tools other than guns


New member
what other tools are there besides guns for self protection. I mean like stun guns etc. could you give brand, model number of those you have. thanks
check your local laws carefully. Stun guns, pepper spray and such may be treated the same as firearms under the law. Each locality can be different.

There are places where you need the same permit for pepper spray that you would need for a pistol.

And the law may only apply to carrying it, not purchase. OR not. Check and be sure.
I've been thinking about getting one of those stainless steel "tactical" pens. Pretty cheap; they look cool, I can write with it and it could come in handy.
Contact weapons are great if you are bigger, stronger, and faster than your assailant.

The same applies to most "stun guns"

Both of those require you to be close enough to touch them, which in turn means they can also touch you

At least with pepper sprays, you can maintain your distance
Other tools? If you can, take up a martial arts class or something of the sort (provided you are athletic/healthy enough and wealthy enough in both time and finances to do so)

Also, what 44amp said
While I'm sure it has its limits,a 200 lumen + compact flashlight may be useful.

In the dark,thug with dilated pupils will have vision fried.I tried it on myself and I had a large amoeba blind spot for at least 20 minutes.

I have not tried a 500 lumen...but I'm thinking about getting one.
Police Magnum Pepper Spray, but this is primarily for a dog that attacked mine while I was out walking her last December. I also carry a three D-cell Mag-Lite for the same purpose, even in daylight. The pepper spray has been deployed once, successfully, on the original offender.
I agree a flashlight can temporarily disorient someone without actually having to touching them. Also, consider a whistle as a way of drawing attention and possibly scaring the bad guy away.
What!? No knives?!

I would consider an "appropriate" knife the next step down from a gun. If your going to be fighting close in, better to have a quickly deployed bite, the timing of a Singer, and a basic knowledge of the human anatomy.

Personally, I think a knife in the right hands, close up, is scarier than a gun.

Unless its a practical, street fight focused school, I wouldnt waste your time on a traditional martial arts school for this. I spent years in a number of different of disciplines, and other than a good workout, didnt get much of anything "practical" out of them. Search out the simple, practical, down and dirty street fighters.

If you plan on using pepper spray, best to know, and be ready to fight your way though its effects too. Poor execution, and use could disable you just as easily as your target. Dont bet on it stopping a determined opponent either.
While I'm sure it has its limits,a 200 lumen + compact flashlight may be useful.
I wouldn't use anything compact; just carry a really bright full size maglight like cops do. Blind 'em then bop 'em on the head:D

And whoever said knives gets a thumbs up. Even if you carry a gun you should still keep a knife handy. One is not a substitute for the other unless it's by necessity.
I keep a Louisville Slugger in the umbrella case next to the door...
But I don't think that's what you meant.

I carry a small taclight (4sevens quark 123), and an even smaller pocket knife (spyderco dragonfly h1).
But truthfully, if I had time to fish one of them out of my pocket I'd probably have time to run away.
I don't really have the room to carry multiple accessible weapons on my belt so my gun's pretty much my go to plan.

Out of curiosity, why are you looking for a "not gun"?
knives, bats, bottles and boots.....piano wire? razor blades in your cap like the old gangsta's? brass knuckles? ninja stars/throwing knives/katana? chloroform , could b anything.

but I think a knife and mace could make a useful BUW(eapon)
What!? No knives?!

I would consider an "appropriate" knife the next step down from a gun. If your going to be fighting close in, better to have a quickly deployed bite, the timing of a Singer, and a basic knowledge of the human anatomy.
Although I always carry a knife or two, I have no intentions of being that close to an adversary if I have the option of choosing other weapons that keep me farther away.

If you're "fighting in close" you've already made mistakes
If you're "fighting in close" you've already made mistakes
Sometimes you dont have a choice.

What other weapons that you "normally" carry on you besides a gun, can be used at more than arms length?

Anything other than the gun, is going to be "close". I know this is a gun board, and its the weapon of choice, but you do need some realistic skills other than the gun, if you want to be well rounded.
I concur with checking local laws. Oddly enough, there are areas where it is fairly easy to obtain a CCW license to carry a gun, but where some other weapons, such as pepper spray, are banned and cannot be carried legally at all.

But there are other weapons that can be carried easily and legally with no problem. I used to carry a tightly rolled copy of the old Life magazine, roughly 12" long and hard as a club, used either for thrusting into an opponent's neck, stomach or lower parts. I knew a telephone lineman who carried a 2 foot long piece of 100 pair, something that would be considered part of his job, but which could deliver a real, even fatal, blow to an attacker's head.

In short, many things can be weapons if you recognize them as such and learn how to use them; the best are those that an attacker (and the police) won't consider weapons even if using them turns out to have unfortunate results for a dangerous, and perhaps overconfident, opponent.

I have a kimber pepper blaster II as I think was mentioned. Make a long story short one night on a dark highway, a long way from help I ran into a mentally unstable man. I had no call to shoot but I wasn't going to wrestle around in the dirt with him either. If he was a little bit stronger it could have gone south. I've always carried one since.