately, they are asking over $250.00 more than I paid for my 38... I had to put it on my watch list, & see if it comes down in price over the next couple weeks ??? it would be kinda cool to have a match in 32... but not at the current starting price :(
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