Time Traveler ... Wow.


That's just some B. S.

He was neither profane nor letting his arguements stand on his bolt type.

I think veiled profanity isn't nearly as offensive as having a ficticious story you might agree with be called propaganda, that's what I think.
If the government were actually abridging all of the rights that many of us scream about, I'd be worried. Do any of these chicken-littles ever stop to consider just what the Constitution, et al. actually provides for? It isn't Miranda, that was expected by the Framers to be the duty of the citizen to know. It isn't about searches of vehicles, as physical searches of the conveyances of the Framer's day were routine. Freedom of Speech was also an entirely different phenomena back then, as well. We've "expanded" these "freedoms" exponentially over the centuries, most often for political gain, not common sense.

It would do the proponents of a "classic definition" of the Constitution, versus the "Living document" school, to think about what they wish for. There were no automobiles, phones, computers, aircraft, as nauseum, back then to be dealt with on matters of privacy, security, surveillance, and so on. You cannot apply 18th century words to these devices. The definitions that gave us Miranda, and similiar documents were BASED on the Constitution, not PROVIDED by the Constitution.

There are, have been, and will be, those who will violate how our laws are written, on all sides. That's humanity. However, the constant whine of the most extreme possible outcome, always diminishing some "freedom", does nobody any good.

During WWII there were restrictions placed on the average American. The people then (and no, not internment) looked at them, and accepted them as necessary. They understood that the restrictions would be removed at the conclusion of the war. They didn't need a timetable, nor did they think that war could be fought bloodlessly. After WWII, amazingly, the restrictions were lifted, the dead buried, and life went on. Try that today. With the idiots screaming that the government is taking our freedoms, or that we need a timetable to fight on, or that too many US soldiers are dying in foreign countries, we'd all be speaking German and Japanese.
For those of you who think the future of this piece to be impossible see http://www.prophetofdoom.net/ Europe/England have become so smug and soft in the hubris of their pseudo-civilization that they invite people sworn to destroy all the principles of Western Civilization, subsidize them to breed in litters while taxing the productive to the point that they can't afford more than one child, and ban criticism of this situation as hate speech. They move in, sing the blues that they are not allowed to tell their hosts how to live, and engage in bloody riots. This is possible in a disarmed society. Americans must never give up out guns if we don't want to live as dhimmis. Remember to rub your bullets on a pork roast and don't believe the twaddle about Islam being a religion of peace.
Give me a break.

From "Inherit The Wind": "I don't swear for the hell of it. Language is a poor enough means of communication. We've got to use all the words we've got. Besides, there are damn few words anybody understands."
It seems I can't edit my post...

Yeah that would be creepy, but not impossible

What I mean by this is that a world like the one in the story COULD happen, not that I believe it is or will happen.

Also it is unwise to disrespect the administrators of a website forum that you are a guest of, remember free speech only exists in public and on your own property. Not on another persons website, they can and will remove you if they do not wish to see what you are posting.

The likelihood of Muslims doing some sort of world wide attack is about as likely as every form of Christan forming into one group and preforming a world take over (yeah that will happen around the time hell freezes over).

More likely is the idea that people would break into small groups fighting each other over small differences, like what we see happening in Iraq. Basically a civil war that has 200+ sides and not one strong enough to end it, sound fun?
Interesting NON-FICTION!! (at least it's probably non-fiction - given some of the sources I'm not too sure)

Pentagon to Track American Consumer Purchases

Survey: Nearly half of Americans uncertain God exists

Pope urges 'firm, humble' dialogue with Muslims

First Muslim Elected To Congress

The Agenda of Islam - A War Between Civilizations

Al Qaeda: We'll Never Rest Until White House Destroyed

Islam grows in Red China
It's killing me!!!! What were the three words!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

Osama Bin Laden?
The Century War?
George W Bush?
New World Order?
Allah U Akbar?

What are they???:mad:

I hate cliff hangers.:barf:
"Oh, be quiet?"

What is it that causes the people who have nothing to say about a thread to charge out of the wood-work when a moderator cautions a member? If you don't like what is being done, deal with it via PM. If you don't think that this avenue will bring you relief, try another web site. You have no "guaranteed speech" when you're on another's property. The sense of entitlement ends at the door.