Tonights Repub debate

My sources indicate that the vast, left and right wing media conspiracy against Ron Paul is driven by the neo-cons, zionists, neo-Wilsonists, neo-moderates, and CNN. Although a little less by the neo-Wisonists.

It is the vast, left and right wing media conspiracy that has caused Paul to do so poorly. In fact, the vast neo-media conspiracy against Ron Paul is well documented in the Ron Paul newsletter. Check it out yourself. You'll also learn about the vast left and right wing conspiracy against cell phone users by Zogby and Gallup. And many other vast conspiracies against Ron Paul.

No, it's not that most Republican voters don't agree with Ron Paul's positions. The real reason that Ron Paul doesn't receive hardly any votes in the primaries has to do with multiple, vast conspiracies that are carefully intertwined and planned.

Did you know that there's a vast conspiracy to deflate the Ron Paul blimp? Seriously, ABC and Fox News are involved. They don't want the RP blimp flying around and inflating (:D) the cost of whatever kind of gas they use in blimps, because they want less expensive gas for the ABC and Fox News blimps. :eek:
In Florida, where he didn't campaign, the county that was to be Giuliani's strong hold, Paul beat Giuliani, Romney and Huckabee!

This is just pathetic. Romney got TEN TIMES the votes that Paul did, but because Paul won a particular county, he's the victor.

What is it going to take for you to concede that he is finished.
It shows that in areas where Paul's message isn't hidden by our damn nazi gov and media propaganda, that people support him!
I won't concede that he hasn't won. In many ways he already has. His message is strong and spreading, there are startup publications and newsletters devoted to Paul's message!
You and Thumper are like the few colonists that said " let the British do what they want, we can't beat them"
Good will win eventually, maybe this year, maybe in 2012. Unfortunately, people keep suffering from Americans ignorant voting and ignorance in filtering facts from media propaganda. You're just one of the sheep that the media poison works on. Congratulations...
Sheep! Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a sheep! And they are close-minded!

Yeah, we get it. So if the mods won't do it, I'll do it. Please stop calling people rude names. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that they are close-minded, sheep, or any other derogatory term you like to use.

If you really do support Ron Paul (?), you're hurting him more than you're helping him. If you're just trying to troll, please go elsewhere; I'd suggest MoveOn.Org or the DemocraticUnderground. :)
You and Thumper are like the few colonists that said " let the British do what they want, we can't beat them"
Good will win eventually, maybe this year, maybe in 2012. Unfortunately, people keep suffering from Americans ignorant voting and ignorance in filtering facts from media propaganda. You're just one of the sheep that the media poison works on.

Demonizing those who disagree with you doesn't really help your cause there, sparky.

I highly suspect most of us have been working for the cause of freedom since before you could spell the word. I was a proponent of Ron Paul in '88, for instance. Unfortunately, Dr. Paul jumped the shark.

As someone who has fought for this country and her interests abroad, I consider you and yours contemptible. To undermine a soldier's cause while his life is on the line every day is beneath contempt. To continue to spout the lies of "Empire!" is to espouse your ignorance.

Americans are too ignorant for your tastes? Too cowardly?

Hardly, kid. As the situation has become plain to those of average intelligence and even eventually the moronic, your candidate is irrelevant.
Thanks for the lesson on patriotism and supporting dead soldiers Mr McCain.
I see my problem now... I want people to live and not die in a foreign war that was not justified and has put our economy on the brink of collapse.
As for name calling... We're all guilty there.
If you don't like the name "ignorant" don't be ignorant. We have people here posting clearly ignorant conclusions as to how this race will end up. It's too early still!! How about we all, including me, continue to read up on the candidates and stay open minded! I originally didn't like Huckabee, lately I'm visiting his site, watching video and I actually like him. He used to be the "one I disliked the least". Now, If I were more like some here, I'd have made up my mind long ago when the media told me too and I'd be ignorant to real facts and important campaign news that we should all keep up on.
Even after Super Tuesday, there's 19 states left!!! Ron Paul has a real chance. Huckabee has a real chance, but only if people can start supporting based on ideals and what's right, rather than what the media is feeding us.
It shows that in areas where Paul's message isn't hidden by our damn nazi gov and media propaganda, that people support him!
I won't concede that he hasn't won. In many ways he already has. His message is strong and spreading, there are startup publications and newsletters devoted to Paul's message!

Care to provide any examples of where the government prohibited Paul from "gettin his message out"?
Stop it, stage! Asking for examples!?! It's a big conspiracy, devoid of any actual examples (that's all part of the conspiracy), and by asking for examples, you are ignorant, close minded, weak minded, and a moron. Vote for Ron Paul!!!!! :rolleyes:
It's all so funny huh McCain and Romney. You think it's a joke yet you want to be credible when arguing. And yet again...nobody seems to tell me why I shouldn't vote for Paul. Why I should vote for McCain or Huckabee.
I see that our Gov and the people let this media bias happen. That's bad enough. We have a media that isn't doing it's job. Ben Franklin would be appalled.
Well, one that's fresh on some minds.
#1- Last nights debate. Anderson Cooper cuts off Paul repeatedly and promises " We'll let you respond, I promise, in just 2 minutes...2 questions" Never fulfilled that.
90 minute debate, total time for Paul 6 minutes.
#2: Same goes the Fox debate, 6 minutes and questions like " are you a 9/11 truther" " are you electable"
#3: Myspace/MTV debate Sat. Ron Paul not invited.
#4: Fox NH debate, Paul not invited.
#5: ABC radio candidate coverage, all candidate but Paul have assigned coverage on Super Tuesday. I email them..This is what they email back!! Peter Salinger!!: " Ron Paul has no chance and should have been off the stage and out of the way of the others long ago" Thanks ABC ...
#6: Any given news station CNN, MSNBC, FOX. Even now, Giuliani and Thompson are still getting more coverage than Paul!
#7: Online Polls: Most don't even offer Paul as a choice
#8: Hannity and Colmes post debate analysis. They interviewed everyone but Paul! Paul won there own call in poll and Hannity denies it's accuracy!
#9: Check out Jay Leno/Ron Paul. Jay invited him on because he recognized the media blackout.
There's much more...But I've got to conclude talking to you guy's in more of a waste of time. Make you're best choice, that's all any of us can do.
jtaylor said:
#7: Online Polls: Most don't even offer Paul as a choice
#8: Hannity and Colmes post debate analysis......Paul won there own call in poll and Hannity denies it's accuracy!

Nobody to thank but Ron Paul supporters.....they actively solicited people here and on other forums to flood those polls to create the illusion of more support than he really had. The internet and phone-in polls were so out of line with the exit polls and actual votes they had to throw out the bogus results.

Ron Paul was not invited to some debates because he didn't meet the minimum requirement for percentage of voter support.
Witness Rudy and all the smoke blown up our skirts by the "Media" for the past how many months? ONE delegate. The thought fact RP has 6 is amazing.

I'm not giving up on RP or our country yet. I just spent 6 hours out canvassing in my precinct today and will spend all of Saturday doing the same. If the good Doctor can fight for 30 years, I can give him a couple of days.

JTaylor: If you can manage, sign up as a precinct leader and canvass or make calls. every bit helps.
Well, one that's fresh on some minds.
#1- Last nights debate. Anderson Cooper cuts off Paul repeatedly and promises " We'll let you respond, I promise, in just 2 minutes...2 questions" Never fulfilled that.
90 minute debate, total time for Paul 6 minutes.
#2: Same goes the Fox debate, 6 minutes and questions like " are you a 9/11 truther" " are you electable"
#3: Myspace/MTV debate Sat. Ron Paul not invited.
#4: Fox NH debate, Paul not invited.
#5: ABC radio candidate coverage, all candidate but Paul have assigned coverage on Super Tuesday. I email them..This is what they email back!! Peter Salinger!!: " Ron Paul has no chance and should have been off the stage and out of the way of the others long ago" Thanks ABC ...
#6: Any given news station CNN, MSNBC, FOX. Even now, Giuliani and Thompson are still getting more coverage than Paul!
#7: Online Polls: Most don't even offer Paul as a choice
#8: Hannity and Colmes post debate analysis. They interviewed everyone but Paul! Paul won there own call in poll and Hannity denies it's accuracy!
#9: Check out Jay Leno/Ron Paul. Jay invited him on because he recognized the media blackout.
There's much more...But I've got to conclude talking to you guy's in more of a waste of time. Make you're best choice, that's all any of us can do.

I asked for examples of our "nazi" government stopping Paul from getting his message out.

The media isn't the government.
Stage 2, that post was in response to Fremmer, not you. Fremmer asked:
"once again, if you would kindly provide some examples of the "media" letting us down, we'd appreciate it."
Ron Paul was not invited to some debates because he didn't meet the minimum requirement for percentage of voter support.

That statement is not factual Ron Paul did meet the percentage of voter support in fact Giuliani who had less voter support got to participate even though Ron Paul had double the support of Giuliani. New Hampshire GOP pulled sponsorship of the forum due to the exclusion of Paul and Hunter though Hunter had less than Giuliani.

now return you to your regularly scheduled inobjective biased bickering.
Stage 2, that post was in response to Fremmer, not you. Fremmer asked:
"once again, if you would kindly provide some examples of the "media" letting us down, we'd appreciate it."

Ok, then why don't you post for me where the government is stifling Paul.
That statement is not factual Ron Paul did meet the percentage of voter support in fact Giuliani who had less voter support got to participate even though Ron Paul had double the support of Giuliani. New Hampshire GOP pulled sponsorship of the forum due to the exclusion of Paul and Hunter though Hunter had less than Giuliani.

Umm... I believe the requirments were looking at NATIONAL polls, and Paul did not meet those criteria.