Too many guns?


New member
Today I realized I still have 8 shotguns, plus some of Dads if I ever had an urge to use them. I am sitting here thinking is it too many? I know the whole idea of wide variety and everything. But with choke tubes now I think I could easily get by with one nicer gun for all needs. None of my current shotguns have removable chokes, all are over 40 years old except one New unfired Stevens 320 short barreled (impulse buy). All of the old ones need work or some sort of refinishing to them.

I always have liked the idea of having all of these guns, but is it needed, I sure wouldnt get rid of them all as two of them have been inherited. But then there are guns like my worn out remington 1100 12 gauge and sportsman 58 16 gauge that keep getting brought back out time and time again and are sure showing their age.

I am half tempted to just sell most and buy me a something reasonable like maybe a versamax as the one gun or maybe a Browning pump. I finally had to let go of my best shotgun, a franchi 48al 20 gauge(1969 model) just a few weeks ago because my shoulder could no longer handle that kick that light gun had for multiple rounds. I have let 4 shotguns go recently without batting an eye, just saying goodbye to them. None of my guns have any frills just are useable tools.

The only new guns I have bought new in last few years are pistols and bought 2 ARs just to have them.

Sure I go out and hunt, but not enough to where I think I need multiple guns anymore. Just want one to cover all the ground.

Would like to see some your thoughts on the situation.
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Let me specify what I hunt too. Deer, quail, pheasant, rabbit in a normal year. Not to hardcore in any of them either. Every few years I might go duck hunting as well.

The occasional trap shooting might be done also.

Just to clarify my needs in a gun.
:confused:The title of this thread does not make sense. :confused: Can you explain this concept to me of "too many guns"?
In my case, "need"' has nothing to do with it. I don't "need" all of the shotguns I have either, but sometimes I have a hard time saying "No!" to something that seems interesting, or is unusual or I think I just might like to have without breaking the bank.

I have a "thing" for Marlin Model 90 O/U's. I only had one, a 12 ga., for nearly fifty years. I saw a nice 20 ga. at a good price so I bought it. I liked the way it handled and shot so I bought a 16 ga. Then I thought, why not get a .410, after which I was able to pick up a .22/.410 combo. And so it went.

I now own 16 Model 90's (DT's and ST's) all shooters, in various gauges and and barrel lengths. I did pay $1200 for a .410 Model 90 in 90+% condition and $600 for 16 ga. Model 90 Skeetking (worth at least $1500) at an estate sale in ND. I got all the others for $250-$550 (Paid $550 for a 16 ga. with 26" barrels also in 90+% condition that is now my favorite upland bird gun.)

A few years ago, my dad's friend (then in his 80's) gave me the 16 ga. Springfield-Stevens No. 215 sxs hammer gun that he bought from my dad in 1948 or 1949. I had so much fun shooting it, that when I saw a 16 ga. Tula model B sxs hammer gun for $350 at a gun show, I bought it. Then, I saw a post on the 16 site about a Husqvarna Model 20 underlever sxs hammer gun. It looked so interesting and unusual that when I found a 16 ga. Model 20 in 60% condition with tight lockup for $150, I bought it. It shoots just fine and it gets a lot of attention at the sporting clays club.
I can list my shotguns to give a better idea of the "hoard" I am dealing with. Not one is worth anything, just basic used guns.

Meriden SxS 12 gauge - inherited (not going anywhere)
Stevens 315 SxS 12 gauge
JC Higgins SxS 20 gauge (will not sell)
Remington 1100 12 gauge early model
Remington Sportsman 58 16 gauge
Ithaca model 37 12 gauge earlier model
HSB & Co Revonoc 12 gauge
New Stevens 320 12 gauge


Shotguns I sold in last few weeks that I didnt think I needed or used much anymore. Slowly trying to clear out some of this stuff.

Montgomery Ward single shot .410
Stevens 67E 20 gauge
Stevens 67E 12 gauge
Franchi 48 AL 20 gauge
I can see your problem with the guns you have listed.

There is a solution, but you may not like it. First there's only one Ithaca, the gun is not happy being by it self, Ithaca's are also made in 16ga., and 20 gauge. Second the Remington 1100 why just the 1100, get a 870. The earlier 870 Trap model can be found at good prices, everyone wants the (yuk) new stuff.

There are three SXS's not one O/U nice buy's on good guns can be found, you NEED a O/U.

You do not have a hoard YET.:D
I agree with jaguar that you need to add an O/U to your "collection."

I have sold some of my guns too. As I've gotten older, I am less inclined to lug a "heavy" 12 ga. all day in the field. I sold one of two 12 ga. model 90's and my 12 ga. Ithaca model 37 after getting a smaller frame 16 ga. Model 37. I hope to get my dad's even smaller frame 20 ga. Ithaca Model 37 some day.

I am now more interested in small gauge guns. However, I hunt waterfowl with a 12 ga. Benelli NOVA pump or a 12 ga.Benelli M1,Super 90 semi-auto, and I still shoot a little trap with my 12 ga. Winchester Model 12 Trap. I have a 28ga. CZ Bobwhite sxs and several 20 ga. guns, including the Model 90's and a Weatherby Orion III Classic Field.

Over the years I have acquired a 16 ga. pump (the Ithaca 37), O/U's (Mostly Model 90's), sxs's (Multiple 16 ga. including the hammer guns, a JC Higgins 101.7, 311A, an Eastern Arms 101.7, 5100, and a Lefever Nitro Special) , a bolt action (Mossberg 190) and a single barrel (Winchester 37). However, I still "need" a 16 ga. semi-auto to complete the "set."
I am in the same dilemma. But.... I only have two of 14 shotguns that weren't inherited. So I guess I will keep them! I have 7 Ithaca 37's and a BPS from my grandad, he was a lefty. And several older doubles from my uncle. I have a mossberg 500 20 ga I have never shot. And an 870 turkey gun. Now I am looking at buying a beretta urika 2. I just can't stop. But I think the beretta will be the last one for a long while.
Be careful about how one defines "long." It could be 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. You never know when you might see a gun that strikes your fancy and you just can't say NO.

If your wife asks you why you want (need) another gun, just tell her you don't have one with that serial number!
The phrase "too many guns" will undoubtedly lead to a great deal of confusion 'round these parts. Many will say, "ain't no such thing." :D

Welcome to TFL, Buzzard1!
Today I realized I still have 8 shotguns, plus some of Dads

The easiest way to overcome the thought that you have too many is to simply name them. Mine are named:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.........One Deerslayer is named Ahnuld :D

a friend of mine's wife named his.. Pheasant Crossing Right to Left, Pheasant Straight Away......etc

Then you simply pick out the one that is appropriate for the situation.
This is an easy one, but one only you can make a decision on. I used to have about 50-60 guns of all types. Shotguns, rifles, handguns mostly. I got to wondering "why" myself. When the only answer I could come up with was "because," I realized I was buying them for the wrong reason FOR ME.

So I sold a bunch of them. It was that easy.

If at some point, I decide I want more, I'll buy them.
It's all a matter of personal perspective.

I think we all know it's a matter of personal perspective. This is no such thing as "too many guns" in any absolute way. There is such a thing as "too many guns" in a personal way. I have 12 guns and use them all for one thing or another. Over the last two years I've sold off a handful of guns some that I didn't use much and others because I wanted to up-grade in that caliber to a better gun.

For example, I shot my hi-poing 9mm a lot. It was a good gun. (But I did have to send it in for service to stop the stove piping when I first got it.) Anway, I was shooting so much 9mm that it was time for an upgrade. I sold the hi-point for about what I paid for it and moved up to a Beretta 92fs. The Beretta is a great gun and I can't imagine I'll ever have cause to sell it . . . but never say never.

I have an older (50 years or so) Stevens Model 66 C, that is so old it doesn't have a serial number. It's at the gun smith right now being fitted for a scope . . . or at least seeing if that is possible. I won't ever sell it. It belonged to my wife's father and so there is a "family" thing involved. Plus its a real shooter. I get very tight groups with the iron sights at 25 yards. Hopefully with the scope that will prove to be true at greater distances. We'll see. Anyway it will stay in the family and I'm sure the Grand kids will shoot it.

I had a Comanchee single shot that would shoot the 410 or the 45 colt. I bought it for the 410 ability and used it when I went squirrel hunting. Fun gun. But as my collection grew it sat in the gun safe for a long time. So it went to auction, got about what I paid for it back out and the $$ helped pay for the Beretta noted above.

I had a Rossi single shot with two barrels, a 22 and a 20 gauge. Sold that to buy the exact same gun with a 410 barrel instead of the 20 ga. Better to start the kids with.

And on it goes. We all know it's a matter of personal preference. And that it's fun to get on the forum and share our opinions.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
Too many guns? No such thing. Only problem with a larger number is how to store them. Sure you could have less, more practical guns. But why sell just to have less? I'd buy more if money allowed.
About 10 years ago I bought a brand new Remington 870 express 16 gauge. Gun was used for about everything there for a few years since it had the choke tubes. But somebody offered me more than I payed so it went away like others. Same guy bought my Mossberg 500 slugster 12 ga too. Those were the only two guns that got used for quite some time and it worked

I always thought I would replace them with newer counterparts. Never got around to it. Now my wife thinks I have way to much rapped up into all these guns I never use( I could say same about stuff in her closet) but I kind of agree.

I was thinking I could probably almost pull getting a new benelli, selling the other ones to make her think I am getting rid of some. To be honest I dont think she could tell one gun from another if I walked passed her. Only reason she knows I have so many is because she has seen inside of safe.

My cousin somehow managed to get all of Grandpas old guns, few lever actions, some .22s, and a beautiful wingmaster and then a sportsman 48 both in 12 gauge. In the back of my mind for years I have been thinking of some way to get these guns in my safe. Still havent given up hope on the matter either. Those guns mean something to me and I always loved using them. So I have never bought one of those guns thinking someday I will just figure out a way to get them handed to me.
You never have enough guns. The only reason I think anybody should sell an older gun is if they need the money or they just simply don't like the one they have (maybe a bad memory, etc.). I'm sure the new ones like the Versamax, etc. are awesome guns, but I like the classics like the 1100's, Model 58's, old Model 12's, etc. even more. I don't hunt waterfowl (due to my location), and I'm not a regular trap/skeet shooter. As a result, I keep my workhorse guns for hunting, self protection, plinking, etc., and I also feed my passion for collecting rare old American shotguns. I have lots of them. I love em all.

Plus there's one more thing to consider in your situation. Let's say, for example, you have ten shotguns with an average price of $400 each. I look at that like I have $4000 in an emergency "savings account" if a rainy day ever comes along. On the other hand, if I had $4000 cash in my pocket, I'd honestly probably waste it and have little to show for it. At least I can look in my gun cabinet and see my money. Think about it.....
HillShooter: Exactly what happened to me in 2007-8. I was a traveling GM in the construction industry and boom! I hit rock bottom and my wife and I sat back and named my guns. Mortgage payment, truck payment, food, utilities, etc. We were blessed with a healthy savings account that we did run essentially dry in the 8 months of no work. But we traveled a bit with her job and had some fun too. When life hands you lemons..... Anyhow, I got rid of my pre 64's, 4 ar's (good thing about that last election), all my "evil black guns" essentially and my deeply cherished german made 224 weatherby rocket. The great thing is that I dont really miss a single one. Just have fond memories and I even know where I can get some of them back at anytime I see fit.
I wouldn't be in a rush to sell any.

But, I do believe in not going overboard. What is too much for you? I don't know. Good to consider what are wants and what are needs. Nothing wrong with having some wants, but not a good way to live life with endless wants.
Buzzard. I know where you are at. I have my collection, mostly pistols and then I just inherited an entire gun room full from my Dad and then his buddy in the bone marrow transplant (who is still alive) added 15 long guns and a Browning Hi Power. It took me an hour just to find one in the back I was looking for the other night.

I am the only one who uses them or even knows what they are and even at that I was sitting there trying to figure out some of the bolt action rifles and which S&W revolvers where which. I used to think there was never too many, but I have changed my mind!

He told me only to give each kid a Glock and I am fixing them up, but I will sell some of the older ones, keep the important ones, and like you said maybe buy a Versamax or Bernelli as a one type shotgun. Sell the double barrel for cowboy, the Mossburg deer rifle (slug bore) etc. But keep my grandpas old Remmington and his 70's Remmington 870.

I would rather have a few of the sentimental and then one of the newest and best rather than a 3 safes full of who knows what.

For some turkey or some trap and skeet, would ONE of the newer ones (Versamax or Bernelli) be good? Obviously my knowledge of shotguns is severely lacking.