tools other than guns

I carry pepper spray and usually have a stylish but stout white oak cane with a brass eagle head on it, I could use either end. Better than nothing if a guns not a option.
Great suggestions for the most part, specially #'s 5 & 6. Use those and you will avoid 98% of ugly situations.
I keep a small canister of pepper spray in the L/F door pocket, and a defensive flashlight with it. I often need to use a cane, so I have one in the car or in my hand, along with a medium sized lock-blade folder in my R/R pocket. Other than that it's a firearm.
pepper spray

I never believed in pepper spray until I was sprayed for training... Now pepper spray is a wonderful thing that prevents first aid and a lot of explaining on why someone is dead. Plus its reversible so thats a plus. It is what my military buddy called Karma in a can.
See I'm not much for pepper spray. For those who have taken it in various forms of training, most will agree that anyone CAN fight through it. It sucks, yeah, but it's not going to instantly stop you. If an assailant takes a shot of spray and you run, he's probably gonna have a hard time chasing you peering through 90% closed eyelids.

Why I'm not a big fan of spray? You're just as likely to douse yourself with it as the assailant in a fight. There have probably been more cops hit with OC spray than the individuals they were trying to arrest. I'm not saying that it's useless, or that it will not do anyone any good... I just believe there are typically better options.

As for "non gun tools." A knife should be a must carried by every man, IMO. Not just for SD, but just as a general tool. It will work in SD, but most people who have not trained in at least some basic fighting techniques will be pretty useless with a knife. Still carry one, and if johnny mugger or rapist is on top of you then pull it out and stab him if you can. Don't be pulling it out and displaying it as "preemptive defense" though.

Best tool at night would be a bright flashlight. It works and works well.
I picked up a great Little League aluminum bat at a garage sale for 50 cents. Small enough to take running or walking and big enough to beat the snot out of any loose dog....or its owner.