To Run or Hide?

Definitely shoot him. But I guess that wasn't one of the choices.

Hiding in THE room where the shooting takes place makes you an easy target if he sees you.

On the other hand, if everyone decides to run at the same time, you have a traffic jam and everyone is an easy target in that case too.

If you have an open shot out the door...any exit. Go for it. Its hard for most guys with a gun to hit a moving target unless they train to shoot moving targets. Anyhow, the underside of a pew might offer the best protection if there is a traffic jam. From there, they should belly crawl as far from the shooter or, if possible, to the exit farthest from him.

Either way, I believe you should go armed to church. If the pastor minds, (not that its his business), I'd find another church. One that is Bible based, of course. That's right, go to church with a weapon under your Sunday go to meetin' clothes. Jesus won't mind.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Ankeny, sounds familiar. Our SOP is to lock the door, line up the kids along the inside wall (so the roving killers in the hall won't see them--apparently they'll come to the school, then assume it's empty and leave peacefully?)
I'm torn. I think if it has to be done I'll do exactly that--but be waiting beside the door in a low crouch. Unfortunately this means if the guy doesn't try to get in I let him go somewhere else, but I don't really want to try to move 17 kids through the halls either. There's no easy answer. The best option, IMHO, would be to check the immediate outside area (very important after Paducah) get the kids out through the windows and send them to the counseling center across the street--so I guess I'm actually favoring run? Once the kids are out, I very CAUTIOUSLY move down the hall, doorway to doorway, until I reach the phone or encounter the BG--there's a phone 2 doors down. I make the 911 call in case anything happened in the office, then move down the hall checking doors and try to see him before he sees me. It's a crappy plan but it's all I see. I'll probably get reamed or fired afterward but maybe not--the kids will be out, right? Of course, this assumes the case the standard plan is for, in which I find out the BG is in the building only when the office buzzes the intercom 4 times. However, we're the second door in from the side entrance, so who knows. If the guy simply storms the room with no warning, I hope I'll have the guts to rush him. Waiting till he reloads is not a good option in this case 'cause several of my kids are already dead and he's standing in the only exit other than the windows.

Larry P., not to scare you, but that campus is one of biggest sitting ducks. I'm an RA at my school and Saturday night we had a crowd of over 100 people in my dorm's courtyard. People were shoulder to shoulder on the balconies, and at one point security came to help us shut things down (unarmed security, BTW.) Somebody dumped a beer on the new security trainee from the 3rd floor and we never got a decent description. Imagine a gunman in that crowd, or worse, a nailbomb. If you think you're scared, remember I live here!
Not only that, but we're guaranteed unarmed. Several RA staffs even told their residents knives are banned in the dorms. That's a lie and a quick look at the list of banned weapons proves it, but try telling them that. A week ago, they caught an off-duty plainclothes cop who dates a senior here carrying in the women's dorm across campus. They called the cops and had him escorted out and disarmed. I feel much safer, personally--nothing like an armed cop in your building to encourage lawlessness and brutality . . .

Sorry this post is so long and pointless--I need to vent.


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"

I hear ya, but son in college is a married daddy and don't live in the dorms or have time for beer parties. I sympathize with your plight (it isn't the only stupid place around), I was just saying essentially all of my family is now removed from "gun free zones", making me feel somewhat safer. Except of course for the son who works at Dell (GRrrr), but I've seen him work with his hands and I'd rather face a lot of people I've shot with who were carrying a pistol. BBaaad!
After Columbine, I told my nine year old daughter that if it happened in her classroom, to lock the door and under no circumstances get under her desk if the teacher told her to. I told my daughter to use whatever was handy to use as a weapon and fight back like h@#l! After I explained that most victims at Col were hiding and that they had ample opportunity to fight back while the criminals were reloading, she understood that if one student fought back, probably others would too, and then overpower the criminal. At the least, if she was shot and killed, she might save other kids and give them to escape, cops to arrive, an armed adult to shoot the criminal, whatever. She understood that the worst thing to do was hide and wait to be shot.

If I dont have my gun?

Well - I always have a knife... and there is that 21 foot rule. I might take a shot in the act... but I have been shot before. Getting shot is just like the first push in a JR HIGH Fight... Thats the balloon going up. The fight just started. Unless that guy hits my heart or brain stem... he's going down with me. And any "friends" he may have with him.
An AFCK or a Spyderco can be VERY effect in the close confines of the indoors.

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac