took a fall

Thanks to all for the encouragement. That was an interesting article, Gbro. Like the author, I regret the worry and inconvenience I have caused people.

If all goes well, I'll get another surgery Monday and trade this external contraption for internal plates, screws and a cast. The rods sticking out of my heal and shin tend to get caught on things when moving. I'll be glad when the rods are gone but I have learned to get around with a walker.

This has been hard on my wife and co-workers and hopefully I'll be soon able to do more around the house and do some work at the shop. The Oglethorpe county EMS people did a great job getting me to the emergency room and the staff at Athens Regional were great while I was there for the first surgery.
It's been two surgeries and a long recuperation but after 15 weeks, I took my first steps this morning. I can't walk very elegantly and I feel every step but I can walk. There are sixteen screws and two plates in my leg but I drove myself to the shop for the first time in months. : )
Thank you for the update! So good to hear you are doing better.
Since your fall we have had 2 bad falls from hunting stands here, both with back fractures. Both are up and walking now but the younger one has anckle braces and is still using a wheel chair 50%, but every day is better!
Keep pushing,. :)

I have a story for you guys, about five years ago my mom's cousin and his three brothers went hunting. They drink when they hunt (which i do not condone in anyway, but they are on their own land and don't seem to bother anyone) and the youngest brother Frankie decided to get in his climber stand. An hour into the hunt Frankie tried to grab a smoke and fell out of his stand. Luckily he had a harness, unluckily the harness wrapped around his legs in some way that had him ass over tea kettle 15 feet off the ground. He reached for his knife to cut himself loose (which wouldnt seem to smart to me being 15 ft up a tree) but he dropped his knife. Three hours later his brothers found him hanging upside down in a tree with a cigarette lit singing to himself.
Very glad you're doing better.

Getting the the external rod off you must feel like heaven.

Was the top of the external rod(can't remember correct name of rod) calibrated and indexed so you could turn it a 1/4 turn 4 times a day with an allen wrench?
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