
Actually, it seems that under Il law, all purchases made a gun show are subject to the waiting period and the background check, private or not. This makes it seem like any private party purchase at an Il gunshow must, legally, go through an FFL dealer.
If a pistol with an interesting history is part of what you want, don't over look the CZ 52. Very interesting engineering, roller locked action like the German MG 34 machinegun. Also the Russian 1895 Nagant revolver, Laterally moving cylinder to seal the cartridge mouth against the barrel. The original ammo for the Nagant is expensive, but 32 S&W works just fine. Goes bang OK, but accuracy with any ammo suffers because of a very heavy trigger pull. Still fun to own and shoot. I have all 3 mentioned plus a E. German Makarov and a CZ 82. Thoroughly enjoy owning and shooting all of them.