Today I set down my Concealed Carry Weapon in the Store and walked off...

I haven't been doing this very long but the #1 thing I was taught in my CC class was weapon security. I would think you wouldn't have to be a LEO to have this drilled into your head. The weapon never leaves your person no matter how inconvenient that may be. I can carry at work as long as the gun is never left unattended (like in a coat pocket hanging up at my desk). There are so many ways to CC that I would think this would not be a hard rule to abide by. I can see sometimes CC in a coat pocket but only when you can think ahead and as soon as the coat comes off the weapon goes on your person somewhere. Like Clint Smith says (and is quoted ad infinitum) - it's not supposed to be comfortable, but comforting. We may have a constitutional right to carry a weapon but that doesn't mean we can be stupid about it. If we want to be the good guys out there we have to take the time and effort to be responsible - ours, our loved ones and innocent peoples lives can end up at risk as a result of our carrying a firearm out into the public. Okay, end of the lecture.
Keep it up MTT and one day you may:

a) need that gun and it's on the cart, many yards away.
b) cart spills and a gun goes flopping away on the ground...
c) you start to put that coat and the gun goes flopping away on the ground...
d) some kid gets that gun and maybe 1) blows his/her head off 2) blows some other kids head off 3) runs off and sells it 4) any combination of 1,2, and 3.
e) you are in a hurry and leave the cart with the jacket and any number of bad things happen.

Oh, and if you are in Texas walking off from that cart would be considered abandoning the gun or leaving it where kids can get to it, which are both against the law.

Keep the dang on you, were it belongs.
