Tom Selleck on Rosie!


New member
Just heard that Tom Selleck is going to be on Rosie's show tomorrow. She is planning on convincing him to agree to compromise on gun control. Tom shouldn't agree just because he is on T.v. He should stand up and fight for our rights.
Don't know the details, but I am sure that they will come to some sort of politically correct compromise for the camera. No one says anything but sweet, nice candy coated stuff in those interviews. It's Hollywierd protocol.

Surprisingly, there was apparently no compromise made. In fact, nearly all who have seen it already, labeled it as the most awkward thing they have ever seen on television.
...labeled it as the most awkward thing they have ever seen...

Awkward for who...Rosie? :)

I didn't get to see it, so anyone with details about how it went down, please post!!
D'you mean that someone from Hollyweird stood up for us?



Of all the times to be a non-TV-enhanced person... I'd've loved to see that.

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
I saw Tom Selleck on Entertainment Tonight last week. He stood up for us and made a good case for firearms ownership. They said thanks Tom and went on to the next story. I was very impressed by the short interview.
Tom tried to explain to Rosie that we should try to figure out what has gone so wrong with todays society instead of making new laws to cover our behinds.
Tom's effort was valiant but fell on deaf ears. Rosie was continually interrupting him when he tried to explain a point. This is a tactic often used. He never caved in but he did have to give up since it was obvious that she wasn't listening. It was indeed awkward and you could see that Rosie was very upset because he didn't change his mindset. She said, "This didn't go as I planned it." I would say that's a good thing.

She said the 2nd Amendment was only meant for people to own a musket so they could fight the British! She obviously doesn't have a grasp on the genius and foresightedness of our founding fathers. It was to prevent the same thing they just went through, forever.
Didn't see it, but heard parts on the radio. It was nauseating. Selleck was a class act, really just there to plug his latest movie, Rosie more or less ambushed him and got upset because the man can think for himself and speak his own mind. My opinion of Tom Selleck went up a few more notches, my opinion of Rosie couldn't get much lower (as in lower than a slug's pecker). What a silly bitch.
...couldn't get much lower (as in lower than a slug's pecker).

ROTFLMAO...Mike, you shouldn't say things like this...I could get in trouble laughing out loud at work! :D Just hit me as funny.
Just got through watch Tom Selleck tear Rosie a new rear end. Guess I know who's movies I'm gonna see.
Somebody ought to send Rosie a copy of the Supreme Court decision on the militia, in U.S. vs MILLER (1939) In this case, the court states that, "The Militia comprised of all males physically capable of acting in concert for yhe common defense...[and that] when called for service, these men were expected to appear bearing arms SUPPLIED BY THEMSELVES and of the KIND IN COMMON USE at the time."(Direct quote,emphasis mine.)
I think that means the government cannot tell me I do not have the right to own an M-16!
What is it that MENOS says? "What part of infringed don't they understand?"
Paul B.
I have always liked Tom Selleck. I HATE Hosie Hoedonnel!! that slug pecker remark was the best I ever heard, thats pretty much my opinion to
I've been on the road and not taken tim eto comment on this until today.. sorry or the dealy...

See Guys... I've been telling you that not everyone with access to the media is a liberal tool or a coward. The mistake Rosie made was giving a guy who really believes in guns access to speak on the topic. Belive me, there are plenty of others who make the same speeches everyday, and that is why they are not invited on Rosie's show....

right now, FOX News seems to be doing the best job of representing pro-gun people in a "news" environment.. As much as I hate to admit it, TNN does a decent job of representing positive gun owners and giving them access on the "Sporting" and "social side".. they go beyond thier outdoors shows, and often have pro-gun guests on the various talk shows that the network runs....

I just saw the show and Tom Selleck did a great job. The loudmouth rosie got really upset and looked like a fool. Tom remained calm and I would bet he won't be back on her show. ( His choice). She is worthless.
I saw the rosie show today just in case anything good happened. Tom Selleck is my new favorite actor, for a while. I will go see his new movie even though it's a "chick flick".

land of the free and the home of the brave......WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT
Does anyone know an address, phone number, or e-mail address to thank Tom Selleck for standing up to Rosie and making Gun Owners look good?

Tom Selleck
C/O International Creative Management
8942 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA
My take on it:
Rosie ambushed him when he did not come to debate, and said that since he did an ad that he should be a spokeperson too. I would like to know if she feels that she is a spokesperson for every company she does an ad for and could answer details about their company policy.

Overall, Tom made her look like a complete bumbling fool and she got her panties in a wad which shows her emotionalism and lack of rational reasoning on the issue. She totally lost her cool and displyed that her education on the matter does not extend past one line expressions.
I am sure that a few fans thought she did well, but there is no way that the majority of watchers did not see that she is a flake and he made her look really bad with his calm, educated reasoning countering her emotional knee-jerk bumper-sticker politics.

I would personally like to get a hold of Tom and tell him he did well and I feel sorry that he got ambushed for his personal beleifs.
I think I am going to write him an honest-to-goodness real letter...on paper even!

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited May 19, 1999).]
Hey guys...

I'm back and taped the show....I will convert to Real Audio files and have the whole "debate" available later on my website tonite.
Will post link when ready.