To stay PC here is a list of words to avoid using

FUTO..... Yeah.... sometimes it can get deep (or use whatever interpertation you wish to inset here).... but sometimes the subject cannot be explained in any other retort was meant it illicite further discussion of the subject as NOT a conspiricy theory stuff but to to try to say that this stuff does exist and its use is what the real probelm is..... I guess that there is not further discussion as the BBC and some US newspapers have now picked up the story and made it "mainstream" stuff... thanks for the reply...... I thought that I was the only one still alive here...
Back in the days when computers had only floppy drives, (Big ones!) I had a program called "Racter"; It did an amazingly good job of simulating a conversation with you. (Demonstrating just how little intellectual effort goes into casual chit-chat!)

What would really be needed is a program which would use some of the relevant words in a simulated conspiratorial conversation. Call it "mad bomber", or something like that. If Echelon exists, (And I think British intelligence has admitted publicly that it does.) THAT would be the way to swamp it.

Sic semper tyranus!
Brett..... I think one of the articles I read said something about the guys who found this problem started to add the list to thier e-mail messages.... in the hopes that the list would ALWAYS force them(the ECHELON guys) to hold & scan the message for contents and details... that way... it would tie up their storage and retrieval capacities....and if they forwarded the message to say... a thousand others (sort of chain letter like) it could shut them down........ while I do not believe it would shut them down... it might really slow them up a bit EH?
by the way guys... it seems the Aussies are the only one owning up to this...... the Brits and Americans are keeping silent.......way to go Aussies!!!!!

Well, this Mickey Mouse crap preceded Clinton but Bugs Bunny has been here for a long time. If the American public became aware of this conspiracy it could become an explosive situation. You can bet your guns that the assassination of privacy and the rights of common people to have secure codes would send some folks back to their grade school primers. These people could become the initiators of the public's main charge that the Perfumed Princes who ride in motorcades have ambushed the Bill of Rights, sniping away at our freedoms, ambushing all that made America great.

By the way, I do watch TNT sometimes. My Mercury fulminates with poison gas called petrol!

I send my taxes to the IRS and the Waco attack by the BATF sure has been in the news. I'm not sure the Davidians had fully automatic weapons or any illegal munitions and/or weapons.


There you go NSA and GCHQ! A big ole "Howdy" from an alumnus!

PS: A gentleman does not read another's mail.
Eavesdroppers never hear anything nice about themselves.
" cetera, et cetera, and so forth!"

Love it! :)

BTW... "quiche"?!?!

I mean, with the curtains drawn, with none of my buddies around, when it's just me and the wife... I'll eat it.
Echelon is back in the news,1294,32586,00.html

ACLU to Spy on Echelon
by Chris Oakes
3:00 a.m. 17.Nov.1999 PST
The American Civil Liberties Union has focused its eye on an international electronic surveillance system that allegedly eyeballs regular citizens.

The civil liberties watchdog launched Echelon Watch, a site designed to prompt governmental investigation into the reality -- and the legalities -- of a global electronic surveillance system said to be code-named "Echelon."

See also: Echelon 'Confirmation:' Not


"This has gone from X Files material to clear reality," said ACLU associate director Barry Steinhardt. "I think at this point it's fact that it exists."

The ACLU created and administers the site in conjunction with the Electronic Privacy Information Center and the Omega Foundation of Great Britain, which prepared a report on the issue to the European Parliament.

No US intelligence agency has confirmed Echelon, but Steinhardt believes there is sufficient evidence to require a congressional investigation.

"I admit that we do not know all the details," Steinhardt said. "But based on these credible reports, it is plainly very large, and very sophisticated."

The ACLU bases its position mainly on two reports commissioned by the European Parliament and a letter written by an Australian intelligence official, which confirmed aspects of an Echelon-like operation involving the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.

According to reports such as those solicited by the European Parliament, Echelon is led by the National Security Agency in the United States, in conjunction with its counterpart agencies in England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Such reports paint a picture of an internationally coordinated surveillance system that intercepts and analyzes global land-based and space-based communications networks, such as the Internet. Monitoring operations run by intelligence agencies worldwide are said to catch everyday telephone, data, cellular, fax, and email transmissions. The transmissions are then purportedly analyzed for suspect activity -- such as terrorism -- and handed off to the appropriate government.

By coordinating across national boundaries, governments can monitor each other's traffic and circumvent laws prohibiting governments from spying on their own citizens. Echelon reportedly attempts to capture satellite, microwave, cellular, and fiber-optic communications.
The latest in a trickle of what are often merely suggestions of Echelon-like operations is a patent issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office to the US National Security Agency in August for voice-recognition technology.
Steinhardt pointed out that the technology is designed to summarize voice communications for further examination.

Such technology sounds Echelon-ish -- but then again, it was issued to an intelligence-gathering agency.

That's partly why the ACLU wants to see the issue taken beyond disparate reports, theories, and rumors.

"Echelon operates inside this black box -- without judicial supervision, without public notice," Steinhardt said. "At this point what the ACLU is asking for is full disclosure of the laws under which Echelon operates -- something the NSA has refused to provide, even to Congress."

The report to the European Parliament said that the United Kingdom used the Echelon system to spy on charities, including Amnesty International and Christian Aid.

The United States has never officially acknowledged Echelon's existence. When approached to discuss Echelon-related developments, the National Security Agency repeatedly declines comment.

Representative Bob Barr (R-Georgia) earlier this year amended intelligence legislation in the House of Representatives to require US intelligence agencies to report on legal standards used in surveillance activities.

The legislation -- which targets the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Department of Justice -- remains in a House-Senate conference committee awaiting action.

Barr is a former CIA official and US attorney who serves on the House Judiciary and Government Reform committees. He has accused the NSA of conducting a "dragnet" of communication and "invading the privacy of American citizens."

Documents posted at Echelon Watch include the fax image of a letter sent to an Australian journalist from the Office of the Director of the Australian Defence Signals Directorate (DSD), Martin Brady.

The operating rules of the Australian agency "do provide mechanisms to permit DSD to monitor and report foreign communications involving Australians in some special carefully-defined circumstances," the letter said. "DSD does cooperate with counterpart signals intelligence organizations overseas under the UK-USA relationship."

In addition to a collection of such documents related to Echelon, the new ACLU site will leverage the group's existing site traffic to encourage public discussion of Echelon's impact on civil liberties. It features links prompting visitors to urge an investigation to Congress.

"I think it's beginning to be taken seriously in Washington," Steinhardt said. "It's certainly being taken seriously in other parts of the world. I think the hearings will be the likely next step."