Tonights Repub debate

Pat H

This should be interesting now that there are only four.

January 30, 2008: CNN and the Los Angeles Times host a debate of the Republican candidates in California @ 8pm ET.

thats weird...the picture that comes up shows Huckabee very small down near the bottom in black and white nonetheless...must be a neo-con conspiracy going on here
Looks like Ron Paul has moved up from 11th to 4th place....he must be real popular. In a few more weeks he might make it to the number two spot.
So Paul is reduced to just paying to stay in the race and draw single digit results?

Cool. He's a trendsetter. :p
So Paul is reduced to just paying to stay in the race and draw single digit results?

Cool. He's a trendsetter.
He's in, Rude is out. A big change from last summer, no?

Huckabee will be gone soon.

Then Romney.

Then the GOP has to decide if it just talks the talk about limited Gopt and being CONSERVATIVE or letting the moderates take over the party and get killed in elections for the next 10plus years.......

But then......I like principle over being popular......

I dont want to hear a damn compliant out of people that think they are conservative on this board and they vote for Mr assaulotweapons ban or Mr amnesty, on why we are losing the fight on conservatism.......look in the mirror boys

The dems dont have to work to hard to kill the conservative movement......GOP moderates will do it from within.
The dems dont have to work to hard to kill the conservative movement......GOP moderates will do it from within.
Unfortunately that began to happen when Reagan let Bush I place so many neocons in his cabinet. It was virtually complete by 1992.

Back on topic, here's another video clip of Paul taking the two so-called front runners to school.

Notice the smirking McCain and the "deer in the headlights" Romney when the camera angle gets them in view.
That's Bernie. Everyone's propping him up and pretending he's not dead.

LOL!!!! Thats the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. I don't care who you are or who you support. That was damn funny.
Pat H, thanks for your continued support on this site, many here are narrow minded and sleeping...I'm sickened to see people hear supporting gun banner pro WWIII McCain. I like Huckabee too, but Paul actually has a real chance!! It's still early, Paul won LA and got 2nd in NV! He has the most money left and is the only one running ads through super tuesday!
The ones here laughing at Paul will be the ones crying when they lose their jobs, have there guns taken away, pay $4.00 a gallon for gas and watch their kids be drafted into WWIII.
Keep an open mind, do some research, examine all possibilities and outcomes. There's now only 1 conservative running!! Only one real traditional republican running!! Only one guy with broad support and many millions left to advertise!
Huckabee is broke and doesn't have diverse and wide spread support! Don't get me wrong, I like Huckabee, overall, a great guy. Seems honest, loves music... I don't like his quote here: "I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."

But, Huckabee is broke! No money is coming in for him! Ron will break 4 million by morning and has his 51st wedding anniversary Friday, we'll have a $51 money bomb all day.
Also, the majority of Americans are anti war! they have few choices if they truly know their candidates.
You didn't answer the question. Money isn't getting Paul votes. He could have 100 million and it won't change anything.
In the precincts where Pauls message hasn't been blacked out and ignored, he wins! In Florida, where he didn't campaign, the county that was to be Giuliani's strong hold, Paul beat Giuliani, Romney and Huckabee! Media is to blame for much of the low support for primaries.
That aside, advertising is going to matter now! Others are broke and Ron is running ads like crazy in Northern states! He'll most likely win Maine Friday, it all looks that way and the papers are reporting his high support.
Also, he draws support from a wide base, unlike anyone else running! It's just a question of whether there's time for his message to get out more. The neo-con agenda fears Paul as does the New world order liberal society. America is being sold and bought out, UN is about to have more power than our own congress!
You didn't answer the question, who do you support? Can't win everyone over, but I'll tell you that even today and on a daily basis, I visit the sites of Huckabee, Romney, Clinton, Obama and McCain. I'm doing my best to make an educated choice and it's I'm afraid of what things will be like if Paul doesn't win!!
If you're reduced to talking about how your candidate can beat Huck, you're in pretty pathetic shape.

Paul was able to get about 8 mil from a very small faction of (obviously) very "enthusiastic" supporters. That's awesome. Unfortunately for him, however, that money is just being used at this point to prop him up.

He's got, what...six delegates?

Hang in there, though! He could still win!

Well, not really, but I don't want you guys to go away just yet.

I was really disappointed in the Howard Dean personality cult when they melted away. That was sad...