To rack or not to rack.....

I always have one in the chamber whether I am carrying it or if it is in my home. My gun is DA and SA so I could just go DA for the first shot and I carry it uncocked for safety ; )
One thing most people are not thinking about are the people such as myself that wake up after a weird dream and aren't quite out of the 'dream' just yet.

I like to think it takes a bit of conscious effort to rack the slide, and I certainly wouldn't trust myself with a 'ready to go' weapon sitting on my nightstand.
The way some of you sound you keep your guns locked and loaded and in your hands as you sleep. I can you see you now dosing off a min. then jumping up every few mins. and coming on target at the door. If it takes a second or so to get the gun in your hands from nightstand or whereever what is another 1/2 sec. to chamber a round.

I keep mine in my nightstand, mag in but not chambered.... if someone is already on top of me when I wake up then no matter what condtion my gun is it won't matter. I plan on having some kind of prior notification that I will need to use my gun before I actually grab it. If they are good enough to be in my room, past several locked doors, alarm, dog barking, with out me waking up then they can have me.
what ever finds your remote bullrock.
thought the perpose of a site such as this was to discuss theories :p .
besides theories never work for anyone other than he who dreamed it up.
They do it in the movies all the time sometimes more than once have never seen a shell fly out yet :) But a BG in the house after you rack that pump and they are to stupid to run they get what they deserve, me I would be gone very fast :eek:
I always have a round loaded in my gun. I don't want to take a chance, it takes enough time to pick up a gun and turn off the safety if your gun has one point and aim. Every second counts.
Always loaded

My pistol is always loaded with one in the pipe.

My SO doesn't shoot my pistol...hand is too small and it bites her. But, she is HANDY with a 12 gauge.
Well, I sleep with my guns cocked and loaded, one in each hand and one on each side of my head. Every single light in the house is on, my stereo blasts that crazy heavy metal stuff (so people think that I am not only home, but awake), I also glue my fingers to the triggers and I tape my eyelids open...that way I will always be ready for something!! I have even hidden loaded magazines throughout my house, along with Claymore mines...just in case my position is overrun. Oh yeah, to be even more clever...I sleep underneath my bed or sometimes in the closet. Gotta be ready! GOTTA be Ready!
To my mind, the biggest reason you can afford ti leave a shotgun cruiser ready versus a handgun is the manual of arms.

To rack the slide of a handgun, the pistol goes out action, your weak hand comes off the grip, and the weapon comes off target.

This is not the case with a shotgun. Once shouldered, you can rack the slide to chamber a round and fire without ever losing your sight picture or losing your firing position. It's a much quicker operation then racking a slide.
Well, I sleep with my guns cocked and loaded, one in each hand and one on each side of my head. Every single light in the house is on, my stereo blasts that crazy heavy metal stuff (so people think that I am not only home, but awake), I also glue my fingers to the triggers and I tape my eyelids open...that way I will always be ready for something!!

Thanks man! :D I liked the part about the claymore mines best. I used to do that a while back, but had to get rid of them. One night I got drunk, and forgot about the mines under the carpet, and blew both of my damn legs off. :p
So you guys think that some psycho BG ,armed, high on drugs and alcohol, is going to be terrified at the sound of a shotgun being racked ????? One friend who blew away an armed BG couldn't understand why the BG did not respond to commands to drop the gun !! Of course not ,the BG had three drugs and very high levels of alcohol in his system . :rolleyes:

Great point, that is the EXACT reason why I don't give the BG a chance (or time) to hear a racking noise, a verbal is all you will get from me.
I'd go so far as to say total stealth until the bg knows you are there. At that point you go dynamic, yell at him, tell him you have a gun and then wake up the rest of the swat team and clear your house. "Clear on the left, dad" "We're clear on the right"... until you can finally call the all clear and everyone just goes back to bed.
I remember reading a story years ago in one of Mas Ayoob's columns. A guy and his wife were found in bed dead, skull shot by an intruder; the guy had in his hands a 1911 with a failure to feed jam.

It only takes once...
oops indeed. been trying out cocked and locked in an old holster attatched to my bedside table. seems to work....
If someone were to come in my house and had real good ears they might hear the "snick" of the safety on my 870, but if they hear it rack it's because I missed.