Tom Selleck on Rosie...hear it, live it, be there

Obviously Tom went in assuming the best. He know he wasn't going to change her mind, but if he could project gun owners and NRA members as decent rational people, it helps the cause. and right now, the cause needs all the help it can get. I think he did a good job given the hostile situation.


Tom Selleck's primary reason to do the show and all of the other shows was to promote his new movie which he did before the discussion on guns. He knew the gun issue would come up and I'm sure that her highness's, the ever expanding, rosie O told him that the discussion would be equal and mild mannered. I'm also sure that if Tom thought that the argument would get out of hand he would end it quickly, which he did. (rosie : you can only talk when I'm not interupting you.)

I thought he handled the situation very well and thought it was somewhat brave of him to go into that snakepit and try to spread some reason to those emotional zombies.

In short, you gotta do what your job tells you to do. In Tom's case, that advertisement.

- Ron V.

Concerning Tom going on Rosie's show:
He stated he was there to plug his new movie. I suspect he has a contractual obligation to fulfill. You notice he was on several shows within a short time span. He may not have much choice in the matter.
Thats correct...there are contractual obligations. Actors are obligated to promote the films.
I vaguely recall an actor or actress a few years ago who didn't fulfill this part of the contract, and there was a serious lawsuit...I believe the actor lost.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I know this is "just" a link, but:

There is a site where you can post electronic messages to Tom Selleck. The site then collates them and sends them en masse by mail to Quig.... Tom.

It's very busy (wonder why?) and in the time it took to upload my message, four others had also posted messages. I noticed the names of a couple of TFL members there, as well.

It's at:,agicm,tom,selleck,,f1446


Thanks for the url! I just posted a thank you to Tom Selleck and throughly enjoyed reading all the other notes posted. Was great to see that there was not 1 negitive response.

John - NRA - Lifer