Tom Selleck on Rosie!

I'm back, too. (DC...we'd best be careful lest people start to talk :))

I have a couple of acquaintances who know Tom Selleck pretty well. I'm told his stance on the 2nd Amendment has cost him in Holly wood and he knows it. My hat is off to the guy!
For those of you who haven't seen Selleck's NRA ad, it a picture of him and the "Quigley" Sharps rifle. I'm impressed by both.
I never watch rosie, so I missed the interview. I'm looking forward to seeing it on DC's site. I did see the Entertainment Tonight interview. Jan Carr asked Tom how he could support the NRA after the Columbine thing. He replied "The two subjects don't even belong in the same sentence." The interview suddenly changed direction and ended shortly after that.

I knew there was a reason I always liked Tom Selleck. :)

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited May 19, 1999).]
KUDOs to Mr. Selleck! I thought he handled a very awkward situation very well. You could almost tell that the producers would only turn on the "applause" light when Rosie was talking (babbling). I also have to agree that Fox news has the most unbiased reports I've seen on this subject. There are two sides to everything and they seem to be the best at presenting both of them without a slant towards either.
I just finished listening to it. No doubt Selleck was ambushed. Rosie thought she was going to get him, but he stayed calm and nailed her instead. He was making some excellent points when rosie started interupting and then went to harping on "assault rifles". Also, from her comments on the Second Ammendment, it's obvious her knowledge of history is just as poor as her knowledge of guns.
Much to his credit, Selleck never backed down. When rosie realized that, the interview ended.
Fan letter on the way to Tom Selleck. :)
I've been a fan since Magnum P.I. Who wouldn't want to live in a huge estate in a tropical paradise, drive a Ferarri and pack a 1911A1, and hang out with a pal who owns his own chopper? Even in his Magnum days, he tended to show restraint and responsibility with firearms use. Quigley was a fun movie, great attention to some of the details there. Runaway was fun in a sci-fi category (Gene Simmons was cool to watch in that one). I've also heard about how his pro-2nd Amendment stance has cost him at times, but he sticks to what he believes in.

Mostly, I'm a fan becasue I want to support someone who believes in something I do, and is willing to pay the Hollywood price for standing up for thsoe beliefs. We should all go see his new movie, even just to support him for being a voice of rational thought amidst the sea of media liberalism and gun-grabbing talking heads.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Rich, do your contacts know the best way to get an e-mail to Tom or his agent?

We seriously need to let him know we support him and appreciate the nonsense he has to tolerate in his industry (Rosie, Reiner, et al).

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
Bubbles posted this over at Shooters -

If you'd like to drop a note to Tom Selleck to thank him for keeping his cool and supporting gun ownership on Rosie's show, you may do so at,agicm,tom,selleck,,f1446 .....Melinda

Thanks Bubbles, I dropped him a note -
Just got back from the Dr.'s office. Listened to Rush on the way home. He took Selleck to task for not realizing Rosie would ambush him. I sent Rush an E-mail disagreeing with him. Something Rush just loves. LOL.

Second, my wife was listening to Fox News, and according to some talking head, Rosies ratings have gone up 14%. The sheeple strike again?
Paul B.
CNN just had a news snippet about Tom on the Rosie show. They started off by saying that Rosie had questioned him in a manner that "backfired" on her. Then they showed the bit of the show that showed her practically ranting while Tom was calm and collected and then he explained to her [paraphrasing] that her attempt to further her own political agenda without any reasonable debate was wrong.

The whole news bit made her look childish. Hoorah.
I saw the same brief snippet of Rosie ranting and Mr. Selleck calmly looking almost embarrassed for her on our local Fox affiliate newscast last night. My wife's remark was, "Geez, she comes across looking like a raving lunatic. What an idiot."

I think any increase in her ratings is temporary, as people are drawn to the Rosie vs. Tom controversy. Like people rubbernecking at a fender bender on the freeway, most people will look over and decide for themselves, "There's nothing to see here," and move on.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited May 20, 1999).]