To chachunk, or not to chachunk

To chachunk, or not to chachunk

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Chachunk Grenade

Interesting. It would definately confuse someone. Might make for a good distraction too. You could, for instance, throw a few of them to either side of the BG. If he starts shooting towards the sound you gain the advantage.:)
Kachunk Grenade

Ipods, with motion sensors, different parts of the room. Get enough and it's like a scene from a movie!
I keep a wheelgun loaded and in the bedroom dresser drawer, so the first (and last) sound some BG breaking into my house is going to hear will be "BOOM."
Home defense weapon is a revolver. All chambers loaded. One speed loader in reach at night along with a mag light.
No chachunk.

Same here even though if I did reach for an auto it would have to have a round chambered , I doubt the BG is going to hear anything over his own screams because the dog will be keeping him busy untill I get there .
giving away your position, and status is a bad idea. Taking the time to do what you should have already done, may cost you your life. If you think the 'chachunk' sound scares folks, just wait until they hear "KABLAM"

My shooting buddy and his wife have a 98lb Doberman, which serves as the first line. If anyone knocked on the door and heard that dog, they would 1). pee their pants, and 2). run like heck. I've known the dog for 10 years, and to me she's a sweetie, but if I were a stranger, I'd boogey out of there as fast as I could.
I prepare my shotguns with the chamber empty and the hammer down for one reason. A Winchester 1300 will work exactly like a Mossberg 500 in that configuration. No safeties to push, no slide to release. I use both for home defense. Set up like that, I have the chamber empty for safety, yet the function is the same regardless of what I have in my hand. This is the purpose of condition "cruiser ready".

The sound effect is just a byproduct of being prepared. If it works, I do not have to replace the carpet. If it does not, then the carpet gets replaced.
"Cha-chunk Grenade"... tee hee. :D Steelheart, he won't even hear that since your .357 mag bullet is travelling faster than the speed of sound. It's just a peaceful lights-out - really too mild of a fate for one as deserving of more as someone who invades your home. At least give hime the SA-cock click a la Silence of the Lambs so he will experience some fear. :)
I thought we were just talking about pump shotguns

Revolver always six chambers loaded. Semi-Auto and pump shotgun I would want the chamber empty.
I carry with the chamber empty, but I don't know ANYONE else who does.

I don't carry empty because I think the sound (chachunk, was it?) will frighten anyone. I carry empty because I only recently got my concealed carry permit, and I'm still afraid I'll sit on the stupid thing and switch the safety off. (Everyone tells me this is dumb, and no, I don't need to hear it again, thank you.) Plus, there's the contingency for someone to grab it and squeeze the trigger, etc... I'm new, and I'm still paranoid. Sue me.

But, at the same time, I don't see the logic/wisdom in believing that you need to have the gun chambered. If a guy is pointing a gun at you, does anyone actually believe they will be able to "quick draw" successfully before the other guy can simply squeeze the trigger? And, if the gun is not pointed at you yet, i.e., you're in your home and hear the badguy downstairs, then why can't you simply go get your gun from the nightstand, rack it, and go to work? Is the "click" of the safety going to give away your position any less than the racking noise? Maybe my safety switch is just really loud...
i keep all my guns chambers empty. it takes about a second to load an sks. that noise of the bolt slamming forward signifies they just went from being the hunter to being the hunted.
samurai, not to rag on you, but carrying a concealed handgun unchambered cancels out the purpose of having the gun. Brandishing is usually illegal, so if you are pulling that weapon out, you are intending to use it. Most gunfights take place at very close distances, often an arms length. In a defensive handgun class, they very often teach how to use your weak arm to fend off an attack while drawing your weapon. Last i checked it takes two hands to rack the slide on an semi-automatic (this conclusion comes after a failed experiment where i used my teeth to rack a semiauto). If a round is not chambered you now have a 2lb hunk of steel in your hand, useless. If youre skittish about having a loaded carry gun, get a revolver. Thinking youll have time to draw, rack ,and fire is like not wearing your seatbelt and thinking youll put it on as the accident is about to occur. Once again, i apologize if you feel i am ragging on you. But you are defeating the purpose of a concealed weapon if its not chambered.

Onto the HD weapon issue, unless you leave your doors unlocked, or dont have a dog (get one!!), you will most likely not be in the situation where you are caught completely by surprise. If you live alone and dont drink or have any friends over or nephews and neices, then sure, leave all your guns loaded and what not. In my house all my guns are unchambered, revolvers unloaded (i can speed load blindfolded if i had to) im not afraid of waking up surrounded by gang members. But hey, different strokes move the world.
I bet that hurt! (the teeth thing...)

I know. I know... It's a comfort thing right now. I'll get to where I trust the mechanics of the weapon enough to depend on the safety switch. But, I'm not there yet. (When in doubt, train, train, train, right?)

I guess I can pretty-well defend against an attacker with one hand (don't believe my screenname, I'm not really that good...), but I think it would be an awful risk to draw one-handed in the middle of a scuffle. I'm sure there's a way to do it, and I'm sure I'll learn that trick later. Have to learn to squeeze the trigger without a 6" flinch first!
My night stand pistol is loaded and ready to go. The 870 is chamber empty, and dry fired so I rack without fumbeling for the release. I also have an alarm and keep the door locked so giving away my position is not that big of a deal.
I keep my 1911 [primary carry and HD weapon] in condition 1. I wouldn't want it any other way because it's ready when I need it.
I keep my AK [backup home defense weapon in case the BG is wearing body armor or I'm up against a bear, etc] in condition 3 because racking the bolt makes a nice sound. The AK also has a strange safety, so by keeping it in condition 3, I won't forget to put it on fire when I need it.
Endless argument about carrying unchambered with a handgun.

The entire unchambered issue revolves around trigger pull. So get a revolver with a 12 lb pull. Argument over.

Next, why carry a semiauto chambered? Because the more you have to do to get the gun into action in an incident, the higher the probability that something goes wrong. It is unarguable math.

Mark that risk against the risk you will ND or someone grabs your gun before you make it hot - make your decision.

Long arms are slightly different as many are not so safe when you drop them. That's the reason for unchambered carry for them for the most part.
Making damn sure of target first, but otherwise:

Old and trusty Enfield pistol (.38 S &W rounds, six shooter, breaks in middle) in drawer at bedside, all six ready.

Wife and I both have S&W 642 with Crimson Trace grips, all five chambers ready.

And the BUG (Kel-tec P32) has the extended mag,, giving it 10+1

Next couple weapons will be the same. And yeah, OC spray handy too.

Paranoid? Naw....I live in Jacksonville, FL, near the Interstate, so more like "prepared"
Just a thought... the 870 safety is a trigger block, not a hammer/sear lock. Our SOP defines "cruiser ready" as loaded mag tube (ours hold four rounds) with the safety off and the hammer dropped on an empty chamber. Supposedly, if the 870 is handled rough enough on safety there have been instances where the sear released and fired a round with the safety on. I've never seen it happen but that's what they teach in our shotgun training now...